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The Zelda Alegari Chronicles, Part 1

Posted on Fri 22nd Nov, 2019 @ 9:54pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

916 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Intelligence Department, Interview Room 1
Timeline: MD 3, 0830

Ischemia Addams was not the soft and gentle sort. She could be sympathetic, even empathetic, but she did not wear her feelings on her face, and she kept her strategies well concealed. Nevertheless, something almost ... motherly was touched by Zelda Alegari. She had not had an easy life. No one would ever say she was naive ... yet there was some feeling of innocence about her.

The two women sat in chairs rather more comfortable than the normal seating of the interview room, side by side, and waited for the investigators to show. The desk and three chairs had been replaced by a small conference table and several more chairs. Addams put her warm hand on the small cold ones Zelda clasped in front of her on the table. "It's going to be alright. Starfleet doesn't really want you. They want those who are responsible for crimes against humanity. The way they treated you is one of those crimes."

Alegari looked up at Ischemia and searched her eyes, looking for something. Finally, she nodded. "I believe you ... I trust you, and yet I'm frightened. Even if they release me, what will happen to me? Where will I go? I have no resources, no job, no home ... no one who cares. They might as well keep me in that brig. It's -"

Zelda broke off as the door opened, and she turned her eyes to see who would enter first. Addams withdrew her hand and put on her impenetrable persona, the one which had negotiated across the galaxy.

Damion Ildaran stepped inside the room and let the door slide closed behind him, as the others weren't quite ready yet. He smiled at Zelda and at the impassive look on Ischemia Addams' face. "Good morning, Miss Alegari, Miss Addams. We'll be starting in just a few more minutes. Might I get anything for either of you before we begin?"

Zelda dropped her eyes to her hands and shook her head, but Ischemia said, "Yes, please. A pitcher of cold water and glasses would be pleasant. Interrogations tend to run long and be dry affairs."

"Water sounds good all around. I'll get some," Damion agreed. Then he paused in front of Zelda, bent over the table, and spoke to her in a low voice. "You are greater than what you're afraid of. I promise you are."

Zelda's eyes jerked up to his, and she searched for the sincerity she heard. "I hope so," she said uncertainly.

After Ildaran left, the two women waited in silence, each immersed in their thoughts about the coming interview ... Ischemia with positive certainty, Zelda with exactly the opposite feelings. The door opened again, and this time it was one of the interrogators, the one who had simply listened in the corner previously.

"Ah, our witness," Addams said. "I wondered who it would be."

Walking in deliberately, Andrew kept the same facial expression as he had for the entirety of the preliminary questioning led by Damion. Placing his PADD down on the table, he took his seat at a chair that was across the two women. Zelda looked visibly shaken by this whole ordeal and, as expected, her counsel seem totally unfazed at all. Sitting quietly for a moment, Andrew pressed the PADD a few times before glancing up and looking directly at Zelda, "I know you've gone through quite a bit, but I also know you are aware that we must find out exactly what transpired a little while ago." He spoke firmly, alluding to the events set in motion by Zelda, or at least one of her multiple personalities.

Maintaining his gaze on Zelda, Andrew continued in a soft tone, "This whole thing will obviously be expedited if you provide any information at all pertaining to this ring of yours or the signals transmitted from the Starbase." He knew this was going to get him nowhere, especially with Addams present, but at worst it laid some groundwork for the questioning to come.

Alegari glanced at Addams, seeking guidance or permission, Ischemia wasn't sure, but she nodded. They had known these questions would come, and Ischemia was prepared for her client to be as forth-coming as possible in the initial stages. She knew, as well as the interrogators, that Morrigan had to be reached, and putting pressure on Zelda was the only way to reach her.

"I don't know anything about that. The ring ...," she frowned and gazed at her hands, where the ring had once been attached. "I don't know. It was pretty. I liked it, but what's sinister about that? Will I get it back at the end of all this?"

Before the man could answer, Ischemia said, "Miss Alegari, the ring is evidence in a crime. It isn't a crime you committed, but that was committed on you. You will not get it back, but you don't want it back, trust me on this."

Looking at the commander, she added, "She doesn't know anything about the signals. You already know that. Let's move on."

Damion returned with two pitchers of water and several stacked tumblers. He went to the conference table and set an empty tumbler at each chair, with a pitcher at both ends of the table. He went to the doorway and leaned into the hallway as the door opened. "Dr. Addams, I think we're ready to start."

After a moment, Doctor Addams entered, also carrying a PADD. "Why, Ms Addams," she said coolly, "fancy meeting you here."


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