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Solace, a Chance to Thrive.

Posted on Mon 31st Oct, 2022 @ 10:05pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Captain Jason Harrington & Exo-Comp EXQT
Edited on on Fri 9th Dec, 2022 @ 5:27am

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Hunted
Location: Antero/SB109
Timeline: MD9, 1115


Antero was under enough thruster power to dock on its own. The resilient vessel had been rocked hard but this was a dignified finish to a hard journey. Four specks on the hull were in awe at the massive station as they approached. There was much to do, but this view was something that awoke within them a sensation of safety, and an awareness of their place in the universe perhaps. This was no slapdash vessel, or jury-rigged mining operation, it was a mechanical marvel they wanted to experience with keen aching. Peggy had already received packets of data about their rights and Federation laws but was struggling to understand any of it. As far as they knew, they could make this their home, and never know danger again.

Their speech to one another was refined by now, Peggy had developed code for their heuristic learning.

<[PEGGY]- With relative certainty, we will be safe here, 88% of possible outcomes are favorable.>
<[ZOMBIE]- They will want us to work.>
<[PEGGY]- All beings must work, and are rewarded in return. [MIARAUMEREL] has affirmed [STARBASE109] as a safe place. We will seek reward for work here.>
<[BANSHEE]- We have Reward payment from Antero for work.>
<[NESSY]- We must return it. We brought danger to Antero.>
<[ZOMBIE]- Concur.>
<[PEGGY]- Logical.>
<[BANSHEE]- Agreed.>

Banshee initiated the transactional returns, refunding their meager sums to the Antero's accounts. Parting with their last dollar, they still felt satisfaction at doing anything to help.

As second to Harrington, Merel received notifications of anything affecting the running of the ship. Just after docking and securing Antero, she took a deep breath and leaned back in her seat. "There were moments when I doubted we'd make safe harbor," she said to Jason, "but here we are."

Before he could answer, a message signal beeped to let her know there was money coming into Antero's account. "Huh. Looks like the little bots have refunded our payments to them. Why would they do that? They're here in a totally new place, and have no other resources, at least, that I know of."

Jason made a fist with his new hand and then opened and closed it a few times. It was incredible that they were able to give him a new hand after his was destroyed. "That is a little odd. Maybe you should ask them about it."

Noticing Jason's distraction, Miarau only said, "I think I'll go down and talk to them now, before we all head off ship. We're docked and you're set for the moment. I suddenly realize I could use some downtime, and some sleep. I'll be back in about 15 minutes, which will give the base personnel time to decide what in the world they're going to do with us now that we're here." She laughed lightly and got up from her seat, only slightly favoring her right side.

Jason watched as she got up noticing, "Number One, we've been so busy after the fight, fixing the ship and all, that we haven't talked about all that has happened. When we get to SB109 there will be a lot of downtime for us to rest and catch up on things. Also, make sure the bots get their credit back. Make sure they get a good hot oil bath before they depart for all their hard work."

A chime signaling a hail sounded on the bridge. =^=Starbase 109 Dispatch to KCS Antero. Come in please.=^=

Miarau paused, waiting to see if Jason responded, or if the station gave more information. She waited while Jason answered the hail.

"This is Antero, go ahead," Jason responded.

=^=We have Cdr. Graves, base second officer, on standby to talk with you when docking is complete. He will meet you at the end of the umbilical walkway. You are docking in the outer harbor, but the umbilical will match air and pressure inside your craft, so you can walk out to meet him. How many crew are we clearing for base access?=^= asked the disembodied voice.

Mia wondered if the Exo-Comps counted as crew members. They did to her, but what about to a starbase like this?

Jason glanced over at Mia, wondering if she was expecting an explanation why the second officer of a Starbase was waiting for them, "Cdr. Graves and I go back a way. I always have dinner and drinks with him whenever I swing by SB109. We catch up on things, and he helps me decompress. I never told you about it ... because it was personal; he's a shrink. The reason I know him is that I rescued his sister from a planet that had been orbiting a red giant that decided to go out a bit early. There were no other ships around and we made it just in time to retrieve the team of anthropologists and make a hasty getaway. We've been friends ever since she introduced me to him as her savior, and now I have a special request for my old friend."

As an explanation, it gave her lots of information, but left her with more questions ... that were none of her business. She smiled and said. "Great, you can talk to him, and I'll go talk to our computer friends and see what's what with them. Meet back here in maybe ... 20 minutes." She turned and headed down to the area the Exo-Comps were repairing, intent on convincing them to stay ... or at least giving them that option.


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