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Anomalous Day, Final

Posted on Sat 11th Sep, 2021 @ 1:28am by Nicha th'Elex & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Sorra Yarime (Yari)
Edited on on Tue 1st Nov, 2022 @ 3:49am

1,241 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Unknown Planet, most likely a secret training base
Timeline: MD 1, 1900 Local Time

Previously, the rescue went a little awry ...

There was a muffled sound from under the Orion's body.

"Someone, get over there and help her!" Yari pointed to where the Orion lay. "I'm on my way down." Yari began looking for another stick that he could use for a cane. The one that he had used to clobber the last Orion with was shattered in two.

But now ....
Aezash holstered his disruptor in the left holster and rolled to one side to get up since he could only use his left arm. He slowly got to his feet and looked around for Nicha. "You okay?" He asked.

"Fine as forgon's hair," Nicha said, holstering his weapon at last and jumping down some rocks to reach S'lani. With a giant effort, he heaved the dead Orion from her and pushed him further down to land in a flat place. "What's the damage and how can I best help?" he asked his cohort.

"Left shoulder," S'lani said, her voice quiet. It was pretty obvious, with all the blood. "Right ankle and calf." The ankle had been hurt before, but the concussive blast had done some damage to her foot and calf as well. "Something to lessen the pain, a coagulant, and a brace for my ankle and foot should suffice for now. How is Yari?"

"He seems to have come out better than anyone else in this fray," the Andorian said, pulling the first aid kit from his belt pack. Rummaging through, he found a pain killer and gave the woman a good dose before deciding what to work on first. "That shoulder looks rough. Let's take care of that first." He sprinkled a blood clotting agent across her shoulder and wrapped a bandage around it and under her arm. The pain killer had already settled in and he didn't think he hurt her too much.

"A brace?" Nicha looked around for appropriate branches but didn't see anything close by. "Don't move. You could do more damage. I'm going to have to search for the right lengths of branches that will be sturdy enough to provide support to that ankle. Or you're going to have to let me carry you. Your choice." He glanced at Aezash and saw he was tending to his own wounds.

Aezash grabbed the First Aid Wound foam from a holster on his belt and began to spray the foam in the wound on his shoulder. As the foam expanded into the wound it burned something fierce. He wanted to yell out in pain but was able to resist. There was no telling if there were others close by.

"Yari is also in need of help," S'lani said. "I do not believe you can carry us both."

"Not at the same time, no, but I think Yari and Aezash can help each other and I can carry you. Yari just knocked an Orion out of the ballpark, so he's in better shape than you are. If you'd rather limp your way back and slow us all down, that's your right, of course," th'Elex gave her a hard time.

She gave him a haughty glare. "I will suffer the indignity for the sake of expediency." In truth, she wasn't sure she'd be able to walk without a thick bandage and a cane of sorts.

Aezash tapped his combadge opening a channel to the Conundrum, =A=Aezash to the Conundrum.=A=

=A=Conundrum here, it's good to hear your voice. Is everything alright? I'm detecting some injuries to the away team, but I can't be sure. There is a lot of interference so it's hard to get a good reading on everyone.=A= The AI known as Lucy said.

=A=Can you get a lock on everyone and beam us up?=A= Aezash asked.

=A=Negative Captain, You need to move about three hundred meters to the southwest, then I should be able to get a lock on everyone, but you must hurry. I think I am picking up life signs of hostiles closing on your position.=A=

=A=Acknowledged, I'll contact you again when we reach the beam up point, Aezash out.=A= Aezash closed the channel by tapping his badge once more then began walking towards the others. "We need to get moving, we'll have company soon."

Yari popped out of the brush, leaning heavily on a sturdy stick, "I heard, we better get moving then." He looked at the other two, "You two okay to walk?"

S'lani looked at Nicha. "No, but Mr. th'Elex has offered to assist me."

"Okay, walk as best you can. I stay up here on the ridge and walk parallel to you so I can watch your back."

S'lani bent her knee so her good foot was on the ground and raised her good arm for Nicha to help her up. If she could stand, she'd then try to limp without putting weight on her bad foot.

Swooping down, Nicha put one arm under S'lani's legs and another under her arms, around her shoulders and scooped her up. With a grunt he said, "300 meters. Piece of cake," and started in Aezash's direction. The less he said, the more strength he had to carry the woman. Slight though she was, she wasn't weightless. The sooner they reached the rendezvous, the sooner they could beam out and then go to warp. "See? Not so bad," he muttered as he hurried forward.

"It is appreciated," S'lani said. Apart from that, she remained quiet and held as still as she could, focusing her mind on not letting the pain make her react and thus cause Nicha additional trouble.

Yari called down to Aezash, "Lead the way and cove booby traps from the front, I have your backs. We don't have much time."

Aezash ignored the pain in his shoulder like he was taught in his training. He set the sensors in his suit to search in passive mode. There was a chance that his scans could be picked up by hostiles in active mode, unlikely, but possible never the less. His disruptor was back out in his good hand and he glanced back up at Yard, "Watch out for traps, they're everywhere."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Yari said back then looked down at his wound. It had continued to bleed and left a trail of blood with every step he made.

Aezash glanced back at Nicha, "Stay close and step where I step. We are almost there." He hope Nicha could carry her the whole way because everyone else was wounded and there was no way they could.

Nicha just grunted. He stepped carefully after Aezash and it didn't take long to cover the 300 meters to the pick up point.

Aezash now knew exactly what to look for now in the traps and pitfalls. Whoever designed the first ones that he had encountered must have designed them all. He was able to avoid 5 of them before they reached the transporter coordinates.

Yari was no stranger to traps and in his time on Bejor, he had made some nice ones for the Cardassians. He was also able to reach the location without incident.

Aezash tapped his wrist communications device, =^=Lucy, transport us directly to the Med Bay and activate the Artificial Doctor.=^=

=^=The Doctor is waiting for you, transporting now.=^= A shimmering light enveloped the away team and in a moment they were gone.


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