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Changes Ahead

Posted on Sun 8th Dec, 2019 @ 9:16pm by Brigadier General Franklin Sinclair & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,206 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: MAGEG Operations/Sinclair's Office, Deck 120
Timeline: MD 2 0900

"Come in and have a seat, Commander," Franklin Sinclair said as the Tactical Chief entered his office. He reached forward to shake hands. "It's good to meet with you. I don't have the chance to see many of the Fleet staff." He waved Eberstark to a chair in front of his desk and then moved behind it to sit down. "Your email said you wanted to talk to me about upgrades to our fighter craft. I'm certainly keen to hear what you have to say. Anything we can use to manage the pirates interests me. What upgrades do you propose?"

Taking a seat, Andrew gave a polite grin as they shook hands, "Thank you for seeing me. I know both of our schedules are a bit jammed so I'm happy we were able to find time to meet in person," keeping the PADD he brought in his hands, Andrew figured he'd better get straight to the point, "Well, as you know, we've had quite the issue with this pirate situation in our area," shaking his head in disappointment, "And had little success mitigating the problem on a global scale. On a local scale, however, I feel that we can take advantage of Starbase 109's defenses."

Handing the PADD over, Andrew continued, "Specifically starting with our support craft. It will involve adjusting the power distribution and tweaking some of the internal systems. Doing so will rely more on the pilot for manual control for engine and energy distribution when necessary, but I think based on your standard squadron flight patterns we can have them work more in unison with heightened sensors and weapon recharge to better identify and engage a cloaked pirate ship before they realize what's happening."

"Improved sensors are always welcome, and I definitely like this system for faster weapons recharge," Sinclair agreed as he studied the information on the PADD. "You might get some protest at first from the pilots, about them needing to assume more manual control, but the way I see it, they can learn how to compensate for that. You can get used to anything if you practice it enough. There's bound to be some give and take. If they want better sensors and faster weapons, I'd think most of 'em won't mind putting in a little extra work. Some of 'em will regard it as a challenge."

Andrew nodded, "It's certainly not a perfect adjustment, but for the current situation, I feel like it may be worth a shot. I'd be interested in any feedback your pilots have to offer to better tailor these adjustments," shrugging, "I'm by no means a pilot, but I know that sometimes when you upgrade a fighter, you're not necessarily helping the pilot. I would obviously welcome their input before we implement anything, but as you know, time is of the essence."

"I'm also interested in stealth enhancements," Sinclair replied as he scrolled through Eberstark's proposal. "I can arrange time for you to meet with the pilots tomorrow or the day after, if you'd like, Commander," he said.

Andrew nodded, "I thought you would find those interesting. The USS Telford has been toying with the idea of adjusting their shields and energy signature to mask more of the ship on enemy sensors and I thought we could apply that to the smaller fighters. In theory, it should work and give us a tactical advantage. I can make the time tomorrow to meet with your pilots. I feel like the sooner we jump on these adjustments, the better. I'm thinking while we're at this, we should see if we can make some upgrades to the Station's defenses, as well, but that would involve the Chief of Security's input. The long-term goal of this would be to coordinate with Federation ships and other allied vessels in the area to combat the pirates."

"What about communications?" Sinclair asked. "Are our current encryption technologies strong enough to prevent the pirates from eavesdropping? It's hard to tell, from this end."

Andrew gave it some thought and nodded, "That's a good idea. I haven't heard chatter from Starships regarding pirates hacking into our communications but that doesn't mean they haven't tried. Wouldn't hurt seeing what we can do on that end. If we're upgrading a bunch of systems, might as well go the whole route."

"If communications don't currently seem to be an issue, I'm glad to have that confirmed. The technology that pirates use is usually not up to Fleet standards; it's always a vulnerability, though," Sinclair said. "When would you want to start implementing these bells and whistles into our craft, if the pilots agree to try them?"

"Agreed. Not a top priority but one we shouldn't overlook. In regards to timing, my goal was to get those done ASAP. Outside of coordinating with the rest of Starfleet, I'm anticipating the fighters would be our first line of defense, or offense for that matter, against these pirates. Hopefully once we meet with your pilots, I can get quick approval from the Commodore and start right away. The sooner, the better in my opinion," adding, " We can coordinate the Station's upgrades with Lieutenant Briggs and Commander Baro as well."

"I'd like to get some input from my XO and MAG squadron leader, find out what improvements they'd like to see in the base's defenses," Sinclair said. "I think coordinating information from ships in the area would be a great help. So far, we've been too busy rebuilding what we lost while the FCDA controlled this base to be able to adequately liaise with parties sending ships through the area, and overtures we might want to make with allied ships will have to go through diplomatic channels. It's doable, though, and I agree, necessary. I'd be willing to talk to the diplomats, if you need."

Andrew gave a nod of agreement, "By all means. Any and all input would be helpful. I appreciate the offer regarding coordination with diplomats and associated allied ships. Once we get a formalized plan of action regarding all these items, we can see what makes the most sense regarding disseminating the information. It's part of my job to adequately coordinate with friendlies in nearby space so maybe a joint effort on our parts to establish a successful dialogue with them."

"I'd welcome the chance to work with you on this," Sinclair replied. "Building a manageable network of friendly forces that share information without it being like pulling teeth would improve the base's apprehension efforts considerably, I'd think. Once I've met with my senior staff and let them chew on this for a couple of days, shall we all meet to discuss which would be the best ideas to implement?"

"Sounds like a plan. I appreciate you being open to these changes." Andrew stood to leave. "I'll keep the ball rolling on my end and see if Lieutenant Briggs has some time to discuss the Station's upgrades."

"I appreciate you suggesting the changes, Commander Eberstark," Sinclair said. "I'll discuss with my people what you propose and see what ideas they have. In about a week, perhaps we could meet again? Meanwhile, let me know when you're available, and I'll schedule a meeting with the pilots."


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 10th Dec, 2019 @ 1:34am

I like bringing up that we've been upgrading from an under-developed point since taking over the station again. It sounds like a perfect playground for group posting as ideas are discussed! Great beginning to the upgrade plans.