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Posted on Tue 9th Apr, 2013 @ 1:14am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Jareth Dalton & Maia Dalton

509 words; about a 3 minute read


Jareth kept his hands over Maia's eyes as he walked her along the corridor of the Tivoli Gardens. She was smiling. "Jay, where are we? Where are we going?" She trusted him knowing he'd always looked out for her, sometimes more than Mai cared for but she loved him. She loved when he played these games with her. It always mean't something grand.

"Would you just trust me and..keep your eyes closed." He pulled her back against him making her squeal. Her hands reached up to pull his away but Jareth wasn't ready yet. Holding tightly with his left arm he reached in front of him with the other and opened the door to another room. "Almost there." His voice was betraying his own excitement.

"Okay Mine," he whispered. He had always called her mine to tease her. As a little girl she had hated him calling her that but as they got older and closer it had become a term of endearment and Maia didn't mind hearing it from her brother. "Open your eyes." He pulled his hand away revealing a shop full of small animal displays, food, accessories, and toys for the animals. Everything from puppies and kittens to Floo bats and Rock fish.

"Jay?" She looked at her brother confused. They'd already discussed getting another animal and he'd put his foot down. They already housed two dogs, a floo bat, and a flitterbit. He wanted her to go out more and do things that young women did, not stay at home with her pets.

"Read the door Mai." He smiled back at her. Painted in forest green and gold was the name of the shop.

Feathers & Fur

Underneath the shop name was a small bronze plaque that gave more information about the store. Maia stared at it silently for a moment as she let the reality sink in.
Owner and Operator: Maia Dalton

"Wait. This is mine? You bought me a shop?" She was smiling as she walked in and turned circles to take in all of it. From the black lacquer desk in the corner with its own LCARS system where she could research and keep her business in order, to the wall of aquarium tanks, each filled with some exotic and colorful creature, the smallest shop in Tivoli gardens was the most beautiful and perfect to her.

"Happy graduation Mai." Jareth leaned in and kissed his sister's cheek. "This should keep you out of trouble during the day now that you're not in school anymore."

"Yeah, yeah sure." She almost heard what her brother had said as she was turning in every direction looking at the animals in her shop. "Are those really Rhyl?" She ran over to a small wooden display and began chirping. Four small creatures played together. They had fur but no distinguishable legs. On Ba'ku they were kept as pets for small children.

"No, you aren't bringing them home with you." Jareth warned her before she got any ideas.



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