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Lay of the Land - Part 3

Posted on Wed 3rd Mar, 2021 @ 7:21pm by Sipov Boros & Renato Solis
Edited on on Wed 3rd Mar, 2021 @ 7:22pm

1,663 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Deck 2245, Section 221-B, Renato's Center
Timeline: MD 2, 1900 Hrs

Previously on Lay of the Land ...

That explained everything Sipov found around him and why this layout was much different than he'd expected. Other people aside from Tannis and Kya lived here. He appreciated the fact that this woman got straight to business. While small talk was always an important part of business, sometimes it was best truncated.

"I don't need him to go seek out anybody or anything like that. I mainly would like to sit down with him and talk, ask questions about how things really work around here. Call it an effort on my part to better familiarize myself with my current situation. I'm not exactly from around here, or anywhere close, for that matter."

While part of Sipov hoped most of what he wanted to know could be obtained through casual conversation, he expected to shell out some latinum as well.

Next, Kya has more to say ....

She could appreciate that, but a part of her suspicions, perhaps the mother in her, suggested this man brought a heap of issues with him. She had to filter those with whom Renato spoke and interacted. His recovery was on a solid footing, but even playing with children caused telepathic addiction disorder to drive him to manic heights. This place was for peace, and recovery. It was about finding a new life when your old one is torn away. He had enemies aplenty, but not in this Sipov fellow. So she agreed, and sent the standard come home page.

"Should be a moment only, I have Treacle tarts cooling." She pointed at the kitchen. There was always food on the counters, from fresh fruit to banana loaf. Some wanted to be secretive and unseen, so food was something that was always out, ready to grab. "There's is still some stew with actual produce and non synthesized food in it too, We also keep lemon flavored drink with various teas. Take a look, does anything interest you?"

The hospitality wasn't something he'd expected, so it caused the Vulcan to smile. "Thank you, and if I may, I'd like to try some of the soup. I try to eat fresh food any chance I get, replicated stuff never quite makes it there for me." Having grown up in a foreign family where food was cooked daily, it was something that he took advantage of when possible. "Something tells me you keep quite an eye on things around here."

Kya nodded as she plated the bread and a side of greens, piled the hearty stew into a bowl and placed it at his seat. As she worked, she replied, "Someone has to, Renato is still ... learning how to do his job, so that leaves this to me to look after. It's mostly cooking, but sometimes bad days will happen,. It is nice to see them coming, maybe stop it before it starts."

The chime sounded three times, then a space for a missing beat, and then once more. There was no apparent reasoning for this until several children erupted from dark corner and rooms deep within the Center. As one large movement, Renato opened the double doors with a flourish. The waiting children cheered when his grinning visage performed cartoonish faces and greeted each of them by name, flipping their favorite treats to them. He waited until they had put the candy in their mouths before telling them, "Ask your parents." The panic was adorable, one girl spit hers out so Renato secretly slipped her another one.

Kya smiled, getting up to warm the meal she saved for him. She grunted slightly, the day's work having gotten into her bones already, but nobody went hungry in this place so long as she was alive.

"I'll go grab some more drinks, he'll be right over."

Renato's eyes landed squarely on Sipov, a moment of intense concentration knitting his brow. It wasn't unfriendly, but there was no mistake that Sipov was under intense scrutiny. His jacket, leather, was well worn and had a few scuffs around it, but the back of the jacket seemed to have the most wear indicating he'd likely spent a fair amount of time fighting or sleeping from that position. It didn't appear to match the rest of his clothing which looked to be new except for his black boots that had seen better days. They were in definite need of a fresh coat of polish, although were free of dirt.

Several small scars that had faded with time adorned his hands, presumably from cuts, likely from hard labor. The ring on his left pinky finger appeared to be made of pure Surax and a small Jeavonite stone was socketed in the front, indicating he'd either stolen it or had been involved with large amounts of latinum. Sticking out of the corner of his pocket was a PADD made of a metal that was rarely seen, the color however was unmistakable to Renato. It was of a Breen design. His ears being less pronounced indicated either Half Vulcan or Romulan but the choice in clothing didn't align with either race's typical style.

Busy with his meal when hearing the chime, Boros continued to focus on the food before him. He had no clue who Renato was and, with the show he heard going on moments later, he didn't want any part in being swamped by a bunch of kids. It didn't take long for him to get about halfway through the bowl of soup when he took note of how quiet the room suddenly became. He felt a pair of eyes upon him. Still hunched over the bowl with the spoon up to his mouth, Sipov turned slightly and looked over at the man to the side of him before chewing and swallowing the stew in his mouth.

There stood a human with peppered hair and clothing that had subtle tones. It was obvious the man wasn't trying to stand out in any way, aside from a somewhat imposing look. He was someone who could be easily dismissed into the background, but could also likely cause trouble if the situation called for it.

While being studied wasn't something Sipov was very fond of, it meant he was being sized up. In his mind, there were two options. He could either challenge the man, which given his current intent would likely not end favorably either way. He was here to talk not brawl. Or he could offer the man a seat, which given the fact he was a guest here would be awkward, since this man obviously lived here, but it would show his true nature at the moment.

"Care to join me? You can get a closer look, and it'll be less awkward for both of us." It would give the Vulcan-Human hybrid a chance for a closer look at the other man, as well.

"I'm not awkward, are you? Nice to meet you, though. I presume you know the lay of the land already, and who I am. Kya here is the other half of my brain, very glad you could meet her."

Renato took the seat across from Sipov. At this range his telepathy picked up shouts from anyone. This one had a Vulcan flavor but Human aftertaste. His medical access provided the details to his earpiece so he followed up with a slightly menacing tone,

"Sipov Boros. Care for a drink?"

He chuckled as Renato took a seat across from him. "So you're Renato Solis. It's good to finally meet you, although the hospitality I've received since arriving has been appreciated."

There was an air about the other man which he'd expected. Investigators of any kind were always questioning things, wanting to know more. What made Renato more unique, however, Sipov was unaware of.

I don't believe either of us are awkward, though perhaps the situation is. I think it's settling now that you're here. And I'm always up for a drink."

The fact that Solis already knew his name wasn't a surprise. It was likely someone else had contacted him once he arrived and asked for the man. It was smart to have some idea of whom you were going to meet as one never knew what they could end up running into. Especially inside their own home. The demeanor from Renato was something that Sipov had hoped for, as it was indicative of how much detail the man likely picked up, or wouldn't have if he'd been a different man. He would, however, pay attention to his new acquaintance.

A drinking buddy is no true friend. Renato was testing the waters to see what had brought Sipov here. Had Sipov eagerly pulled a bottle or quaked at the thought of it, then that told the story of a man who needed help. However, there is another type, the type who is your partner in crime and enables you for weal or woe. The wry grin and gentle demeanor was convincing Renato which one this man was.

"We should retire to my office once we are done with small talk here, best to keep this a private meeting then. What brings you here tonight, do you need help with housing?" Renato knew damn well it wasn't so mundane, but fishing was a process of casting and retrieving.

"Well," Sipov replied, once he chewed and swallowed another heaping spoon full of stew, "I'm here to know what you know, meaning I have some questions. Being new here, I don't really know much about this station or who the key players are, mostly in regard to security and law enforcement. I know a question would be why not go and talk to the Sheriff myself, it would be easier. But I don't trust any Sheriff or Security Chief or Constable or anything else they want to call themselves. A Private Investigator, such as yourself however, typically has no allegiance, so that's why I'm here."

More to come


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Comments (1)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Sat 10th Apr, 2021 @ 1:38am

Renato with the kids is just adorbs. <3