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A Kiss Is Still A Kiss

Posted on Wed 13th Feb, 2013 @ 1:21am by Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins

3,920 words; about a 20 minute read

Location: Harvey's
Timeline: current

[Set the night before the discovery of Section 49 Alpha]

Xavier had come up with the idea of a double date and Giellun, while a bit reluctant at first quickly warmed to the idea. He had shared it with Brian who liked the idea immediately and Samantha also liked it instantly as well.

No set plans had been made, they had agreed to meet at Harvey's and make plans after that. Giellun had reserved some time in the holodeck, but didn't have any program ideas in mind, though a night on the town in Paris or London seemed good ideas. No danger, just a relaxing time in a fun location. He was of couse open to other suggestions and wasn't tied into having to use the holodeck at all.

Samantha arrived in a leggings and a long top that clipped at the waste, the wrap around did her figure good and her blonde hair was down and bouncing off her shoulders. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but Brian had told her to just go with the flow and ease up a bit so she had. Not to say Samantha wasn't armed, she was just not as armed as usual.

"Hey..." She nodded to Giellun, having not really met him in any real way before.

"Good afternoon, Lieutenant," Giellun returned with a warm smile."

"So... I guess we're the first two huh." She smirked. "You're Lieutenant Hitchins, right?" Samantha felt sheepish for asking.

"Yes that's right, I'm working with your boyfriend now, at least I assume he's your boyfriend since we're going on a double date together and he talks about you. A lot."

Samantha couldn't help but lift an eyebrow. "Oh he does, does he?" She couldn't help but smirk. Boyfriend and girlfriend seemed so schoolage but it was pretty accurate. "I guess he is my boyfriend." She admitted. "Who else is joining us?"

"Just Brian and Xavier, he's the new Ops Chief. Thought we'd start of with dinner and some drinks and see how it goes from there. Do you have any idea of what you want to do?"

Samantha hadn't realized she was going to be the only women, or that Hitchin's was interested in men. But then Brian liked men as well, so there really wasn't anything awkward about it. It had just been a surprise. "Nope," samantha admitted. "I'll go with whatever ya'll want to do." She said ya'll and it was easy to hear he country girl roots in her voice.

"You're an attactive woman, I know why Brian likes you. Don't get me wrong it wasn't your looks he really talks about and there is more to attaction than looks."

Samantha listened with almost an amused expression on her face, it was an expression Brian was never able to see, but she was sure Hitchins could. "So what exactly does the Great Windsong talk about then?"

He gave her a look that was unreadable at first, then let out a slow breath. "He cares a great deal for you, I don't know that i'd call it love or not, at least not yet. And he would probably kill me if I told you this, but he's not sure how to integrate the two culturers, yours and his. And he doesn't want to hut you.

Samantha knew most of that, it was a nagging pain in her chest that was almost becoming a constant around Brian. She'd tried to express that she didn't have issues with him bonding with someone else, that she accepted a lot of who he was and what he wanted in life and what he wanted out of life. She thought she'd put his mind to ease with that conversation in the holodeck... maybe not. "He's a good man, he means a lot to me too." Sam added after a moment of thought. "I won't tell him you mentioned it to me."

Xavier turned up in white, v-neck, t-shirt and a dark suit jacket. It had been a long day and he was rather looking forward to the foursome spending time together. Giellun talked about Windsong a lot and Xavier was keen to get to know the man and learn more about his culture. He was doubly keen to get to know Samantha who, like him, was also a senior officer and one who seemed to keep herself to herself.

"Hey," Xavier said greeting Gil warmly and kissing him on the cheek.

"You must be Samantha?" he asked as he turned to the blond haired woman.

"Hey Xav," Giellun greeted, "Just waiting for Brian to show up. You two want to wait inside for him? Maybe have a drink while we wait."

Sam nodded and smirked. "You must be Xavier." She was curious about inside and was interested to know where they were all heading off to in the holodeck. Brian hadn't told her much, "Sounds like a good idea." She admitted.

It was at that moment that Brian entere the room. He could sense three other people in the room, one of whom was a telepath, much like himself. "Wow," he said, "I really feel the love in this room." While he was given to making smart ass remarks from time to time, this was not one of them. He really did feel love, or something like it, perhaps peace in the room and between the two couples.

Samantha turned when she heard him, She didn't want to smile. She wanted to confront him and know he didn't want to hurt her but then again he was talking to other people about how he felt and not her. Still, she felt better when he was around and the smile just floated to the surface. "Hey." was all she got out for fear of saying something that would give away the feelings she was trying to fight off. Brian had went through a lot of trouble to arrange the double date, she didn't want to mess it up for any of them.

Brian felt a slight tension on Samantha's part when he spoke and couldn't put his finger on the reason, not that is without some probing, which he refused to do. Whatever it was, he was sure, well he hoped, that she would bring it up at a more opportune time. One of the reasons that he was attracted to men, was not just physical, but men tended to be more direct and confrontational and he had found more than one member of the so called fairer sex to beat around the bush about things.

He gave her a brief kiss on the cheek and said, "I've got the reservation at Harvey's all set. Thought we could start with drinks then a nice meal. Depending on what happens, we can either call it night then or go do something else after that. I know that Giellun and I both like to climb, but there are countless options and that is just in the holodeck."

If Xavier had not been in his life, Giellun might have been drawn to Brian and still he could not deny he was good looking, but he Xavier was in his life as a friend and a life partner, or at least a potential life partner. So he turned his gaze from Brian to Xavier and entwined his fingers with the other man's.

Samantha felt the kiss on her cheek and just somehow knew that it was more then the kiss of a really good friend. Not that she was overly experienced with Kisses but she somehow could just place it. She brushed her hand against his, not entirely sure he'd take her hand but still she offered it. After all she was in love with him, and he made it very clear he was not in love with her... yet. Samantha smirked. "I cleared my schedule for the night." Which said something considering the workload she actually had. "I'm up for anything ya'll want to do." She realized she'd said ya'll that moment and blushed hearing her own southern accent come out.

She did want alone time to talk to Brian because she wasn't going to let all these feels nag her to death. She didn't want to push him into a relationship, she's swore up and down she wouldn't. She'd also said she didn't mind him being bonded to another guy, it was outside the norm of her culture and so she didn't understand why he was still worried about hurting her. Part of her was compassionate about that, she felt badly that he was afraid of hurting her, she'd always considered herself a strong women emotionally and part of her was pissed off. Because she just wanted straight answers, it was the cop in her. Still the pissed off side didn't stand a chance against a night to just hang out with Brian. It would come up, sooner or later.

"Well then," said Giellun as he looked between Brian and Samantha before turning his gaze towards Xavier, "I for one am straved. I hear Harvey's onion tree is an appetizer to die for. What do you say we get standing around talking and get things started?"

Samantha smirked and nodded. "I have never tried it. I don't even know what Harvery's is." She admitted. "So you guys are gonna have to show me around." She offered.

"I think that can be arranged," Brian offered, "You know I'm always going to look after you."

She chuckled "And here I thought it was my job to keep you out of harm's way."

"Oh, I hope not, you'd take all the fun out of life," he rejoined.

There was a moment when Samantha couldn't help but smirk, well not all the fun, she thought. "I didn't say I was very good at my job." She teased and put her arm through his, only hoping he'd react in kind. "I can see why everyone likes station life, an actual restaurant instead of 10 forward."

He took her hand and started to lead the way into Harvey's expecting that Giellun and Xavier would follow.

Xavier tugged on Giellun's hand and followed Brian and Samantha into Harvey's. He could feel a bit of emotional tension between the other couple but decided it was none of his business, what happened behind closed doors, or in this case closed minds, should really stay there.

"I think you pair will like it here," he said joyously. "It's got a great atmosphere and the food is to die for."

They were seated at a table for four in a slightly less crowded part of the restaurant. Xavier sat opposite Samantha with Gil next to him. Xavier grabbed the menu and started eyeing the different cocktails. "So how long have you two been dating?" He asked conversationally as he browsed the never-ending list of drinks.

Samantha sat down next to Brian and looked around the room, it was just habit to observe her surroundings. When Xavier asked the question. "Um... we're not." Sam admitted. Well they weren't technically. They were friends and their was a possibility but the truth was that they weren't more then friends at the moment, at least that's what she thought. That was the message she'd gotten.

"Oh," Xavier said as he looked up into Samantha's eyes. There it was, the tension he had perceived earlier; the missing jigsaw piece. "Well you make a very cute couple either way, if you don't mind me saying?" he said as he tried to dig himself out of this black hole and hoping he wasn't making the situation worse.

Giellun squeezed his hand slightly, trying to reassure the other man that things were going to be okay and that he hadn't just stepped in it.

Brian's expression was unreadable for several long seconds before he replied. "Thank you Lieutenant, but as Sam said, we're friends." That wasn't exactly the truth, Brian was beginning to think of her as more than that, he was even beginning to love her. It was just the first stirrings, but it was there and it was real nonetheless, but if she just wanted to be friends he was going to risk things by claiming otherwise."

Sam smirked. "Brian and I are good friends and thank you for the compliment Xavier...we've a lot in common and it might one day blossom into something more," She offered. "But for the moment we're taking things slowly." She'd used Brian's own words and while no she didn't think they'd been all that slow some times, it was funny to her to reiterated the original idea.

Brian turned to her smiling. Maybe sooner rather than later." he said conspiratorially.

Samatha glanced over at him with a hopeful smile but didn't really say anything otherwise. It was too confusing at times. She'd talk to him about how she felt later. "What about you two?" She asked.

Xavier was grateful for the change of subject, though it appeared that his earlier analysis of the couple in front of him was rather spot on, even if they didn't seem to realise it themselves yet. "Well we knew each other at the Academy but our timing And after a rather interesting 'conversation' our first night on the base, we realised there was still feelings there and so we decided to make a go of things. Skip ahead a few weeks and we haven't killed each other so it's going rather well, I would say." Xavier said smiling widely.

Gilleun smiled his figners entwined with Xavier's he was just happy to be close to his friend, "I've been thinking of an interesting holo adventure we could do together, not that we have to do that kind of thing, but I came up with three ideas The first we would all be resistence fighters in Paris during Earth's World War II. The second a combination of cat and mouse and survival where we have to fight the elements and a pursuer to get to our goal. The third, is a bit different, no violence, just romance The four of us in two villas on the beach on Risa."

Samantha smirked at Xavier, "good for both of you." Then Gilleun suggested the holo adventures and Samantha chuckled slightly, Brian did owe her a game of Cat and Mouse, but they'd been practicing for Kale and Ricardo too which was adventure unto itself. "I am up for anything you fella's agree to." She offered.

"That makes two of us," Brian said, what do you two want to do?"

Giellun looked over at Xavier, "The ball is in your court babe. What do you want to do?

Xavier smiled, Giellun was such a true gentleman, always letting Xavier choose. "Well the villa on Risa does have it's benefits," he said with a cheeky grin. "However I think a game of cat and mouse does sound very interesting. I am very curious to see you in action Commander," Xavier said to Windsong. "I've heard you are a good fighter and I would like to see this for myself, especially with your disability. If you don't mind me saying?" Xavier quickly added.

"Its only a disablity if I let it be one Xavier. When people undersetimate you, well its their downfall. You'll have to see for yourself how good of a fighter I am. But if you wind up thinking I'm good. I can help train you in some techniques that I think you as a Betazoid would found interesing."

Giellun looked between Brian and Xavier. He knew Brian's repuation and wasn't especially keen on having his boyfriend getting lessons from the diplomat.

He quirked one brow but reamined silent.

Samantha saw that look on Gielluns' face, he wasn't the only one who knew Brian's reputation. "You know, Brian... I bet both Giellun and Xavier might benefit from that instruction, maybe we should just made it a date night." She knew that she couldn't stop boys from being boys but she could at least calm Giellun's fears. "I'm always up for learning new ways to play with sharp pointy things."

Giellun smiled at Samantha. He trusted Xavier. Hell he wasn't even getting sex from him, but Brian was charming. "I think that would be a good idea too. What do you say babe?"

Xavier looked between Samantha and Giellun. Not knowing Brian that well he couldn't source their discomfort with him training with the diplomat, in fact he felt rather curious at their internal reactions. Regardless he went along with their suggestion, mentally noting to speak to Gil about it later. "Yeah that sounds great," he said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

Gabe felt a slight shift in Xavier's body language. He wasn't telepathic and didn't know what the other man was thinking, but he realized that he may have been throwing off some emotions he shouldn't have been having, much less throwing off.

"Well, I think this little adventure will be fun," he said trying to change the direction of the covnersation.

"Your idea of fun and mine always seems so different," Xavier said with a grin. He too wanted to make the conversation lighter as to not ruin the evening. "I'm a very sporty person," he said explaining to Sam and Brian, "and so is Gil but he prefers more extreme sports like rock climbing and absailing, whereas I'm happier on a court of some kind."

Brian looked across the table holding Xavier's glaze almost as if he could see. He wasn't always able to focus so clearly, but perhaps it was because Xavier was also a telepath. He also felt the tension in the room and had pretty good idea where it came from.

"I am ready for a little adventure myself, but I think we should get the 800 pound chimpanzie out of the room. There is only one person at this table that I'm interested in and its not my new assistant or the Operations Chief."

Samantha tried not to smirk. "Brian," She found his hand under the table to give him her support. "It wasn't meant as an insult, You can't help being attractive." She offered with a smirk. "Maybe I want to make sure Gelliun doesn't put the moves on you." She grinned...

"Giellun? I thought it was Xavier you two were worried about. Either way there is no problem Why don't we just drop it and move back to something else."

"Me?" Xavier asked stunned and a little insulted. "No offense Commander, but it takes a lot more than a fattering smile to win me over. Is that what you thought too?" Xavier asked Gil.

Gilleun looked between Brian, who was giving a much more official look at the half Romulan than Brian usually gave, then back zt Xavier the tips of his ears turning green. "it wasn't like that," he said his heart beating rapidly in his chest, daring a furtive glance at Samantha for support, "I trust you Xavier, I know you better than that..." his voice trailed off.

"DAMNIT!" he shouted a little louder than he intended. "I really am starting to love you and I don't want to lose you."

Xavier stared at Giellun and then was very aware that Samantha and Brian were both staring at himself, waiting for his response. In a lot of people's eyes this would be a romantic moment, a public argument that turned into a declaration of love, it was like watching an old holonovel play out. Except this wasn't a holonovel and in Xavier's mind it was far from romantic, in fact it was damn right embarassing. 'I don't trust you with my boss, who I think is gorgeous by-the-way, but don't make a big deal of it because I think I may be falling in love with you'. Nothing romantic about that at all.

"Then stop acting like a jackass!" Xavier's black eyes burned with fury, how the hell had the nice mood of a few moments ago turned into this, again?

Giellun held up both hands in a defensive gesture. "You're right that is exactly what I was doing. And I think this would really be the appropriate time to apolgize. I'm sorry. It was really stupid."

Xavier wanted to accept the apology and carry on with the evening. The only problem with that though was he was too damn angry with Giellun to pretend he wasn't and he decided that he didn't like Brian that much at all, in fact this evening would probably be more of a disaster if he stayed, and so he wouldn't.

"Look I think I should leave," Xavier said as he pushed his seat away from the table. "I have a psychic migraine coming on and they're no fun as I'm sure Brian can agree with. Please enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope we can do this again soon." Xavier turned to leave hoping he had lied convincingly enough. He knew they would think him pathetic and immature for letting a little disagreement ruin the whole night but he didn't care, he was free.

Giellun watched in silence as Xavier left the room. The evening had started out to be so promising. He had been feeling closer to Xavier than he had in a long time. It had felt good to be holding his hand, to feel the warmth of the other man's flesh against his, even if it were just hands.

He was no Betazoid but he had felt the warmth turn to heat because of his stupid juvinile jealousy. Now he had not only pissed off his boyfriend, if indeed they were still boyfriends after the stunt he'd pulled.

"I am sorry,"he said, "I should probably be going too."

Samantha frowned, had her suggestion that they all learn sword play together done this?! She'd take it back.. oh me and my mouth, she groaned. "Giellun, I'm sorry... I didn't think.... I mean I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings." She really hadn't. In fact she was trying to protect them. Sam trusted Brian because he'd told her that if some relationship came up he's speak up. She trusted that, he'd never lied to her.

The half Romulan was standing, moving towards the door when he heard her words, "It wasn't you," he insisted turning his head. "It was me. I'm the one that sounded like a jealous teenager. Like I didn't trust my boyfriend. I'm the one that started it. I just have to go sort things out. Don't blame yourself."

She frowned as Giellun left. "This isn't how I expected tonight to go." She looked at Brian for something... was he mad too?

"Yeah me either," he replied, "Maybe we should just stick with dinner and maybe something simple and skip the holoadventure for now, untill things cool off, or heat up, depending on how you look at it, with our two friends."

Samantha nodded. "Sounds good to me." She admitted. "So you've been here longer then I have... what good to eat here?"

"Well, it is decidedly unhealthy, but the baconchesburger with fries and onion rings is really tasty."

Samantha smirked. "Wow... yeah definitely sounds unhealthy." She chuckled softly. "I'll try it."

"Now, we're talking."

She smirked at him, "Did I strike you as the salad type?"

"Salad not so much, bur more like health conscious."

Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector

Lt (JG) Xavier Lee
Chief of Operations
SB Protector


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