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Not You Again!

Posted on Wed 27th Jan, 2021 @ 3:33am by Captain Torrog

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 14, 1400

Having come to enjoy the food served, though not the prices so much, Captain Torrog moved to the entrance to Orchids & Jazz for a late lunch. He liked to dispense with crowds as much as possible, though there were times when they were an advantage, when he was conducting business for instance. Today, he was only here for lunch.

"Captain Torrog, how nice to see you again. Would you like your usual table in the loft or something a little closer to the music?" Reon greeted the man by name. He found the captain to be a little unusual, but he tipped well, for a Ferengi, and he was generally pleasant to the staff, so his greeting was genuine.

"No, no, I'm sticking with the loft. I like to see the floor below, you know," he answered, leaning in confidentially. "I don't think I have any enemies on the base, but it doesn't pay to get lazy."

"I'm sure you're safe here, at least," the doorman assured him, equally confidentially. "Miss Lantz hasn't lost a customer yet."

Jade was taking a turn doing the hostess duties, simply because she liked greeting her customers, and she knew people who worked for her needed a break now and then. "What's this about losing customers?" she asked, as she approached the podium. "I can't think of a time that's ever happened, even when we were on Earth, which, as you know," she turned to Torrog, "is a planet of much to concern one." In truth, Jade loved Earth, and had spent many years there, but she also loved teasing a Ferengi and couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"Er ... no, I've never been there," the Ferengi hastened to reply. "It doesn't sound like my sort of place, though."

"Plenty of business to be had, though," Jade smiled. "Follow me, Captain, and we'll have your lunch in front of you in no time."

The captain did as instructed, having little difficulty with the broad stairs, even though he was shorter than the average customer at the jazz club. "That's a nice bit of music," he said, huffing slightly as he reached the top, and was led to a table.

"What -" he stopped speaking instantly, staring at the man he most did not want to see ever again, on this station or anywhere else, the Captain of the Port.

"May I sit and join you, Captain Torrog?" Henry asked as he slid into the booth, not waiting for the Ferengi to respond. " I think we got off on the wrong foot wouldn't you say?"

For a moment, the Ferengi was too shocked to say anything, but he rallied. "Looks like you already have," he grumped. "I'm not paying for your meal, though."

He turned to Jade and said gruffly, "Separate checks, Miss Lantz, you hear me?"

Jade nodded seriously, "I do. Separate checks it is. I'll leave you to your discussion and Jenna will be back with water and bread shortly, and to take your order." This wasn't a moment for her to try diplomacy. She'd leave Henry to fix his own mess.

Turning back to the commander, Torrog said, "I think that's a fair assessment of things if you are apologizing for treating me badly. Fortunately, the rest of the starbase has been much nicer than you. No need to stay, if that's all you wanted to say."

Henry smiled as he looked at the Ferengi speak. "It is unfortunate that you feel that I treated you unkindly, but I want you to understand how things work around here. No one gets special privileges. All vessels are triaged and serviced as to what is a priority. Docking births are assigned the same way, but sometimes their special circumstances dictate change. But know this, I am the one who dictates that change. Me and me alone. I would like for us to be able to move on and have a positive working relationship here forward. Do you think that is possible Captain?"

Torrog took a moment to eye the commander. What's it worth to your future? he wondered. Will my work be easier if he sees me as a friend? Deciding that it definitely wouldn't hurt any, he gave a short nod. "Very well. We'll try that and see. I'm well aware you are the dictator of all things here, and I didn't blame your underlings, by the way. I won't be here forever, though, so we'll see if we can get along."

He pointed his finger at the Commander, "But I'm still not paying for your lunch!"

Henry laughed and then responded to the Ferengi sitting in front of him. "Actually Torrog, I am the one footing the bill this time." Henry looked up and grabbed the attention of Jade.

"Jade, if you would, please place Captain Torrog's meal on my tab. Thank you!" Henry then made eye contact with Torrog.

"Well captain, I bid you a good day, and feel free to come and see me sometime in my office. It would be nice to get to know you a little bit better." Henry made his way out of the seat and walked back toward his office.

"Huh. Why do you suppose he did that? What does he want from me?" the captain asked aloud.

Even though she knew he wasn't speaking to her, specifically, Jade answered. "He probably doesn't want a thing. He really is a very nice person, Captain Torrog. I don't know how the two of you came to be at odds, but I think he's extending an olive branch." She shoved his shoulder slightly with her elbow, and smiled at him. "Don't be so suspicious."

Torrog looked up at her and considered what she'd said. Then he shook his head. "Nah, he wants something, you can be sure of it. I won't turn down a free lunch, though. What's the special today?"

Shaking her head, Jade laughed. "Have it your way, then. Today's special is Chicken Fried Steak with Cream Gravy, served with mashed potatoes and green beans, all just the way it was served in Texas in the 1930s. The drink is your choice, and dessert is cherry pie."

"Oh, now you said the magic words! I'll have that, even though I'm not sure what a chicken fried steak is, just to get the cherry pie. Ah, bring me your lemon Coke, too. I find I'm acquiring quite a taste for it, the more often I'm here."

"It does grow on you. I'll have Jenna bring that drink right out for you, and the rest of the meal will arrive in about 10 minutes. Enjoy the music while you wait."

Jade walked toward the kitchen thinking about the Ferengi. He was one of many on the station, and most of them had a somewhat suspicious nature. Trav and Morva, in Tivoli Gardens, were different. One of these days, she might ask them why.


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