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The Rescue - Part I

Posted on Fri 5th Feb, 2021 @ 8:23am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Krell House of Mer'uk

1,156 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: A Planet Somewhere
Timeline: Immediately after "Storms and Mountains and Pirates, Oh my! (part 7)"

Continued from "Storms and Mountains and Pirates, Oh My!"


Kiara got up and dusted herself off. "Forgive me if I sound rude, but who are you and why are you here?" Better to get an answer now, she thought.

A fifth Klingon came up behind the others and pushed his way through the warriors. This one wore an Ambassador's Robe over his Klingon Armor. "Commander Lena, are you alright?" Krell asked.


"Ambassador Krell!" Kiara began to laugh and cry at the same time. She fought the urge to hug him, unsure how he'd respond. "You are a welcome sight. We're okay now, but it's been...interesting. How did you find us?"

Krell responded in his deep voice, "That, is a long story told over a cup or two of blood wine, however it is not my story to tell."

She looked at him curiously. "May I ask whose story it is?" It was odd enough to be found by the Klingon Ambassador and his ship, but if it wasn't his story, then why was he here?

She turned to Elliot. "Have you met Ambassador Krell? He's from Starbase 109."

Krell looked towards the direction where Kiara looked. Seeing a man step out that looked like he had seen better days, "Do you require Medical attention?"

Elliot walked towards them slowly, "I could use a little checkup." Elliot said, "I'm Lieutenant Elliot Jericho, Aerowing Pilot."

"It's...nice to me you Lieutenant, prepare to be transported." Krell turned back to Kiara, "The story should be told by Commander Briggs, it is his."

"Commander... Is Dallas here?" she asked. "Where is he?" She'd thought of him often over the past weeks.

Krell smiled, knowing that there was something going on between Kiara and Dallas. He nodded, "He is, he's a bit banged up and is resting right now on my ship. Let's get out of here and you can go see him."

She hesitated for a moment. She was eager to leave, but she had something to do first. "I left my tricorder in the cave. It has some information I'd like to keep. I'll be right back." She moved as quickly as she could without tripping and retrieved the tricorder and PADD. Nothing else really mattered.

She made sure the fire would burn itself out, then grabbed the two combadges and headed back to the others, using the light from the PADD to guide her.

"Ready," she said, grinning. She was concerned about Dallas' injuries and needed to see for herself that he was okay. And she wanted to get off this planet and never look back.

Krell spoke into his communications device, =A=7 to beam up, transport now.=A= The group of 7 disappeared in a red shimmering light only to dematerialize on a Klingon Battle Cruiser. "Let's get you two to our Sick Bay, so you can be checked out. We have some of your Medical staff here to look after you."

Kiara nodded. She'd lost some weight, and was probably a little malnourished--and may have picked up something from the planet--but she was otherwise fine. Elliot was in need of a good doctor. "Yes. Also, is there any way you could find out if Elliot's wife was found?"

Krell alone escorted Kiara and Elliot to the infirmary. It wasn't nowhere near advanced like a Starfleet vessel. So, it was agreed upon that and Doctor and nurse would come along with necessary equipment in case they were needed and they were. Dallas had to be admitted to the infirmary for the injuries he sustained in the fight. He nearly died.

The three reached the Infirmary and entered. Krell looked around for the Starfleet Nurse, "We have some additional patients for you."

The nurse came out of a back room. "Do you now?" She looked at the two. "You don't look so good. What happened?"

"Attacked by one of the planet's predators," Kiara said, not wanting to go into details.

"Come right this way. The doctor will be out shortly." She led the two to biobeds and indicated they should each take one. "Is there anything you need?"

"Right now? No." Although Kiara would love a bath, or a shower. And she wanted to see Dallas. Not necessarily in that order, but she didn't want Dallas to be worried about her appearance.

"Ah, yes." Elliot said. Since we need to wait for the Doctor, would it be okay for Commander Lena to see Commander Briggs for a moment. They haven't seen each other in almost two weeks and it would be a great relief for both of them." Elliot knew that Kiara needed to see Dallas as soon as possible and that being on the same ship right now was probably torture for her.

"Where is he?" she asked the nurse. Krell said something about him being injured, and it made her wonder how bad it was as he hadn't been part of the team on the planet, nor had he been waiting for them in the transporter room. Part of her was almost afraid to ask. At the same time, not knowing was making her anxious.

"He's in a private room in the back," the nurse said. "I need to make sure you don't have anything contagious before you can see him." She turned on Kiara's biobed and ran a scan, then followed up with a medical tricorder. She tisk tisked as she looked over the readings. "Malnourished, but that is to be expected. "As is drinking the water. A hypospray should take care of that." She prepared a hypo and shot Kiara in the neck.

She ran another scan and nodded. "Good. Come with me." She led Kiara to a small room in the back. When the door opened, she stepped back. "Be gentle. He's not fully recovered."

Kiara caught her breath. "What happened?"

The nurse shook her head. "Ask him."

Kiara slowly stepped into the room, half afraid of what she'd see.

Dallas had wanted to go on the rescue, so much so that the Doctor insisted on sedating him so he could rest. He was completely healed on the outside. It was the inside that need healing and rest. He would be on light duty for a week when he returned to SB109 and for the next 3 days he was restricted to bed. The light in his room was shut off to help him sleep in case the sedative wasn't enough to keep him under, he was a big man. The light from the other room poured in waking him. He looked up at the figure that stood in the door unable to see any features. "Nurse, can you find out the approximate arrive time, I want to go down with the team." Dallas had no idea how long it had been since they put him under.

Kiara grinned at the sound of his voice. "You're a little late for that, I'm afraid."


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