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Fri 15th Jul, 2022 @ 8:59am

Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr

Name Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr

Position Romulan Republican Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 180
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel


Spouse None
Children None
Father Gurrhim ir-Korthre
Mother Jihan i'Ra'tleihfi t'Saeihr
Brother(s) K'Haeth i'Aihai t'Saeihr
Sister(s) Imina t'Jaeih
Other Family Nephew: Maiek i'Rhehiv'je s'Ethien
Nephew: Lhian i'Mnaeha t'Saeihr
Nephew: Khaiell i'Rhehiv'je t'Etham

Personality & Traits

General Overview She was at one time the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the act of the argument, and proving herself and her viewpoint 'right'. A few losses in the debate arena, made her re-evaluate taking everything at face value. Especially when the lies about what happened to the Hobus Star began to emerge. She has since learned not to trust that what she is looking at is in fact everything that exists below the surface. This act in particular is what makes her a good diplomat. However she has managed to hold on to her rather Unromulan sense of idealism.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Cunning

-Regards many things including relationships as a means to an end.
Ambitions -To create a haven for Romulans that wish to set themselves apart from the ideal that the Old Empress had set...without losing what it means to be Romulan