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Jokes on me.

Posted on Sat 26th Mar, 2022 @ 8:37am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Jaryl Phoebus

901 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Veruna Spa
Timeline: MD 7- 2245

Jaryl's eyes tracked over a group of young women, appreciating for just a moment the pinnacle of youth's lovliness on their faces. They would fade of course, but he thought in his professional opinion that they would age well. A sigh escaped him unbidden, and he wondered how long it had been since he'd taken anyone out for any reason.

Alexia was watching Jaryl make eyes at the young women, and it irritated her to an almost insane degree that he looked and looked and looked but never actually DID anything about it. A tiny voice told her that it was none of her buisness what her business partner did with his life, but she also remembered that his species needed the interactions with others socially to remain healthy. It was part of why they mated in triads.

"For heavens sake Jaryl, why don't you just go approach them. " Her tone came out more like scolding mother than concerned friend, and she didn't even realize how she sounded. "It's not like you can't get a date if you want one. I've seen you..."

She was about to say 'turn on the charm', but she was surprised by Jaryl's dark look and paused in her speaking. Instead of responding to the jibe, Jaryl did something he hadn't done since he was a child. One strong arm reached out and gave her a hard shove sideways. There was a shriek and a tremendous splash as the smirking Alexia went sailing into the warm water. Pinwheeling comically for a moment, the woman grabbed for him missing by mere millimeters.

Coming up for air, her eyes were alight with mischief and she intoned "Ruuude"

Both eyebrows flew up on him to disappear behind the folds of his head wrap, and he snorted "Likewise I shall have you know."

"Help me out of here."

Jaryl almost refused, but he thought better of it. It just wouldn't do to push ones partner into the water with any maliciousness in the action and expect that the business venture would continue in the same manner it had before. His silver eyes studied her for a moment before he offered her his hand. The young man didn't even consider that she might retaliate in kind. The next thing he knew he was hitting the water face first with a splash of his own, Alexia having pulled him into the warm water. The water in his eyes made his vision blur, and he stayed under water to find her exact position. Coming up behind her, he heard the giggles and vowed revenge. Her giggle turned into another shriek as he dunked her under the water, amusement warring with irritation in his gaze. They splashed each other gaily as if they were children and proceeded to soak all the new growth with mineral water. At least it was good for the greenery.

It was...Fun.

"Pax. Truce. I yield." Alexia laughed, her chest heaving in between words as giggles escaped her upturned lips.

"I'll thank you to keep your opinion off my love life in the future. I am meeting my emotional needs just fine without your assistance,and I would appreciate the lack of commentary on the subject." His voice almost sounded hurt by the accusation implied in her earlier words. He could take care of himself, and he did so quite well. Just because she didn't know of his conquests in the bedroom, did not imply at all that he didn't have them. He did not however meet them from work, as he had much more pride in himself than that. He had yet to use the fact that he owned half the spa as a line to make himself appear better than he was.

"Promise." Alexia drew an X with her forefinger over her heart, with a genuine smile.

"In that case, I accept. Pax."

Walking through the waist high water was not an easy task, as the drag of her flowing clothing made her move slow and deliberate. It felt as if every motion was going through a thick soup. Good thing it's not deeper or you'd have drowned before you could ever have gotten to the side. Why won't you learn to mind your business? Heaving herself out of the pool proved to be more difficult that she'd initially thought, as her clothing had absorbed copious amounts of mineral water and the weight was a substantial thing.

Alexia settled her butt on the edge of the pool and began to methodically wring out her sleeves, shirt and hair, ridding herself of the main bulk of the water. The purple in her hair was dark again, since she was soaked to the skin in warm water. Her shoes she slid out of and poured each out in turn before setting them to the side of the pool. She'd take off her stockings later, but she did ease the water up and out of them with a slow motion of her hands up from her feet. Water expanded around her like she was pouring from a bucket. She turned to speak to Jaryl once more and found that he was gone and she was alone in the spa. Jaryl had disappeared from the pool with an ease that was infuriating, and yet again she wondered what he did when he wasn't here.

The man was damnably mysterious.


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