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Back We Go!

Posted on Wed 21st Dec, 2022 @ 3:38am by

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: WV Nomad, Outer to Inner Harbor, SB109
Timeline: MD 4, 1600

As the women of Nomad's crew tried to absorb the explosion they'd witnessed, to figure out what happened, and what it meant, the first voice was the ship's computer. =^=All locations aboard WV Nomad are secure. No damage has been sustained.=^=

"Well, that's something," Podkayne said, shaking herself to full awareness and glancing at Isabella Perry. "Orders, Ma'am?"

Before Perry could answer, another voice sounded on the intercom, this time from outside the ship. =^=Warp Vessel Nomad, have you sustained any injuries?=^=

Riko cleared her throat and answered. "No injuries or damage reported by ship's computer."

=^=Very well. I've been ordered to tow you back to the inner harbor. I'll do that by tractor beam. Set your engines at neutral and stand by.=^=

"Podkayne, please comply with the Harbor Masters's orders." Isabella sat back in the Captain's chair and took a deep breath.

"Starbase 109, we are complying with your orders and are ready to be tractored in." She quickly pressed a button on the armrest of her chair and ended the communication.

"Podkayne, Verrana listen carefully. Starfleet personnel are going to come aboard the shop and escort Riko and me off the vessel. Do not interfere. What I need you to do is have this ship waiting and ready to make a quick exit when the time comes. Do I make myself clear?" Isabella asked looking at both crew members. Thinking to herself, "Into the breach we go."

Isabella looked over at Riko with a smile on her face. "Any regrets yet, my friend?" she asked.

McCord quirked an eyebrow at her boss. "Not yet, but I feel they're coming at any moment. Maybe while we're under escort?"

Podkayne sat with her hands in her lap. This wasn't something she could help happen, so she listened to the talk around her, and absorbed events. There was something strange about that explosion, and there was something going on here on the bridge that she didn't understand. She frowned, thinking that being an AI was hindering her ability to process things, but she couldn't see how. The three biologicals on the bridge with her all seemed to know ... something. What was she missing?

=^=Locked on. Tow beginning in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1, now,=^= announced the disembodied voice.

"I thought you tuned him out," Riko laughed. "I guess the voice of Starfleet is hard to silence."

"Riko!" Isabella said as she walked towards the door. "Let's head on down to the airlock and make sure we have our story together."

"I have no story," McCord avowed. "I'm willing to swear to that anywhere to anyone." She got up from her chair and followed Isabella. "But I'll come along for the walk."

As they took the lift down toward the exit on the cargo deck, Riko asked, "Do you think we'll be in trouble? We didn't actually do anything."

"That's not what the evidence will show, Riko." Isabella's demeanor changed instantly as she accessed her bracelet and pulled up a hard light image of some type of computer code. The code began running up and down the screen as it was processing something.

"This is a computer virus that I installed into the Starbase security system a few weeks ago. I actually still have all my security access from where I was Chief of Security here. I am sure that by now, this has been found and will be linked to the Worker Bee explosion. When they analyze this, it will point to me as a traitor, and that I was selling classified Starfleet intelligence to various factions."

"What?" McCord stared at her friend. Why was she only now hearing about this? "Did that cause the explosion? How could you have known a few weeks ago that ...." Her voice trailed off. She was completely confused. Had Isabella misled her in their conversation about crossing a moral line? Or had she misunderstood what Perry was willing to do to succeed? The lift came to a stop and the door opened. Riko stepped out in front of her boss.

"Are you responsible for the loss of that Worker Bee? And how do you know it was unmanned? Are you sure of that?" Trying to be calm, to get the facts, not to let illogical feelings run rampant, the scientist took some deep breaths as she waited for answers she feared might never come ... or that she could never trust.

Isabella stopped Riko and placed her hand on the shoulder of her friend. "I know this is a lot, so let me explain quickly. This has been one of many exit strategies to get this plan up and running. This is a guaranteed clean exit out of Starfleet with no suspicions cast. Some will call me a traitor, and some won't remember this tomorrow, but it gives us what we need. Also, as of right now, all the evidence points to me and me only for being a traitor. I couldn't make this type of decision for you. If you want to be involved in this, I can make it happen. If not, you will need to resign your commission. Our plan will still work, but will be more believable if we are drummed out of Starfleet."

Meeting the eyes of her boss, Riko tried to see through her to her soul. She already knew Isabella would take shortcuts that she wouldn't. On the other hand, she'd been a good friend before she became a boss. She had years of experience in the intelligence field, while McCord had ... well, none, really. She was a scientist, first and foremost. Listen to your science instincts. What are they telling you?

"Alright," she said finally. "I'll keep following your lead. I'm sorry to be ... less enthusiastic than you might wish, but all this is new to me. I don't have a clue what I'm doing here, or why you chose me to be your number one, but I'll ... learn, I guess. If no one was hurt, and that's how it appears, and you think this is the best way to do this, I'm still in." She didn't give any thought to her commission. She was a scientist in her mind, and Starfleet officer came some way down the list of who she was.

Isabella smiled and hugged Riko. "Thank you for trusting me. And don't worry about the Worker Bee, It was unmanned. I made sure of that before we even boarded Nomad. But I need you to say the words to me. Do you want to get drummed out of Starfleet with me? Or do you want to resign?"

"I guess if I'm in, I need to be all in," McCord said, swallowing hard. "So get the drumsticks ready."


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