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Well, There WAS a Ferengi!, Part 2

Posted on Sun 12th Sep, 2021 @ 12:11am by Voareth Darqaron & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Kendra Lincoln & Mozatholm Zaldekulmu

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 2, 930

Previously ...

Voareth slowly stepped out from behind a stack of storage crates. Understanding the Starfleet type to not open fire immediately, she was not entirely convinced of that and had sought out at least some bare protection. She stepped into view with her hands up, shoulder high, and palms out. “Is there a problem, officer?”

And now ....

"That's what I'm here to determine," Lincoln said. "We have a report of someone being attacked in here with a knife. Who are you and what are you doing in this empty building?"

Voareth knew the tactics of the scenario. Though the female before her had a phaser, Voareth was certain she could wrest if from her and gain the upper hand … if it were not for a squad just beyond the door. There was no better way out of this than honesty.

“I was meeting … with a business associate.” The thought crossed her mind that Poark would turn her in, but she felt sure he would see the lucrative nature of their, as yet, unagreed upon agreement. “Honest.”

"A business associate, huh? You generally meet business associates with knives? Or was your ... associate the one with the knife? And where is this associate now? Lying dead behind some crates?" Kendra let her full suspicion show, though she had reservations about the report she'd received. She watched the woman's feet as much as her face and added a question. "And you still haven't said who you are. What is your business down here?" Further inspection proved the woman’s right hand was gloved.

A barrage of questions. In Voar’s experience, such questioning came from law enforcers who felt high and mighty about themselves or from those who hoped they found the crystal mine that would make their career. She gave a small grin as she slowly stepped into the open, still holding her hands up.

“No dead bodies here, officer. No knives, either.” She thought quickly and looked about all the storage crates. Who knew what could be stored or left behind? “At least, nothing with my fingerprints or showing any sign of recent use.” She slowly lowered hands and started working the glove off her right hand. “My name is…Darq,” was the name she chose. “I am a Hirogen. Not sure if you have heard of us. My business here was to meet with an associate, who has since departed. Alive, of course,” she added.

Reaching out with her empathy, Voareth could feel unbelief and suspicion from the law enforcer. There were also tense feelings just outside the door. There was also the youngling, he who threw his food at her, who witnessed her near kill. He was apparently a trusted individual. Having previously perused the station’s legal guidelines, Voareth knew there was no evidence. The worse they could do is hold her for 24 of their hours.

"That answers one question, Darq," Lincoln said, "but there's still the question of what your business is that you are meeting in a dark, closed off area. You realize how suspicious that is, don't you?" She lowered her weapon, but didn't sheath it. Anything could still happen.

Calling out to those outside, the policewoman said, "Come on in, Michaels. Leave the boy outside for now."

A moment later, a tall fellow wearing the uniform tunic of Starfleet Security entered, side-stepping the abandoned pizza box. He took a penlight from a pocket and shone it over the floor and walls and briefly shone it on the two women inside, keeping it angled below their faces. His gaze fixed on Voareth for a moment, and then he shifted his attention away, as if looking for something else, which he found before glancing at Lincoln and the unknown woman again.

"Definitely not a Klingon," he said with a faintly amused look. "What've you got, Officer Lincoln?"

Definitely not a Klingon, Voareth thought to herself. “How very astute. I am a Hirogen. It is understandable if you have not heard of us. I come from very far away. And yes,” she turned to Kendra, “I do understand how suspicious it is. My associate and I simply did not want too many ears about. Surely no laws have been broken,” she finished, looking between them both.

"That depends on what the other fellow has to say." Backed up by Michaels, Lincoln sheathed her weapon and took out her PADD. "Name of this business associate?"

Voareth thought a brief moment. She had no need to lie but also had no need to give up any names. At the same time, Poark had no need to press charges. If he had wanted to go to the authorities, he would have, and the current conversation would be going complete different. She looked between the two before her.

“Poark…is his name. A Ferengi. He arrived aboard your starbase via refugee transport, the same day I arrived.”

Sure they would immediately see that he was a destitute Ferengi with a price on his head, his accounts frozen by the FCA, and who knows how many hunters after him but they had nothing on Voareth. She reminded herself, the worse they could do was hold her for 24 of their hours while they sought out Poark. Things would definitely get interesting once and if they did find him.

"We'll check the manifests for him. It may take a while, as a lot of refugees come through here. Where are you staying, in case we need to find you again?" Lincoln asked. She only half expected any of these answers to be honest, but Detective Michaels would be in charge of the security issues involved in that, so she simply followed protocol.

This was turning out to be easier than Voareth previously thought, though she knew some added circumspection to be in order. “I am staying in Brown Sector.” She thought to mention the name of Solis Renato but he knew her by a different name. “Central area for your refugee population, but I paid a little bit more for some better accommodations. You will certainly see my arrival just a few days ago. Simply look for the only Hirogen, I am sure, aboard your station. That, and I can give you my hailing frequency.” Voareth shook her head. “No need to come looking for me when you can contact me immediately.”

Officer Lincoln glanced at the security officer to see if he wanted to add anything.

Kellian had been subtly studying the woman as she and Kendra had spoken There were several places on her where she could have hidden a knife, but he didn't see the outline of one under her clothing or where one could have been easily grasped.

Voareth could tell those eyes were probing her. They would find nothing. She was hoping they were really wanting to make an arrest. Finding nothing and having to let her go would only make them question the situation more the next time someone approached them with her name.

“If there is nothing else,” she said and started to take a step. As she was allowed to leave, though knowing all was well, Voareth kept glancing over her shoulder taking quick glances to ensure neither of the two law enforcers were going to attack from behind.

Voar's suspicion proved true as there were other enforcers outside. Additionally, there was the kid she saw. Their eyes connected and Voareth stared at him a bit longer than he seem comfortable with. She took in his features. Usually it was to memorize the face of future prey. This time though, seeing as he was just a youngling, she was memorizing the face of someone to look out for. He was obviously confused as to why Voareth was walking away free. The law enforcers spread about were apparently given the order to stand down.

Voareth gave the youngling a quick wink, turned and started slowly away.


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