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The Only Constant is Change.

Posted on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 12:20pm by Maiek s'Ethien & Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr
Edited on on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 12:21pm

699 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Ambassadors Quarters

Verelan gazed out the window of the fine set of quarters that the station had provided her. Her face lit with a smile, genuine and full, when her nephew entered a moment later. "Good morning Maiek!"

"You wished to see me llairhi?" The young romulan stumbled on the carpet at the threshold of her office and glared fiercely at his feet. He was just out of what he hoped was his final growth spurt and was still getting used to his new proportions. He towered over Verelan now, and his features were classically stunning. Were they still on Romulus his face alone would have him in the center of the highest social circles. Here though, she was sure people would appreciate his classic beauty or his skill as an artist and designer?

"You used to call me Aunt."

"You were not the ambassador then, and we were able to walk the hills of Mhiessan together. We could watch the boats come into the port, and speak of things in the senate. I could draw and design clothing and the finest of the Empire would bear my mark into the Senate. I was a child, and I didn't know better. It was different, it is different now. You probably should not have shared with me as much as you did. And yet, I so wish that we could return home so you might do so again." The look on his face was one of melancholy. Everything in his world had changed in such rapid succession that none of them could have forseen it.

"Life cannot exist without change Maiek. If we do not embrace change, difficult as it might be we will disappear into the universe, forgotten. That is something I cannot abide for the Romulan people, our clan specifically. The human literature has a poem that includes the line 'Do not go gentle into that good night'. I find that phrase quite fitting. "

Pressing his lips together he nodded slowly. "We can no longer remain as we were. Are we still romulans as we are?"

"Of course! You were born on Romulus, and you have your pride in your culture. You also have something else that the elder Romulans will never be able to have. The ability to absorb from other cultures. You are young Nephew, and you are smart. I have every confidence that you will adapt. You can mingle with the people here in a way my position does not allow. "

"Why exactly doesn't it?"

"There are protocols I must follow, and they do not withdraw their binding upon me simply because I wish it."

"I have not seen the other diplomats here fear to create bonds of friendship with others. I think, if you wish to change the way Romulans are seen by these people, that you should not keep yourself apart from them. We are wiser now, even though we are as prideful as ever we were." Maiek nodded his own agreement with his statement.

"I will consider it."

"Good. "

"Try this." she remarked as she nibbled a small block of white cheese. "It is called cheese. It was in the basket that the Chief of the Diplomats brought to me earlier. It is truly a unique flavor, and the little green and red bits have a spicy bite to them."

Biting into the block, Maiek's eyes fluttered closed with bliss, and a smile lit his face at the spicy flavor. "I love the food here. It is so different than what we had on Romulus. I tried something called sausage today at the breakfast served by the diplomats. It was sublime, I know not what meats from Earth go into this dish but you simply must try it. I was told that it is a traditional breakfast staple of the humans. It is no wonder to me that they are such a happy people, with such wonders to eat daily."

Her laughter was unrestrained as she cut another slice of cheese and placed it on a cracker. Nibbling it, she sighed softly "I might cautiously agree with you. I wonder why the Empire found the Humans to be so threatening so many years ago. "


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