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Final Business

Posted on Sat 6th Feb, 2021 @ 9:30pm by Sipov Boros

1,080 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 1, 1958

Previously, Orchids and Jazz ...

"As I told our friend here, my time is for sale. Quiet jobs are welcomed, it'll give me time to sit back and figure out my current situation in life and, hopefully, get back on my feet sooner." Right now low key was what Sipov needed, all things considered. He didn't think the Federation would pay any mind to what he was running away from in Breen space, but that didn't mean someone couldn't come looking for him. The lower the profile he kept, the better. "I have a number I'll make sure both of you get."

And now to plan the future in a little more detail ....

Turning to Tieran, grinning at him, and teasing him slightly, Jade said, "So you're going to expand your business off 109. That's great to hear. You'll need more business meetings here, then, and mine will expand, too."

th'Elex shrugged. "I'm going to try. I think I'm at the point where I can without sacrificing anything here, and maybe I'll find some new tech that no one else has brought in." He eyed the waiters moving around the club. "Some of your help seems a little different. Would you care to talk with me about them?"

"No, I wouldn't," Lantz said, definitively. "They are too intelligent to be slaves, and I don't think you want to be on the wrong side of that business."

He held his hands up in a calming gesture. "I'll take your word for it, Miss Lantz. I respect you too much to ever cross you, and I can tell you are adamant about them. We'll just forget I ever said anything, okay?"

Relaxing back into the chair, she smiled and agreed. "I can do that. So if either of you do find something interesting and new," she looked back and forth between them, "and you need an investor, come talk with me. No promises, but I'll listen."

"Investors are always good," Sipov replied. "As long as you're willing to hear any pitch I or perhaps, we, may have, that's all I would ask. I've participated in a number of business ventures previously, so I'll keep my ears open in case something comes my way that I think we could all benefit from." He didn't understand the reference Jade had made to her people not being slaves, perhaps Tieran had physical labor in mind for them, however Sipov had another thought. "And in the event we have more white collar business going on between the three of us, perhaps some of your staff would be interested in a second job. It would be an opportunity for them to make more money, and they'd already be vetted." It was a smart move to pull from resources you already had, and less time consuming. "Just something to consider."

"I'll consider it," Jade agreed, seeing that he didn't realize the nature of some of her help. "They aren't against work, just against not being paid."

Looking at Tieran next, he continued, "If we need more physical labor for something, perhaps we can hire folks from the Brown Sector. Chances are there are folks down there looking for honest work." The Vulcan knew they'd have to weed out the addicts, but being one himself they wouldn't be hard to spot.

"That's an idea," the Andorian nodded thoughtfully. "You have connections there, I'm guessing?"

Jade interrupted, "Is that where you're living, Mr. Boros? If you'd prefer to move up the station a little, I know some people in Perry Gardens who might have a small unit for rent. Let me know, if you're interested."

For a fleeting moment Sipov was almost embarrassed to answer, considering some of the previous responses he'd gotten so far telling others where he was staying, but he answered honestly just the same. "I am staying down there, for at least the next couple of days in the transient pods. They kick you out by a certain time in the morning and you have to stay clean, but considering I don't have much money at the moment, it's my best option. I'm hoping to get an extension for a week so I can find my footing and get a contract so I can afford to pay for a place. Perry Gardens sounds like a good place to start."

Next he answered Tieran. "As far as contacts down there, I don't have anything yet. I'm still trying to figure out how things work there, and on the station in general, to be honest. I usually don't take long to start figuring out who some of the players are, minor or not. I'll take some time to feel things out so that instead of us just posting job listings and hoping for reliable candidates, we can have a point of contact to work through, someone who maybe actually lives down there. I'll let you know what I find out."

Jade evaluated the two men in front of her. Tieran th'Elex she already knew. He was generally honest and had been helpful in at least one investigation she knew took place about smuggling. The Vulcan pilot impressed her as someone who had endured some tough times and stayed mostly on the right side of the law. He had a plan, and she'd help him, help both of them, if she could do so honestly.

At last, Lantz stood and smiled at them. "It sounds like interesting times are coming. Let me know what you need. If you stop in day after tomorrow, I'll have a run for you for some specialty orchids. The owner of the Scent of Love and I are going to try cultivating them here on the ship. Trust me, there will be money in it for you. Enjoy the rest of your evening, gentlement." She walked away from the table, planning a message to Flavia that she'd found someone to pick up their shipment.

He gave a nod to the woman as she left. "I'll see you in a couple days then." A run to pick up flowers would be easy money, something Sipov desperately needed at the moment. "Well I suppose that starts the beginning of what is hopefully a prosperous business relationship with the lady, what say you and I come to at least a potential agreement as well?"

"It's a plan worth developing," Tieran agreed, gesturing to Jenna for a drink refill. "I have a few ideas."


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