Posted on Wed 17th Apr, 2013 @ 4:07pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Fri 14th Feb, 2014 @ 7:03am
2,362 words; about a 12 minute read
Nyx opened her eyes and found herself on a bio bed. She remembered storming out of her sick bay but didn't remember anything after that. She wasn't even aware that she'd been out cold for nearly three hours. All she did remember was that Cara had been making advances on Devyn and she...there was cold water involved but Nyx couldn't quite fit all the pieces of the puzzle together. Why was the room so dark and cold? Her first thought was that Karikkar or Kell had sedated her and strapped her onto the bio bed until she cooled down.
"DEVYN KELL, YOU LET ME UP!" She cried out in anger and waited to hear his angry growl telling her to calm down first. There was no answer. He'd done this to her once before but he'd done it as a kinky joke and then he'd made love to her. He'd never left her tied and alone. Nyx listened to the darkness around her but could hear nothing, not the ticking of a clock, no footsteps, not even the breathing of anyone else in the room. She was alone and she was somewhere isolated from the general population of the station. Then she heard one set of footsteps clacking on the ground. Someone was coming. 'Thank the gods' she thought to herself. Whoever walked through that door was going to get one hell of a piece of her mind.
A man walked in wearing the uniform of a Starfleet Officer and the rank of Captain. Nyx recognized the man's face almost immediately even in the dark. "There won't be any need to yell and scream Adanyxia." Her name rolled of his tongue as if he were relishing dessert. "No one can hear you down here." He stepped closer to her and looked down at her face with a wicked smile. "Yes I remember who you are even with your appliance in place and active." He touched her arm and caressed her skin as if pondering a treasure. "And now you've gone and mated with quite a specimen of a man. Do you know what a prize you'd create for me?"
Looking at the man made her stomach wretch as memories of her time in his captivity rushed back to her. He was the reason for the small scars along her hips. In her beast form she'd been tied and whipped by this man mercilessly. That was his desired method of training her beast. But he didn't want a weapon out of her, just her DNA and the ability to shift at will. He wanted her beast tamed and docile.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to change you this time." He grinned again. "You've been such a good girl and have brought me something special haven't you?" His hand went to her belly, the baby bump just barely showing as she entered her 17th week of pregnancy.
Nyx screamed. This monster wanted her child and she knew she was helpless to protect it. She pulled at her bonds in a futile attempt at escape but Dobbs merely laughed at her and walked away.
"I'll be back Adanyxia. I'm going to cut your baby from you while you watch. Then while you're still conscious, I'm going to put your dead baby in a jar so I can harvest it's DNA. Maybe then, I'll show you some mercy and let you die."
Keeping her panic under control, Nyx managed to spit at the man. She pulled and twisted in the bed but was unable to make her bonds give. Dobbs walked out of the room laughing as if he'd heard a great joke. As soon as he was gone, Nyx began sobbing. Her panic got the best of her and she pulled at her bonds so feverishly that her wrists and ankles were bleeding. She fell back on the bed in exhaustion and despair.
"Devyn where are you?" She searched with her mind hoping to make a connection. "Please someone help me." She silently whimpered.
Just then she connected with a mind just ever so briefly. ~Hold on Lieutenant.~ Was all she heard.
=A=Karikkar to Kell. I believe that I have found Lieutenant Adanyxia. Meet me on the lowest deck in section 94 Gamma.=A= Tallus said as he held one of his most powerful weapons. It was a high powered phaser rifle of Marine stock. It had several modes which could easily take an enemy from a lightyear away to taking out an enemy just feet in front of him.
Had Nyx not been the one that autopsied the poor souls that she was sure Dobbs had tortured, she would not have been so panicked. But she knew that if he said he'd cut her baby from her while she was conscious and aware, he was capable of doing it. She also knew that he'd have no problem letting her bleed out as she watched her baby die, in a jar, on the shelf. Whether anyone else wanted to believe it or not, Dobbs was a monster plain and simple.
As the man walked in again, she noticed he was carrying a tray of surgical instruments and was now accompanied by two others wearing masks.
"My time is limited so we must be quick about this." He wore a forced smile and his voice was full of charm. "I've saved time by not scrubbing up and I have a laser scalpel; much faster than the surgical instruments I'm accustomed to using." He tugged on her bonds to be sure they were still tight enough to hold her down. "Pity really, I would have liked to make this a little more dramatic and painful for you."
"You're a monster!" Nyx hissed at the man in a moment of defiance.
"Oh?" He looked stunned. "I seem to recall you losing control quite often and taking out several of my officers in the process." He spread towels over her as he spoke. "With the DNA of your offspring, I'll have the genetic material I need to complete my augment program." He turned on the laser. "Now this isn't going to..." He snickered. "Who am I kidding? This is going to hurt like hell and I can't wait to see your body writhe on this table."
As the man turned on the laser and touched it to Nyx's abdomen, she screamed. The pain and fear were excruciating. Was she going to lose her baby to this monster? Every ounce of bravado that she'd shown so far had left her body.
"Captain we've been breached!" Another ran in to warn the three.
"I need this DNA!" He refused to leave as he made another cut.
Nyx heard another feral scream as her vision blurred with pain.
"We don't have time sir."
"Let anyone know this is me, I'll come back for you. But I'll keep you and your baby alive." He hissed into the woman's ear.
Nyx barely heard the words. Her world had gone dark and her focus was on anything but the pain she was feeling..
Devyn heard Tallus and immediately headed toward section 98 gamma. As he stepped out of the lift, he heard a blood curdling scream near the end of the corridor. Tallus arrived directly behind him.
"I heard her scream! We need to find her." Kell was desperate. This was his mate and his child. He needed to find and save them but he knew he was out of time. The Klingon in him was ready to kill while the Betazoid was searching for any psionic string from Nyx to draw him in.
Tallus closed his eyes for a brief moment. "Stand back." Tallus said as he aimed his weapon toward the end of the corridor. In the blink of an eye the bulkhead was dissolved. There was a bright light near the end of the now open room. And on the table was Nyx with a man standing over her.
Tallus brought his rifle up to shoot the man but as soon as he pulled the trigger another man flew in front of the shot thereby saving the man's life. Tallus saw him running and he fired again at him but only caught him in the leg. The two men left in the room dissolved into white glitter and disappeared.
Nyx lay on the bed, the wound in her abdomen leaking dark red blood which pooled on the bio bed at her side and dripped onto the floor below her.
Tallus cursed to himself and ran forward hoping to catch the two men knowing that Devyn would take care of Nyx.
Devyn ran over to Nyx. There was nothing on his mind but attending to the woman bleeding on the table. He didn't care if Dobbs got away this time as long as Nyx was okay. Pulling the drapes from Nyx so he could see her wounds, he prayed to any god he could think of that she was okay.
Not clearly thinking, Kell tended to the wounds on her wrists and ankles as he ignored the major damage to her abdomen. He just couldn't focus on priorities. Gently cutting her bonds with the Klingon dagger he carried, Devyn kissed each wrist before laying it gently down at her side. "Come on baby..." He whispered as he gently wrapped the scrapes on her wrists.
"D-Devyn?" Her voice was weak and barely audible. She raised her hand to grab his arm. "He took my baby." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she moved Kell's hand to her bloody belly.
"No sweetheart. We were on time." He finally noticed that she was bleeding out from her wound. He leaned into her ear and kissed her as he whispered again, "we were on time...we were on time...Please goddess, we were on time.
"He took my baby." Nyx sobbed quietly.
Easily lifting her small body into his arms, he tapped his badge. "I need an emergency transport to sick bay. Lock on my location and transport two."
Tallus came running back as Devyn called for transport. =A=Make that three.=A= He said closing his eyes and connecting to Nyx through telepathy. Thankfully he could still sense two conciounesses.
***Sick bay
"Doctor!!" Kell called out as soon as he was stable inside the infirmary. He moved toward a bio bed and lay Nyx down. "We were on time baby...I know we were." He said to her again but his voice was unsure and unsteady. He looked around behind him again. "Where's the doctor?!" His voice was raised.
"Commander Kell, relax yourself. The child is still there. We arrived in time. Of that I can assure you." Tallus said standing next to Devyn as the doctor came over to the bed.
Rhiannon hurried over to the bio bed. "What happened?"
"She was kidnapped. He tried to cut the baby from her." Kell explained. "She was awake during the process."
By now Rhiannon wasn't listening. She was busy with her trichorder examining Nyx. "Commander Tallus is correct. The uterine wall is still intact. The baby hasn't been harmed but I need to tend to Lieutenant Nyx before she bleeds to death." She looked at the men. Grabbing a hyperspray from the counter, she picked up a vial of medication. 2ccs of Hypercoagulan should stop the bleeding." She touched the instrument to Nyx's neck and injected the medicine. The bleeding stopped within a few seconds.
"My baby!" Nyx woke with a start.
"Easy Lieutenant. The baby is fine. I need to get you sutured and you'll be fine too. I've given you something to numb the pain. How are you feeling?" Rhiannon asked.
"He took my baby." She cried before looking around for Devyn. She saw Karikkar standing there.
Tallus gave a brief nod. "Relax Lieutenant. I swear to you that whoever did this will most certainly pay." He said even knowing who it was. ~Dobbs will pay dearly.~ He said through his mind.
"He didn't take the baby. I promise you sweetheart. Rhiannon said the baby is untouched." Kell was able to calm himself some and now worked on relaxing Nyx.
"Just words." She shook her head.
"Not just words Lieutenant." Rhiannon looked down into her face. This time there was no scolding face but a kind smile. "Here, look." She took the trichorder and scanned over Nyx's belly. Moving away a bit so Nyx could see behind her. "There, you see. Your little peanut is just fine." On the monitor a three dimensional image of the baby showed a healthy, well developed fetus approximately twelve weeks along. The fetus was sucking its thumb and kicking its feet. It was obvious to everyone that it was a little girl.
"You see baby? She's okay." Kell whispered and once more kissed Nyx just above her eye. "You rest now and let the doctor help you."
Nyx nodded her head and smiled before looking over at Tallus. ~Thank you.~
She hoped he was being his normal self and would hear her thoughts. She may find him arrogant, untrustworthy, and a pain in her ass, but she owed him a thank you for his assistance in saving her life. If he did read her thoughts, he'd also read that she wasn't about to back down with him. Her fight with him and his training was only beginning. And for her daughter's sake she'd have more to prove.
~I promise you that Dobbs will pay.~ Tallus said as he took his leave knowing that Nyx would be well cared for.
Nyx relaxed enough for the doctor to treat her wounds. She was still in shock from the pain and the trauma of what had happened to her and Rhiannon made her promise to stay at least 24 hours to make sure everything was okay. She gave her a mild sedative to put her to sleep while Kell promised not to leave her side.
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer and Acting Executive Officer
Lieutenant Nyx (Adanyxia)
Chief Medical Officer
Lt Commander Devyn Kell
Chief of Security
SB Protector
Lt JG Rhiannon Szardos
Medical Officer
SB Protector (Devyn Kell)
By on Fri 19th Apr, 2013 @ 1:23am
Definitely an emotion-rousing post! Thanks. Did you want to leave the OOC at the top?