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Aliam Gratiam (Another Favor) Part Two

Posted on Wed 3rd Mar, 2021 @ 12:40pm by

585 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Isabella Perry's Quarters
Timeline: MD 06 1800 hrs

"Go ahead, Henry." Isabella said after tapping her combadge.

=^= "I got a little something for you, sis. Where can we meet?" =^= Henry asked with uncontainable excitement in his voice.

"Well, I'm on my way to my quarters at the moment. Why don't you meet me there, and we could get a bite to eat and talk." Isabella said as she entered the turbolft. Even though she was tired from her day, she could tell her brother was excited about whatever he had for her, and she didn't want to disappoint. She knew she needed to spend as much time with Henry as possible before the mission started.

"Deck 120," the Lt. Cmdr said as she leaned against the wall of the turbolift. She rubbed her eyes with weariness. She had been working hard, trying to get her crew together, making sure her contacts were still in place. All she needed was to get the Winter sisters on board and her crew would be complete.

The tubrolift doors whooshed open, and Isabella made her way to her quarters. Once inside, she took a quick shower and got ready for her brother to come by with his surprise. Before she knew it, Isabella heard the door chime to her quarters.

"Enter," she said as she sat down on the couch. Henry entered his sister's quarters with a box under his right arm. "Hey sis, are you ready to see what I got for you?" he asked, sitting on the couch beside her. Isabella sat up on the edge of her seat, infected with Henry's excitement. He slid the box over to her on the coffee table that sat in front of the two.

"Check this out," Henry said.

"Is this what I think it is?" Isabella asked with a smile growing across her face. "Does it work?" she asked as she brought the box closer and opened the lid to reveal two gold bracelets. "Do they work?" she asked again with giddiness.

"What kind of question is that to ask me, of all people?" the port captain said with feigned anger. Henry grabbed his chest in an exaggerated fashion, showing his sister how she had hurt him with her question.

"I know Henry. I'm just excited about these. O.K., give me the full rundown." Isabella put her bracelet on her left wrist and heard a chirping noise. A ray of hard light was emitted from the centerpiece of the bracelet. onto her left forearm.

"What in the world is this?" she asked stunned with amazement.

"This is your Hardlight interface for your new communicator." Henry put his bracelet on his left arm and heard it activate. Once the Hardlight interface activated, he began walking Isabella through the device functions.

"O.K., your teams' bracelets will function as a person-to-person and ship-to-person communications system. Through the Hardlight interface, you also have access to a miniature tricorder system. Now, due to the size of the bracelet, the data repository is not as robust as a normal tricorder, but you will be able to perform basic scanning functions and very basic medical scans. I have also taken the liberty of making it so no one can access Nomad if they aren't wearing one of these bracelets unless you or a crew member explicitly tell the computer to authorize it."

Isabella marveled over the communication device. Amazed at how beautiful it was and how sleek it is. "What else can it do?" She asked with excitement in her voice.


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