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Business Tricks, Part 2

Posted on Fri 5th Feb, 2021 @ 11:38am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Sorra Yarime (Yari)
Edited on on Thu 11th Feb, 2021 @ 9:38am

1,242 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Aboard the Conundrum
Timeline: MD 1 0900 hours

Yari led the Vulcan and Andorian out into a small corridor, "Conundrum is a tricked out Tiburonian starjumper that is capable of warp 9.1. She also is equipped with a cloaking device, an AI named Lucy and a fully functioning Brig. She's perfect for bounty hunting."

Yari stopped at what appeared to be a small cargo hold, "In here is where all the toys are." He was grinning from ear to ear when he entered. "I love coming in here and looking at all the good stuff." He reached for a hidden button under a small table. The far wall that ran the length of the room slid open revealing a wall full of weapons from many different species.

S'lani looked around, wide-eyed. "This is..." There were no words. "A lirpa!" She went to the far wall and took down the Vulcan weapon. "The balance is perfect." She gave it a test swing, then put it back. "But impractical for a bodyguard." It was a good weapon, but impossible to hide--and generally used now for ritual combat.

She glanced once more at the lirpa, determined to find a time to use it, and moved on. She went around the room once, just to see what was there. So many weapons she would love to use, but she wanted the right weapon. She found a black stick-like weapon and picked it up. She tested the balance and looked it over, then made sure she had enough room and pressed the hidden button. It expanded into a staff. "Oh, this is nice." She moved further into the room to test it properly, pleased with the balance. "Now, does it have a blade?" she quickly found the button and pressed it. A black blade appeared out of one end. Another click, and a second one became visible. "It does." She looked at Yari. "May I?"

Yari nodded with a smile, "Of course, you are welcome to anything in here."

She smiled back and slipped the weapon onto her belt. She'd trained with one like it before, and appreciated the versatility. She added a boot knife and a wrist knife, then finished off with a sleek hand-held weapon with both a stun and kill setting. "That makes five. A good number."

Yari laughed, "Don't you just love toys? You sure seem to."

"I do," she grinned. "These are the best toys. Thank you. I will use them well."

While he watched the Vulcan with one eye, Nicha examined the weapons to make sure he hadn't missed anything on his previous visit. "I wonder if there are any special circumstances we'll run up against. I already have the knives and a short and long phaser, but what kind of weapons can we expect to be used against us, if we come to a battle?" He examined several kinds of grenades. "And are any of these flash bangs? I like something that surprises the enemy and makes it hard for him to see me sweeping in to attack. Or her," he said, glancing at S'lani.

The Vulcan went over to a section of the wall with a number of grenades on it and pointed. "That group. Flash-bangs, gas, smoke, and EMP grenades, and a range of explosive ones are all here." She preferred a less flashy assault. But then, she wasn't sure how this team operated. Not yet, anyway. They might need some pyrotechnics to make a quick exit. She'd still leave the grenades to the Andorian and stick to what she did best.

An idea came to her and she looked at both Nicha and Yari. "Do you have any poisons or something that could be sprayed in the eyes to temporarily blind someone?"

Yari smiled, "The less leathal is down here." He indicated a small case down at the end of the wall and opened it. "Here are the spray canisters. They are propelled by some type of inert argon gas. There are gas grenades as well here." Yari picked up a stun stick and held it for the other to see then hit the trigger. A sharp popping sound along with an electrical discharge emanated from the tip. "I like this one."

"I don't blame you," S'lani said. "That is a nice weapon." A pain stick could come in handy, as could a mild toxin. She wasn't looking for anything lethal at the moment, so this was perfect. She selected another pain stick and a small vial that would cause irritation to the face and eyes. It would give her another way to temporarily incapacitate someone. "I will stop there." She had enough to go with for now.

Yari laughed, "This isn't a pain stick, its a pain stick on steroids. It will put a Klingon down and out for a while. I even carry one that's collapsible so I can carry it discreetly."

"Even better." She grinned at Yari, taking a moment to assess him. "I definitely like what I see."

Since Yari's injury while playing Guardian, he had switched over to hybrid shock clubs. His normal clubs just weren't cutting it. "Yes, it is a marvelous selection of weapons isn't it." Yari said as he marveled at the collection.

She nodded and slipped a small hybrid shock club onto her belt and the vial in an inside pocket. She could take a year playing with all the weapons he had here and still not be satisfied.

Yari glanced over at Nicha, "Anything catch your eye?"

"I think I have everything I need now, thanks. There's such a thing as overkill, and I prefer to rely on my own talents and skills than a lot of weapons. I'm sure if I get into trouble, S'lani will come to the rescue," he said with a sly grin toward the Vulcan. "So I guess we're ready. When are we departing from the base?"

Yari chuckled, "My friend, there are two things you should always remember, especially when it comes to weapons, bigger is always better, and there is no such thing as too much." Yari grinned, "We have already departed the station and we're fsr enough away that we can engage the cloak." Yari pointed up at the blue light. "We should be at the agreed upon coordinates in about 3 hours."

Nicha would trust himself before any weapon. He never jammed, never forgot to go off, and was never disconnected by the enemy. But he forebore arguing with the man who paid him for protection, and just nodded.

The Vulcan just raised an eyebrow at Nicha and turned back to Yari. "Is there a room where I may practice with these weapons? I've used them before, but I want to be familiar with how each one performs."

Yari chuckled, "I must be psychic. I was just thinking that you two may want to spar for a bit so you might work together better. The gym is on the lower level near the Brig. It also doubles as a holodeck in case you want to use a program."

S'lani nodded. "Perfect. Thank you."

th'Elex nodded to his boss. "I'll show her the way. Maybe we can game some attack scenarios. See ya later - dinner, I expect." Turning to the woman, he said, "Do I dare invite you to follow me?"

S'lani smiled beatifically. "For now." It didn't hurt to keep him guessing until she got to know him and her new boss a little better.


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