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Meeting Commander Zed

Posted on Thu 25th Feb, 2021 @ 1:41am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Commander Zed & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

916 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Thunder Child
Timeline: about three weeks ago

Thunder Child was right where they said she would be, but the Prototype was a few minutes later than was expected. It still had kinks that needed to be ironed out but, for the most part, would make an awesome vessel. Elliot lined the Prototype up with the back of the Akira class, Thunder Child, =A=This is Flight control, Prototype, reduce your impulse speed to zero and continue on thrusters only and continue at 20 KPH.=A=

=A=Acknowledged, 20 KPH.=A= Elliot said, then did as instructed. He continued on at 20 KPH until he got really close then slowed, so he could enter their massive shuttle bay that was full of fighters and all types of support craft. The Akira class was basically a flying shuttle/fighter bay with guns.

Elliot secured all the systems on the Prototype and shut her down. He looked out the window and saw a few people watching him. He had asked that, due to the sensitivity of the Prototype, everyone on this side of the hanger bay be removed until they could cover it up, since it was still highly classified. The door slowly opened and Elliot walked out.

Zed and two of her Officers approached Elliot, "I'm Commander Zed of Thunder Child, and you must be Lieutenant Jericho." Zed extended her hand.

Elliot took her hand in a handshake and released it. "it's a pleasure to meet you, Commander."

"This is my XO, Lieutenant Commander Gemma Craven and my Chief of Security, Lieutenant Shanna O'Dell." Zed pause for the introductions.

"A pleasure to meet you,"Gemma said, shaking his hand as well.

O'Dell nodded at the pilot, but remained silent. She was still working into her role here on Thunder Child, and didn't want to make a misstep. She'd read one report on this vessel and its acquisition while she was still on SB109. Quite likely, there were a lot of pieces missing.

"I did an inquiry on your Prototype shuttle and got a hit back. Admiral Burke contacted me right away via subspace. It appears your mission is highly classified and above my pay grade, but the Admiral decided to fill me in since I am now involved in the recovery. We are the only four to get near the shuttle while it's onboard the Thunder Child."

Elliot listened while Commander Zed spoke.

"I read your report on the planet Kendar, it's an interesting read. I understand that you think you are fully healed, but as your current CO, I must insist that you get checked out by my doctor," Zed said.

Elliot nodded, "I understand, Captain. Since I have nothing to do at the moment, I can go there now."

"Later, we'd appreciate a tour of your shuttle," Gemma asked. "If you would be so kind."

Elliot nodded, "Yes ma'am, of course." Elliot turned back to Zed, "Will there be a Security detail on the Prototype?"

Zed nodded in turn, "Yes, O'Dell has the first watch and has others to relieve her afterword so the shuttle should be secure."

Shanna took up station near the Prototype, letting her mind read a minimal level of the minds around her. From Jericho, she sensed relief ... possibly over being picked up ... and a sense of worry, but it seemed ... personal. There was no sense from anyone of a deeper interest in the vehicle than mild curiosity that would be normal. She had it herself.

"Okay." Elliot said, "I guess I should get the physical over with then."

"I'll be by to check on you shortly." Zed glanced at her XO, "Escort our guest to Sick Bay."

"Yes, ma'am," Gemma said. She nodded to the turbolift, "If you'll follow me." She led the way, holding the door for Elliot to join her.

Elliot followed closely behind. The door closed and Elliot waited for her to give the computer their destination. Which didn't take long.

"The Quartermaster has your quarters ready. You can settle in after the doctor clears you," she said. "Is there anything else you'll need?"

Elliot shook his head, "No, other than a bit more rest everything else can wait." Elliot paused for a moment, "There is one thing that I did want to check on as soon as I can, but if you're not too busy, maybe you can get a head start on it for me?"

"If I can," she replied. "What do you need help with?"

"During the mission, my wife and I were separated, and I need you to try to find her. I need to send word that I'm okay. She'd be worried sick by now." Elliot hoped that she was safe and sound on a Starfleet asset of some type and was searching for him too.

"I'm so sorry," Gemma said. "Since she's not in the database, I'll need an image of her, and her DNA. If you don't have it, I can get it from the last place you were together. I'll send out the information and see if any ships have picked her up." She'd also send the data to the local starbases. If his wife had been adrift, she might be injured, so she'd ask for anyone matching the description and the DNA.

"Her file is on record and should not be missing. I just need for you to do a search and see if she made it back and where she is." Elliot said.

The first officer nodded. "I'll have a look and let you know what I find."


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