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The Valiant and the Vanquished, Part 2

Posted on Sat 6th Feb, 2021 @ 3:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Thu 11th Feb, 2021 @ 9:38am

1,612 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Kendar
Timeline: About 3 weeks ago

After the glorious march through the streets, the Black Knight and Goliath found themselves outside the wall that protected the small town and castle. The Queen and her royal guard continued to follow the Black Knight as they headed for Lord Bolton and destiny. Lord Bolton had a dozen well-armed soldiers with him that acted as his guards. The rest of his army was over the rise and unseen. For the most part, Lord Bolton kept his word on things.

Elliot held his arm up to indicate that the Queen and her Royal Guard should stop where they were at.

Elliot continued on to me Bolton.

Elliot and Lord Bolton stopped about 10 meters from each other. Both dismounted and approached each other with just their shields held in their weak hand. "Lord Bolton, I ask that you surrender at this point and leave peacefully. No shame will come to your name."

Lord Bolton was a tall intimidating man on foot and a very capable soldier. He had a deep voice that was commanding, "My dear boy, it is you that should surrender and go back to where you came from. From what I hear, you are an outsider and don't belong. Don't try to be a hero, just go home."

"I can't Lord Bolton, this is my home and I need to do what is best for it. And if that is killing you in battle then so be it." By just the brief conversation with Bolton, Elliot formed respect for the man and regretted that he had to face him in battle.

Bolton slowly drew his sword and advanced towards Elliot. Elliot barely had time to block the blow. Surprisingly the shield glowed red from the hit. Elliot felt nothing, but in his mind, he knew that the attack must have been powerful. More viscously, Lord Bolton continued his attacks on Elliot, but Elliot was able to bock each with the shield. Lord Bolton began to tire from the onslaught and his attacks slowed. Frustrated, Lord Bolton called for his soldiers to attack Elliot.

The Queen saw the group rushing toward the Black Knight and gave the order for her men to join Elliot. To help them fight more valiantly and because she herself was a trained swordswoman, she ordered her attendees to help her into her armor to fight alongside her men in his defense. "For the Queen and her Champion!" she called.

Bolton's men obscured by the hill, rushed to Bolton's aid, more than doubling their numbers against Elliot, the Queen, and her guard. Elliot was now fighting Lord Bolton and five of his soldiers. When he made an offensive attack of any type with his sword or shield, a shock wave would knockback and or knock down his opponent.

The soldiers began to realize that Elliot could not be harmed, but if they captured the Queen they might be able to force the Black Knight into submission. Several soldiers began to go after her.

The Queen fought her way through the oncoming soldiers. Most were not as well trained as she was, but ahead of her lay the greatest of Bolton's men. She raised her sword and met his gaze, ready to fight and win or fight and die for her people and the Black Knight.

Brock was a massive man of pure muscle and determination. His gaze met Ann's. He would either capture or kill her. He began a brutal attack. The first, powerful swing of his large sword knock Ann off balance. He slammed into her with his massive shoulder.

Ann was knocked off her feet and now defending herself while flat on the ground. Brock attacked her with ferocity knocking her sword to one side and stepping on the blade so she couldn't use it to protect herself. Brock lifted his sword over his head and began his downswing which would end Ann's life.

Elliot was still fighting Bolton and a couple of his men and had been trying to watch Ann in case she had gotten over her head. And now the situation was just that. Elliot threw his sword...

The sword hurled through the air like a missile glowing bright red as it did. It pierced Brock's armor and would have gone all the way through his torso if it hadn't been for the hilt. Brock dropped his sword and fell to his knees. Blood oozed from his lips as he stared down at the queen, life had already left his eyes. He fell to the side and lay there on the ground. Elliot blocked another strike from Bolton and watch as another one of the queen's guard fell in combat. Anger rose in Elliot, nothing like he had ever felt before. Without thinking, he slammed his shield into the ground on its end. A shock wave emanated from the impact that went out 360 degrees knocking everyone down except Elliot.

He walked over to Brock's lifeless body and pulled his sword out and walked over to Lord Bolton, "This battle is over, there will be no more bloodshed. Lord Bolton, you have been beaten. You and the men loyal to you are hereby exiled from the kingdom and are to never return. If you did, it would mean certain death." Elliot swung his sword and stopped mere inches from Bolton, Brock's blood still dripping from the lightly glowing blade. "I hope I made myself clear, be gone with you."

Ann got to her feet and retrieved her sword, then stood beside Elliot, waiting for Bolton's surrender.

A beaten man, Bolton knelt down on one knee. He held his sword above his head with both hands for the Queen to take.

She took the sword and held it, point down. In a loud voice, she proclaimed. "Let word be spread that the Black Knight has won the day. Bolton and his followers are allowed safe passage out of the kingdom."

She watched as Bolton stood and slowly walked away.

When he and his men had departed, she turned to Elliot. "My people and I owe you a great debt. How can I begin to repay you?"

"You don't owe the Black Knight anything, it was his destiny, but Elliot Jericho would like to go home and search for his wife." Elliot was grateful for the Queen saving his life, but he needed to go find Meghan.

She knew this would be his choice, although she wished he would stay with them. "You will always have a home here, sir knight." She paused. "Sir Elliot." She kissed him on the cheek. "May fortune favor your journey."

A Squire came running up towards Elliot and was out of breath, "Sir....Elliot, you told me strange bracelet
....ever made..... and did." He offered Elliot the wrist com device.

Elliot put it on and began to beep again, =A=This is Jericho.=A=

=A=Lieutenant Jericho, this is the Prototype, it is agreeable that you have survived. I'm picking up a Federation signature on long-range sensors and would probably be able to provide the medical support that you need,=A=

=A=Sounds good to me. Prepare to beam me up.=A= Elliot replied, This planet could be perfect for him, but he wanted to find his wife or find out her fate.

He looked into Ann's eyes, "In another life, I would stay with you, it would be perfect here for me, but I have to go," The Squire spent the next few minutes helping Elliot out of the armor. Once the armor was standing alone he pulled Ann in for a kiss.

The Queen watched him for a long moment. He was the kindest, most valiant knight she ever met, and he would be missed. She let her attendants take off her armor and wnt over to him with Brock's sword. "Sir Elliot, please take this as a token of our regard and our thanks."

Elliot took the sword, "I will cherish this token of gratitude and when I see it, I will think of you." Elliot tapped the wrist communicator, =^=Prototype, energize.=^= A shimmering field of light washed over Elliot.

The shimmering field dissipated leaving Elliot on the planet. =^=Prototype, the transport cycle, failed, try again.=^= The wrist communicator cracked and there was no response. Elliot tried several more times to contact the Prototype, but never got an answer.

He looked at Ann, "It looks like you might be stuck with me for a while."

The Queen was both concerned and pleased to have his company for a bit longer. "Your technology is unfamiliar to us, but is there something we can do to help? Or would you prefer to go back to the castle until your friend can fix whatever is wrong?"

Elliot smiled, "Lets go home my Queen. It would appear that fate has intervened." Elliot took her hand as they decided to start walking back.


Aboard the Prototype, Elliot sat in the pilot seat as the small ship head for a rendezvous with the USS Thunder Child. He would begin his search for Meghan, he had to find her.


One Year Later

King Elliot paced the Great Hall walking by his throne many times. He was nervous. He had brokered many deals and had passed many laws in his short time as king. Never had he been this nervous, but he had to wait for news.

A Squire came running in as he slammed into the door and into the room. "Sire, sire, it's a boy!"

Elliot could barely contain himself, he had a child, his first-ever. "Sound the bells! There will be a celebration tonight!"


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