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Strange New Arrivals - Part II

Posted on Mon 9th Dec, 2019 @ 6:11pm by Renoh'th Jannaris

530 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 362: Main Docking
Timeline: MD-03: 1530 hours

Over the course of about two and a half hours, various people disembarked from the USS Destiny which had come in to dock within the massive Stardock-class station's port. Some were Starfleet officers and enlisted personnel - fresh-faced and read for a new assignment. Others were civilians - some looking wide-eyed and excited, clearly in awe of their new surroundings and ready for the possibilities that this new locale might offer to them. Others were more subdued, their expressions more worn and hardened. For them, the change of location was likely to bring the same set of challenges, often economy-related. Even on a Federation run station, there were the rich and the poor.

Amongst the massing throngs, made up of people of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds, one man moved silently through the docking tunnel. He was not overly tall - at least in comparison to the majority of humanoid species that milled around him - and he wore long black robes, the high quality of which was evident at a glance. A lattice-pattern was woven into the hem, also in black, and a large hood covered his head disguising his face. Under the hood and just above a royal-purple collar that protruded from the top of his robes, one could just about make out a black, will maintained beard on a dark-skinned face.

Behind him, a small, blue-skinned alien, also dressed in black robes (although of discernibly lesser quality), pulled a large black trunk behind him. Being a little over four feet high, and trying to manoeuvre a somewhat unwieldy case, he frequently bumped into those around him - often soliciting discontented grunts and curses from the crowds.

The man in front, however, paid him no attention. He simply continued to walk through the crowd, his head low.

As he exited the main disembarking tunnel, the crowd began to thin out, as the space opened up into a huge concourse. The man paused, raised his head slightly to glance around, and then continued walking towards one of several large turbolifts. Others were queueing ahead of him, and, when the turbolift arrived, he simply waited for others to get on. One kindly looking lady suggested to him that there was plenty of space in this lift but he did not get on. In fact, he didn't move at all, not even to acknowledge the woman's gesture. He simply remained stationary, allowing the lift doors to close. He did not get on the next lift either, rather waiting again until finally a lift arrived that was not already half-full.

He entered, turning to face the doors and although he showed no outward expression, there was a degree of impatience about him as he waited for his blue-skinned companion to finally push his way through the remaining crowd and enter the lift with him, dragging the obviously heavy trunk behind him. Again, the man made no visible indication that he had acknowledged the small alien's presence, but as soon as the trunk was stationary in the lift, he looked up at the station schematic on the turbolift wall and, after a few moments, selected his destination: deck 666.


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Comments (3)

By on Tue 10th Dec, 2019 @ 1:24am

Oooh, eerie and speculative fiction dealing with important numbers! A wonderful beginning!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 13th Dec, 2019 @ 11:44pm

Don't tempt me to bring some of my fantasy characters onto the station. :)

By Lieutenant Commander Cadence Marshall on Sun 30th Oct, 2022 @ 1:49pm

This post is amazing and I love the nod to one of my favorite characters, "Oh" from the movie 'Home'. The little blue guy.. LOL. Anyway, not sure who this belongs too, but the character has been accidentally attached to me [Lil] and as much as I'd love to claim him. He's not mine.