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Brown Sectors Sunrise.

Posted on Sun 17th Nov, 2019 @ 10:45pm by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector- Free Clinic
Timeline: MD 4 0600

The brown sector clinic was something that Khellian and Makila had been discussing for quite some time. The idea of a free clinic, to stop the spread of disease was something that benefited everyone- but the Starfleet doctors not only didn't have time for, but they were unable to get any support for it due to the lack of trust.

Now, Khellian was no part of Starfleet. Clearly Romulan even despite his green eyes, the man had nothing to gain by helping people down there, and his race would actually help him as they would see him as an equal, someone possibly just as misunderstood as they were. Makila had a unique ability to establish rapport with people, and she would be the driving force behind any patients they saw. She was extraordinarily good at getting people to trust her, and gently influencing people to care better for themselves. It was her and her alone that would turn the tide for his practice, and he knew it. This was truly Makila's pet project and He could no more afford to alienate her than he could cut off his own arm.

Disease ran rampant down there. It killed more often than it was healed, and that was problematic for everyone involved. The very young and the very old fell prey to it, and it was not often that you saw someone reach a venerable old age in the Brown Sector. Periodically it would creep above decks and cause more problems than the doctors truly wished to deal with. This was something he could do. Public health, especially among the poor was something he personally took very seriously, and was the reason he'd taken the country posting when he was on Romulus. Especially since his qualification scores could have placed him anywhere in the Empire that he wanted to go. He was a Doctor, first before anything else. He existed to serve a need, and here was a need neatly packaged and bundled at his feet. He could no more ignore it than he could ignore an earthquake.

Dressing in the simple robes of an earth healer, he inspected himself. Green with brown, black and copper accents. He needed to look different enough that people would notice but not so fancy that people wouldn't want to come to him. Makila he noted also dressed in green, with black and lavender accents. It almost looked as if she was wearing flowers on the edges of her clothing, a trick of the patterning.

"Father I think you should take one of your glass panels with you. Maybe the sun in glory, and display it outside of your privacy screens. It will further associate good things with your presence in the sector."

The cool, professional mask that he wore in his office slid over his face, and he was Dr. s'Siedhri once more. The heart wounded man that had been previously there vanished with the donning of his medical medallion. "That is a fine idea. See if you can't find one in my workshop that suits our needs."

Beaming the woman practically bounced out of the room where they were preparing supplies for their jaunt below decks. The clinic hours had been posted for several days and now it was time for them to actually go.

Khellian was both relieved and gratified to see a few patients sitting in his waiting area, patiently waiting his appearance. They in turn relaxed when the saw the pair of them with the kits in hand. Makila set up the table with the computer and portable scanner, and Khellian set up the privacy screens between the beds and the tiny private office area where he could write up anything abnormal or useful. It would be a twofold process- Makila would do the first sets of scans and send the preliminary scans to Khellian. He in turn would treat what he was able and report generalizations back should they be required. Any disease outbreaks would hopefully be smaller, more contained and take fewer lives. Doctor s'Siedhri dissappeared behind the screens, so that Makila could be the pleasant face of his practice.

Flicking the light on behind the sun in glory she'd found, the peach and yellow warmed the area in a way that only light could. The faceted glass gem above the rising sun actually cast rainbows across the waiting area. That alone would draw people's attention to the clinic. "Who was first to see the doctor?" Makila called out softly, arranging herself beside the stained glass panel that served as identification. Her experienced eye cast over those in the chairs, looking for anyone that appeared to be sicker than their provided information indicated.

A lanky woman carrying a young child rose from one of the chairs and came forward almost hesitantly. The boy was listless and pale, and he had the faint scent of illness and vomit upon him. He was clean though, cleaner than his mother and Makila immediately suspected that she sacrificed much for this beloved child. Laying her son on the scanner bed, Makila smiled down at him and ran the scanner over his thin body. "Has he been eating and drinking?"

"No miss. He's been 3 days now, hot as a iron, and throwing up everything he tries to eat. Many in the compound have had spots and have been doing the same. Naught a one of us can get him to eat today. Not even his favorite foods." The woman looked concerned, tear streaks visible on her cheeks.

Makila nodded and pressed a tiny sample collector to his throat to get a drop of blood to run serum electrolyte checks.

"Take him through and place him on the first bed. I'll be in in a moment."


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Comments (1)

By on Mon 18th Nov, 2019 @ 11:50pm

Thank you for running with this! I'm very excited to get some things going on in Brown Sector. This is a great medical beginning.