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What's New With You?

Posted on Thu 22nd Dec, 2022 @ 10:29am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Captain Jason Harrington & Exo-Comp EXQT

1,576 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 1, 1325

Previously, in Safe Harbor ...

"... Does Orchids & Jazz sound good or would you prefer something like Pick a 'Wich? I'm easy, either way," Paul said.

"That sounds fine to me, I always make it there at least once every time I come to SB109. I find the owner very intriguing and the food is good." Jason smiled at his friend, ...

"I was wondering about the fancy threads but didn't want to think that you were overdressed to meet me. The thought that you were wearing your dress uniform for me never crossed my mind at all. I can't say that I've heard of her, but leave it to Starfleet to have a diplomat at the helm of the Starbase. You always need one such as that to defuse situations. Let's just see how long this one lasts." The tubolift stopped and Jason had already stepped off.

Now, a conversation ...

As the two men got ready to leave, Jason asked, "You don't mind if we break with tradition and I ask my First Officer to join us, I'm sure she is hungry too. She would also be interested in what I have to talk to you about."

"No, not a bit," Paul said. "Go ahead and call her."

Jason pulled a small communications device from his front pants pocket and tapped a couple of buttons, =^=Number One, will you join my friend, Doctor Graves, and me for lunch?=^= He didn't care about past traditions with Paul, as long as they spent time together.

=^=Sure. Where shall I meet you?=^= Mia replied, thinking How fortuitous to have a chance to observe Jason's friend for myself. She was a little anxious on behalf of the Exo-Comps. Even after speaking with them, she had a feeling they felt it was their responsibility to keep Jason, her, and the ship out of the hands of those who wanted them.

=A=Meet us at that Orchids and Jazz as soon as you can. We'll be waiting for you.=A= Jason replied.

=A=We can just wait for her here--=A= another male voice said in the background.

=^=I'll be there as soon as I can find it,=^= Merel replied, and then clicked off. "Computer, do you have a layout for SB109?"

There was a short whirring sound, not at all normal, but then the computer's voice came online. "Yes, Miarau Merel. The deck listing is in databanks to which I'm linked while docked here. How can I help you?"

"Orchids & Jazz? I think it's some kind of restaurant, but I'm not sure about how to get there."

The whirring sound was longer this time, as if it were taking actual space and time to access the databanks the computer had mentioned. Finally, it responded. "Ah, yes, I see it on Deck 600. That's in what's called the Promenade. There's an express lift from the inner harbor here to the Promenade, Deck 687. From there, you take the local Promenade lift to Deck 600, turn left, and you will come across Orchids & Jazz soon. It's listed as a jazz club."

"Oh. That's different. They must serve food, because I was invited to lunch. Lock up after me, and don't let anyone in without the access code. Notify me of any breaches ... or trouble for the EXO-Comps," Mia instructed. She left shortly after, following the computer's instructions exactly, and arrived at the restaurant before too long.

"Hello," a handsome man at the entrance greeted her. "One for lunch?"

"No, I'm meeting two men here. A Dr. Graves, and my captain, Jason Harrington."

"Ah, right this way. Dr. Graves' party is seated to one side of the dance floor, where you'll get the music at an acceptable volume." The man led her around the partition and into the main floor of the club, then past several tables. As the two seated men stood, he pulled out a chair for her and said, "Enjoy your meal."

As she was seated, Mia was comforted by the presence of Jason, whom she knew quite well now, and examined the doctor, whom she'd never met before. "Hello, I'm Mia Merel, in case you didn't figure that out," she smiled at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Merel. I'm Paul Graves," the doctor said as he sat back down and smiled in return. "Welcome to Starbase 109. I hear you and Jason had quite an exciting time getting to us."

Jason sat back and waited to hear her accounting of the events of their trip. He only had his point of view right up until he got shot, but didn't have a chance to talk to her about what went on. They were going to have dinner and talk tonight about the events.

"That's one way to put it," she said drily, as she spread a napkin across her lap. "The EXO-Comps had a slightly different adjective in mind, I'm sure." She smiled agreeably, without actually telling him anything. She didn't know him well enough to trust him, even if Jason did. Too many things had happened in that "exciting time" that had taught her caution.

"I understand that you and Jason have been friends a long time," she said, glancing at her boss. "He speaks highly of you."

"He saved my sister's life by evacuating her and her anthropology team from a planet whose red giant sun was about to go nova," Paul said. "I think they had to outrun the initial shock wave; that's how close it was. For weeks, we heard nothing and were afraid everyone was dead. There is very little that I wouldn't do for Jason."

"So ... getting in deep trouble is a life-time habit for my boss," Mia summed up, not entirely teasing. "Good to know. She smiled at Harrington, taking any possible sting from her words.

Gladia practically glided up to their table. "Are there any questions I can answer for you?"

Mia started, not even thinking about food. "Uh, do you have a lunch special?"

"We do. It's called a Blue Plate Special, after an old Earth custom in the time that the music played here was popular. Today's is white turkey slices, with mashed potatoes and green beans, gravy if you like, not if you don't. There's also cherry cobbler for desert, and your choice of drinks comes with it."

"Oh, that sounds ... good, I think. I'll have that, without gravy, but with lots of butter for the beans and smashed," Mia decided.

"And for you, two?" Gladia practically purred at the men.

"I'll have the same, but with gravy for the mashed potatoes and the turkey. Would you mind substituting the cherry cobbler for apple please? I don't care too much for cherries." Jason said as he looked up at their server.

"Hello, Gladia. I'd like the tomato and avocado appetizer, please," Paul said. He pointed at Jason. "I'll eat his cherry cobbler and drink sweet iced tea."

"I think we can take care of that for you," she smiled at the doctor. He was in often enough that everyone on the staff knew him. The other two she didn't know, but she wasn't particularly curious. People came and went on a starbase.

"In fact, since you brought new friends with you, I'll bet Miss Lantz gives you the cobbler free." She winked at him. "I'll put this order in, and bring your drinks right out. Enjoy the music this evening." Walking away, Gladia took note of those who needed refills of their glasses.

"Taking wild but calculated risks seems to be a habit with Jason, and I'm so glad of it," Paul said. He looked at his friend. "It's not good that it cost you a hand this time, though. Maybe you need to consider slowing down."

"I thought that I was slowing down." Jason smiled and added, "That why I have this." He lifted his right hand and moved his fingers.

Mia watched silently, sipping her water. She realized she hadn't hydrated after they docked and she was very thirsty. Seeing Jason's hand move normally reassured her that Starfleet medicine was as good as she'd heard. Thankfully, it was also fast, and her boss wouldn't have to endure long and painful procedures. She frowned slightly as she wondered what the emotional impact would still be. Had they fixed it before he realized he'd been so badly injured? It wasn't something she was willing to ask.

Paul snickered at Jason's comment. "Point taken. Well, it's good to have you here." He raised a hand and signaled for Gladia to return. "Could you bring us a pitcher of water, please?"

"I could, and I will," she said. "Is there anything else I can get for you while you wait? I should be out with your meals in about 5 minutes."

Jason shook his head and watched as the woman quickly left. He turned to his old friend. "Okay, there is something that I, we would like to discuss with you. Do you remember some years back on the USS Enterprise D that Commander Data stood up for some worker drones that he believed were sentient?"

Paul nodded. "Yes. It generated considerable debate in the Counseling field and in academic circles about what constitutes sapience and how non-telepaths can tell. It dredged up a lot of old, old research papers about primitive artificial intelligence on Earth and elsewhere, as well as what's been written since. What's on your mind?"


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