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Thats not a PADD.

Posted on Wed 25th Mar, 2020 @ 10:42am by Lieutenant Nalani Emmiad

443 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Nalani Emmiad's Quarters

Nalani would have to clean the wounds she could clearly feel on her knees before she did anything else, so laying the pieces of PADD on the table she shucked her uniform into the recycler. The shower was already warm, and the pulses of water gently relaxed her so the pain in her back and legs eased within a few minutes. While she could really do with a massage, she didn't feel like leaving the confines of her quarters to get one at Verena, as pleasant as it might be. Glancing down at herself she saw the bloody scrapes on her knees, and the red/purple beginnings of a good bruise on her right knee and hip. Those would be rather spectacular in a few days as she tended to bruise with little provocation. Prodding them experimentally earned a hiss of pain, and a mental note of 'hands off'

Once clean, she found herself standing beside her closet. No, I can't wear anything binding on my legs. I don't want to hurt. I know I have a dress in here somewhere that will suit. "There you are" she spoke into the dim light of the closet and pulled out a knee-length knit green dress. It had 3/4 sleeves and showed off her curves with a cable pattern that accentuated her figure. A bracelet of woven black leather was visible along with a charm of bone and abalone, that reminded her of home. Periodically she would switch over the carving to suit her mood and right now it was a Maori fishhook.

"Time to look at that PADD and see if I can fix it" speaking to no one in particular, she padded barefoot back to her table where she looked at the assembled parts of the PADD. Her fingertips brushed the button as she turned a piece over and she squealed in surprise as suddenly there was a dog bounding around her quarters excitedly. It was the pinwheeling of her arms that kept her from falling over and she scrambled for the button again to turn it off. Chest heaving, she was rewarded by echoing silence filling the space that barking had faded from. Once it was off she picked up the small controller and read the print on it. 'Holographic Canine controller Model 102.' Laughter started bubbling from her lips at the absurdity of this day. That must have been the holo-dog that the tiny tornado had been walking when he took her out at the knees. He'd want that back for certain and Nalani did NOT want that addition to her menagerie.

"Computer, what quarters assignment does Artyom Mikhailov have?"


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