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Working Vacation

Posted on Mon 7th Nov, 2022 @ 3:16am by Maiek s'Ethien
Edited on on Mon 7th Nov, 2022 @ 3:16am

898 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Maiek's Workshop
Timeline: MD 1 1030

His workshop aboard the Jovith was a thing of beauty. Truth be told, all of his workshops had a similar style to them. The windows were frosted, to allow natural light to enter but not enough that distractions would be visible inside the room when he was working. Each of them had a tiny lamp in the alcove, which allowed for a full spectrum of light to fall upon any vantage from which he was working.

A table stretched the entire back wall, and pinned to the black fabric that gathered at the top were designs that spanned the whole rainbow. A book full of sketches sat heavy on the table before the rainbow began. Some of the drawings were more human, the white one that followed the curves of the faceless woman wearing it in almost a mermaid sillhouette was one such. The bust held a panel of glittering beads that fell in a lovely burgundy ombre . It would glitter, with the faceted beads he would attach to it. Others were much more Romulan in nature, which he was delighted to find followed the lines of the ancient Japan and China in many of its more formal styles. He'd been delighted by their motifs and had several sketches that were clearly inspired by the Kimono. The black dress with a brilliant blue and green obi, had sweeping detached sleeves from the Romulan high court style. The sleeves themselves were lined with the human style fabric, allowing the black to hide the brightness if the bearer wished.

Swatches of fabric were pinned to the walls, as he compared various patterns and accessories to each other the old fashioned way, with pins and samples. His pins were coded to him, and could no more fall out of a place he'd put them than they could be tampered with by another. He had a few technologies in this room that one being the most important. The pins made his job easier and more efficient as a whole but he wasn't willing to step aside to automation so the work itself he did by hand.

At the present moment, Maiek sat on a round stool, in the center of the room one foot hooked on a rung of the stool in a relaxed slouch. A pencil was tucked behind one pointed ear, and there was a tiny smudge of charcoal on his chin where his thumb would press if he were deep in thought. Dress dummies surrounded him, and beside each one there was a narrow drawing table. Pinned to each drawing table was a drawing, and in several cases a painting of the dress or outfit that the dummy was going to be wearing.

One of them had a pin that indicated it was for Ambassador Verelan. Upon that drawing board was a faceless drawing of a woman . A scarlet red bustier style bodysuit, was surmounted by a flowing black and scarlet asymmetrical half dress. It had a long flowing sleeve on the left, and a similar flowing skirt. Gold glittered at the decoletage and around the neck. Golden embroidery in concentric circles delicately traced the vee from shoulder to waist, and from waist to the floor. A golden chain clasped the sleeve at the wrist and allowed it to flutter, and also encircled the waist several times. Gold mesh glittered from the hip of the bodysuit and disappeared into the thigh high black boot and turned the ensemble from risque to fashionable. He was considering adding the mesh to the bare right arm, and fastening a fancy gold bracelet on that side as well. Mayhap, when he fitted it to her.

Another table bore his own mark, for he would design his own wedding garb to compliment that of his wife. It had the most basic of sketches on it, with some Romulan script indicating his ideas. The one beside it, held the design she had chosen for her wedding dress. His smile was genuine and gentle as he regarded the painting. Cascades of white, with faint pink and lines of scarlet accented with gold. The love and attention to detail was clear in the tiniest of details being drawn upon it, in golden ink and scarlet.

"The elements have blessed me far beyond what I deserve" he murmured as his fingertips caressed the painting he'd made of his lady in his designs. A light board spanned his lap, and he was drawing an elegant filigree on it, using the inspiration of ancient earth's architecture. It was that pattern that would become the lace that would fall down her back as a veil, attached to a hairpiece. He also thought he might embroider it in gold over the red fabrics, to offer a bit more of human softening to the Romulan lines of the dress. Her humanity was part of what had attracted him, and to not include it was doing a disservice to his lady. He was thrilled to combine the wedding garb of both cultures.

*All design inspiration found on pintrest.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 9th Nov, 2022 @ 1:37am

Wonderful post fit to what you found. I loved reading and clicking on the designs.