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Posted on Fri 26th Feb, 2021 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Main Sick Bay SB 109
Timeline: MD:6 1018 hours

Maggie's hands instinctively covered her still small baby bump as she stepped from the examination bed and buttoned her blouse before leaving. This was her second of many visits to check on the progress of her unborn child. She was still unsure of her place on the station, but she was quickly learning she had to rely on herself. She hadn't taken any position on the base under her alias yet. She needed time to mourn her husband and to make a plan for her and her child. She had decided that she would like to remain on the Station; at least for the time being, until the baby was born, maybe even after. She was just about to exit when she saw it. She'd know him anywhere, even from this distance; the shape of his shoulders, the color of his hair, just slightly bow-legged, how he stood with his weight on the left side.

"Elliot?" The name was barely audible to anyone else in the room, even as it boomed in her head. 'Could it be?'

Elliot started making a home here on SB109. It had been about 2 months since he pushed his wife away for her own safety during the mission. He still questioned his decision to do so and wondered if things would have been better if they had stayed together or would she have died in the explosion like he nearly did. He shook his head and muttered softly, "No, I did the right thing at the time." He had never given up hope in finding her. She would surface, she was alive, she just had to be. He promised to never give up hope, but realistically could he possibly do that forever?

Elliot had been on light duty since returning from the fateful trip with Commander Lena. His injuries were healed on the outside but still seemed to be mending on the inside, his body reminding him every waking moment with its soreness. He still forced himself to do some sort of exercise and today it was walking. He decided to walk, only he walked and climbed down Jefferies tubes some of the way to Sick Bay. He arrived pretty much on time and tired.

Today was his first check up after returning from the mission a couple days ago. Elliot approached the receptionist desk in the massive waiting room. He looked around the room at the ones already waiting. Out of the corner of his eye his peripheral vision picked up on a form that had stopped across the room only there was something familiar about the shape. He hadn't picked up on her while she was walking, only when she had stopped and stood there. He slowly turned his head wondering if he had imagined her being there.

Was her heart deceiving her eyes? Was he really standing there? "Elliot?" She said it louder this time as she fought the hope that was rising in her. She felt her chest heave as her heart raced. "Is this real?" She couldn't move. She felt faint. How could this be happening? What kind of joke were the goddesses playing on her? Her hands grasped the nearest chair to steady herself. "ELLIOT?" She repeated his name, once again louder than before.

Elliott's heart began to pound at the near thought of seeing his beloved wife again and there she was, near meters away from him on this massive star base the size of a city. Fate had brought them back together as he wished it would every single day. He was very perceptive when it came to Meghan and his razor -sharp vision picked up on several factors. The first was her sudden lack of stability. With amazing reflexes he had crossed the room and was by her side supporting her with his arms. "He flashed his normal boyish smile that had captivated her when they first met. "It's me, my darling wife. I got you." He indicated the chair, "Here, sit down and I can get you a glass of water." Another thing he noticed about his wife was the slight bulge where her normally flat tummy used to be, but that was a conversation for a later time.

Meghan didn't want to sit, didn't need to sit. All she needed was to be in his arms. It was all she'd needed for the last two months, just to be in his arms. She wrapped arms around his neck and sobbed soft, happy tears. She hadn't even realized that she was sitting in the chair he'd offered, which was a good thing, because her knees had gone weak under her.

"I-I saw the ship were gone." She finally managed to say.

Elliot shook his head, "That was the shuttle bay exploding. I was nearly killed in the blast, I couldn't get the blast door to latch so I was hit by it." He shook his head again after thinking about what happened, "I got away on the Prototype, barely."

Her hands gently caressed her husband's face. "I was lost without you." She said. "I was adrift for weeks, thinking I was going to die and all I could think of was that I would be joining you in death." She smiled at him. "But death wouldn't take me - and now I know why."

Elliot nodded , "I thought about you every single day and I never lost hope. I just second guessed myself, if it was the right decision to separate. Then, I think back to the explosion and I know that it was the right decision." Elliot shook his head. The thought of his wife out in space alone for weeks sent a shiver down his spine. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He reached over and gently touched his wife's tummy and smiled, "Is there something that you wish to divulge?"

Maggie looked down at her tummy and placed her hand over Elliot's holding it there. "I knew if I told you, you wouldn't have let me go on the mission. You would have found someone else." She looked up at him and smiled. "Our dinner, the night we you remember?" She asked but kept going. "I made all your favorites. I wanted the night to be special, but we never got to it because we got the call for the mission and I wanted to be included." She shrugged. It really was a moot point now. "Our little one is fifteen weeks along...almost halfway."

Elliot nodded, still smiling, he wasn't angry with her, he did understand. "You're right, I would not have allowed you to go if I had known, but I understand why you did." Elliot leaned in and kissed his wife.

Maggie was still unable to control her tears and held tightly to her husband. "I can't believe you're here and alive."

"It's okay, we are back together again and we're going to have a child," Elliot said softly. He hugged her back with equal tenderness. "I love you, ya know and nothing will ever keep us apart."


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