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Tue 22nd Nov, 2022 @ 1:19am

Brigadier General Franklin Sinclair

Name Franklin Sinclair

Position MAGEG Commanding Officer

Rank Brigadier General

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 55

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 200 lbs.
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A bit short for a human and a bit stocky for a Marine, General Sinclair presents an appearance of being all business when on duty. He has a warm, comfortable-sounding bass voice that is calm and inspires confidence. Sinclair is bald and clean-shaven. His straight-backed posture is automatic after over 25 years of Fleet service. His movements are unhurried but direct. He looks people in the eyes when speaking to them.


Spouse Grace Hill Sinclair
Children Two daughters
Father Maxwell T. Sinclair
Mother Georgette Sinclair
Brother(s) Robert

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sinclair is a professional career Marine officer who exudes the quiet, calm confidence of one who knows his strengths, knows how to lead, and knows when to step back and let others do their jobs. He is intelligent but does not play that up. He is observant and uses that quality to do his job and to help others do theirs.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
* A good leader.
* Self-disciplined.
* Not a micro-manager.
* Has a sense of humor.
* Not patient with incompetence.
* Not always patient with civilians.
* Hates public speaking.
* His wife's cooking.
Hobbies & Interests Drawing. Used to be more athletic than he now is. Watching military holo-vid dramas. His granddaughters. You can mess with his uniform; you can mess with his desk. Do NOT mess with his granddaughters.

Personal History Born in Arlen, Texas on Earth.