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What choices we make...

Posted on Wed 13th Apr, 2022 @ 1:49am by Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr & Maiek s'Ethien & Mary Elizabeth Gregory

1,652 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Ambassador t'Saeihr's office, Consulate Deck
Timeline: MD-7, 0035 hours

Previously, on Love, Romulan Style, er, Starbase 109:

Mary Elizabeth gave Verelan a wry look. "According to Federation law, I wouldn't have a right to take their lives even if they had killed Maiek. So what would working with you in this matter entail?"

Verelan steepled her fingers as she looked from her nephew to his fiancée and back again. "In part that depends on how much violence you are willing to have done in your name.".

Maiek sighed gently and spoke, out of turn. "Aunt, don't dance around it with fancy words. You do not have to be the Ambassador here and now. Just speak plainly.".

The elegant woman looked disgusted for a moment and sighed. "Very well. If it were solely up to me I would have them all begging for their lives at my feet for the insult they paid to my family. When Maiek proposed to you, with my blessing....he offered you much more than his hand, technically he offered to you the mantle of the matriarch of our line, since you marry the last scion of it.".

Mayr Elizabeth's eyes widened, and she went still. At last she turned to Maiek and raised the arm adorned by the bracelet and ring he had given her. "Is that what this bracelet and ring mean?" she asked him. "I can see how old and well cared for they are. I thought they were simply cherished heirloom jewelry that belonged to your mother. This is the bracelet and ring that your clan matriarchs wear? That's why it was so crucial for me to be seen wearing them? So the people who oppose your choice would understand that you're serious? That's why they would have thought I was not committed to marrying you if I hadn't worn them tonight?"

"In part correct," Verelan said softly with a genuine smile at her nephew's bride to be. "The bracelet has that meaning. The ring was entirely young Maiek wishing to respect your culture."

Maiek continued where she left off "when we wed you will be given a not insignificant amount of power that you could wield if you wish it. We could make great changes for the Romulan people simply by existing."

"And producing an heir."

"Aunt! I have told you I will not pressure her for children, nor will you. Babies will come when we are ready, not before." Maiek voice was dark, the hint of a growl in it.

Mary Elizabeth burst into soft laughter and smiled at her fiance. "Maiek, a good part of the delight I feel at marrying you is that we will have children together. Once I said yes, producing an heir and some brothers and sisters was in the plan. And regardless of how your aunt feels about it, my mother has let me know in no uncertain terms that she too expects grandchildren. It's not a problem. Learning how to juggle a pub and motherhood will be the issue. But my mother did it, so I'm confident that I can, too."

She gave Verelan a direct look. "Which is something I do need to ask you. Among some of my people, it is not considered at all seemly for members of the nobility to work in trade. Early in Earth's history, highly-ranked people in my country were expected to be managers of land who lived off the rents and produce of their tenant farmers. They might invest in companies and they might engage in politics, but that was the extent of their contact with business. Nowadays, many of the landed nobility do support themselves in business pursuits or government service, and they certainly invest. How are Romulans likely to feel about a clan matriarch engaging in trade?"

"Oh quite favorable. Trade is no dirty word, as money was power, and power is everything. You'll likely gain quite a bit of business from our more open minded factions. They do exist, and the fact that you're friendly to the Romulans will be looked on as highly respectable even from those that do not support your marriage. If you wish it, we could even teach you some Romulan dishes to increase that viewpoint." Verelan smiled softly and nodded "Besides, it will be a beautiful legacy to leave your children."

There was something about hearing the woman you loved saying she wanted to bear your children that struck something deep and primal in Maiek. He was struck dumb by the tumult of emotions and with the pain he was still in, could barely contain it. Elements...this woman...

"I would love to learn some Romulan dishes!" Mary Elizabeth said, her eyes alighting with glee. "I've met very little cuisine that I didn't like. For the pub it should be simpler, rural dishes, like stews, sandwiches, and pastries, food that is filling, but we can offer fancier things in the restaurant that's attached to the pub." She looked back at Verelan. "I'm very relieved that Romulans don't look down upon someone being in trade. I wanted all my life to run my family's pub. Then I joined Starfleet and realized I wanted to run my own version of it, and that's what I've done. I didn't want to have to give it up."

She caught sight of the loving yet possessive look in Maiek's eyes, and it almost took her breath away. She returned it with one of her own. Mary Elizabeth squeezed his hand.

He breathed a kiss onto the inside of her bare right wrist and he spoke softly "Your drive for what you have built is one of the reasons I wish to be by your side a'rhea." he whispered to her, with the flames of promise in his eyes. "I would not dream of taking it from you."

"I think it is an excellent way to meld some of our cultural similarities honestly. You are already respected for the quality that you show in your Cuisine, and I can teach you some of the things I learned from my matriarch. Maiek knows the recipes and how they should taste but his cooking." Verelan paused, and smirked at him "Makes me glad he wasn't relying on his cooking abilities to win your heart."

Mary Elizabeth burst into laughter and shot a quick smile at Maiek before turning back to Verelan. "No, he hired my cook. But fair's fair. I'll be hiring him to make my wedding dress."

"Your cook was very persuasive, I shall have you know." Maiek's smile had only grown. He was handsome when he was stoic, but this smile was something breathtakingly beautiful. He'd been studying human wedding customs and had an idea of what he wanted to create for her, but physically ached to hear what she wished to don for their wedding.

Verelan laughed as well, her edges softening in the presence of her family. "Perhaps, getting you wed to him in the shorter rather than longer term might be our most important action. What are your requirements for such an event? If I can aid in the logistical matters, it will send a message of support from the whole New Colony."

Mary Elizabeth blinked. "Well, er, we could be married by a Justice of the Peace in a week or two, depending on how much we want to personalize the ceremony. Given that this is as much a political marriage as a romantic one, I think we should heavily personalize it and draw from both cultures in the planning. That will take more time than going directly to the courts. To do it up proper, as my mother would say, would require having the banns read in a church near the bride's home on three consecutive Sundays. That allows anyone who wishes to present any legal objection to the marriage to do so. Given those options, I'd say between two weeks to a month.

"There isn't really a Church of England church on the starbase, though. I think there's a non-denominational church somewhere on the Promenade, over by the Masonic building. Or there's that pool where the elemental ceremony took place a while back. That would be a beautiful spot." Mary Elizabeth smiled, remembering it. "I'm not extremely religious, so I'm flexible. Where do you think would be best? All I ask is enough time for my family to travel here."

"If we have it at the stones, then we can get a blessing from the elements" Maiek looked pleased by that "It was that day that I decided I was going to win your heart. I couldn't have existed another moment without you by my side, when I saw your delight at the mist and the stone you took from the site. "

"Then the stones it is," Mary Elizabeth said, giving Maiek a pleased smile. "Somewhere that we both have delightful memories of. I like that."

Verelan smiled, her eyes flickering between Mary Elizabeth and Maiek with a fond look in their dark depths. Tapping one finger to her lips, she continued to speak but quietly enough to not interrupt their intimate moment. " I shall begin the arrangements. May I assume that you wish to have the reception at your restaurant?"

Mary Elizabeth chuckled. "I had thought for a moment about renting one of the private rooms at Orchids and Jazz--and then I realized my staff would disown me if I did that. So yes, the reception will be at the pub. My cook, Mrs. Ellis, has taken quite a fancy to Maiek here, so she will try to outdo herself from the proposal treats."

"Such a festival will never be seen again by any of our peoples." he intoned solemnly, with a grave nod. Mrs. Ellis had created a feast for the proposal like he'd never seen before. "People will talk about our wedding for eternity."


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