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Lay of the Land - Part 2

Posted on Wed 27th Jan, 2021 @ 12:39am by Sipov Boros & Renato Solis
Edited on on Wed 27th Jan, 2021 @ 12:43am

1,166 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Deck 2245, section 221-B Renato's Office
Timeline: MD11 - 1915 Hrs

(Continued from here.)

The central room was quiet, many of the children asleep. Kya was making smores for the little ones and pop overs for the adults. Despite being in a series of linked metal rectangles, the decor, furniture, artificial turf in the middle and vertical gardens on the walls, created a 'backyard' effect.

Tannis showed the newcomer to the table, pointing at the corridors branching from this large space. Several apartments along each one, with levels above and below them. "This place houses people and helps them get a new life started, which is what my family is doing now. Our world was... The Borg came. We lived here on SB109 for five years and made not one contact with anyone from my world who was in any position to help us. I've accepted it's time to build a new life, even if it means my people are scattered and I may never see them, I must build a real life for my children before they grow up entirely as refugees."

"I was fortunate enough to get one of the temporary rooms for a few days, I've re-applied to see if I can get extended up to a week. I think I may already have some business ventures lined up so hopefully I can afford something very soon before my savings run out. It's nice to know someone here is trying to help folks out, from what I've seen the Federation doesn't do much to help anyone down here." For Sipov, having been chained by addiction his entire adult life he knew how hard it could be to get back on one's feet after being held down by it for a time. Even now he couldn't remain sober for longer than a few days, and usually it was just alcohol. He hadn't partaken in hard drugs for quite some time.

"The Federation will rescue you, but when it comes to the follow up... The only relief program that cover the Borg don't cover relocation or habitation."

"The Borg made it out this far?" Part of him felt uneasy now. He'd only heard stories about them in the past but didn't know much about the Federation's trouble with the species and most of what he knew where ghost stories told when he was traveling the Breen shipping lanes. "I hope you and your family are able to find what you need here, starting over is never easy." While he appreciated the candor part of him was curious as to where Renato might be. Sipov decided it might be best to take a seat and try to wait patiently.

"Thank you, same for you...."

Kya had taken notice of the conversation, sensing she was needed. She handed the tasks off to a young man who was clearly in youthful adoration with Kya. He would make sure they did not burn, his soul to pay. Once unburdened by the kitchen she took off the apron and arranged herself into a professional composure, walking to the two men as they spoke.

Tannis was pressing on, unsure of how to entertain the guest anymore. He spotted Kya making her way over.

To the side of him Sipov took note of someone heading towards them, they were hard to make out at first but after a few moments he noticed it was a woman. He flashed a smile her way hoping to show that he meant no harm.

Tannis waved, standing to announce his departure. "Nice to meet you, Kaa here can help you with the rest. Good night, and Kya, thanks for dinner."

"It was good to meet you as well Tannis" Sipov replied. If he ever needed muscle on a cargo run whether it be security or labor, he'd keep Tannis in mind.

She smiled and waved at him in reply and Kya took a seat, "Thanks Tannis." To Sipov she said "I'm Kya, and this is our community center. I had my hands full, sorry for the awkward reception. What brings you our way?"

He turned towards the woman and gave a nod "Hi Kya, my name is Sipov Boros. I'm new here to the station and will say I'm finding this Brown Sector to be quite a gem. I'm trying to get an idea about this station and what all is going on. I have to admit I'm new in experiencing the Federation so to see what their supposed ideas are versus what I actually see here are in conflict. As such I thought it best to seek out those that have experience living in this conflict, someone that isn't law enforcement. Seeing Renato is a Private Investigator I believe he could be someone that can provide some of the insight I'm looking for." Information was always worth more than latinum and he wouldn't make very much of the latter without understanding the situation he was in. Being truthful was also one of the best ways to get there. At least at first.

In truth he hadn't minded the initial contact with Tannis, Sipov had dealt with much more awkward situations. Like the Breen boarding your ship to find cargo he'd been smuggling. It was even more awkward however when he'd had copilots smuggling and he wasn't even aware of it only to take the stock of a disruptor rifle to the side of his skull.

Kya was in her full-service mode, but at hearing Renato's name switched gears. "Oh well this is the place to find him. I'll send him a text. I can't argue about the clash of idealism and our present situation. There is a long story, but it makes sense. Tragic is all it is, not mysterious. Let me get you something to eat while you wait. I thought you were needing our services for the refugee center, but Renato is a Private Investigator as well as our ringleader. Is there a case or particular job you need to hire him for?" Kya was subtly reminding him they absolutely used cash here, and payment was expected.

That explained everything he found around him and why this layout was much different than he'd expected. Other people aside from Tannis and Kya lived here. He appreciated the fact that this woman got straight to business. While small talk was always an important part of business sometimes it was best truncated. "I don't need him to go seek out anybody or anything like that, I mainly would just like to sit down with him and talk, ask questions about how things really work around here. Call it an effort on my part to better familiarize myself with my current situation. I'm not exactly from around here, or anywhere close for that matter." While part of Sipov hoped most of what he wanted to know could be obtained through casual conversation, he expected to shell out some latinum as well.


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