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Was That Disruptor Fire I Heard?

Posted on Sat 19th Oct, 2019 @ 5:55pm by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: D'K Tahg
Timeline: MD 9 200 hours

Previously on IKS D' K Tahg ... After ten minutes the helmsman reported, “We are 50 million kilometers from Star Base 109, Ambassador.” He didn't address Krell, he addressed T’Vala.

T'Vala was keeping an eye on the readings. When they reached a safe distance, she gave the order to go to warp.

The helmsman did as ordered without hesitation. D’K Tahg went to warp in a shimmering line that seemed to stretch forever. Now the stars flashed by on the screen as the Bird of Prey got farther and farther away. There was almost a smile on Krell’s face. He missed being out in space on his ship, and the feeling of freedom gave him joy. His train of thought was broken by a call for help on a Klingon frequency they were monitoring. =^=This is the Klingon colony on D'Valkra IV! We have been attacked by pirates and require medical attention. Some of our people have been taken by the pirates and will be sold as slaves. Please, someone help us!=^=

“That!” Krell said as he pointed to the Communications Officer, “Hail that colony.”

The Klingon tried several times to raise the colony. “No contact, it must have been automated or their equipment no longer works.”

“Helmsman, plot a course for that colony and increase to maximum velocity, now!” Krell ordered.

The helmsman did as ordered and the ship was on its way.

"Who can you call for help?" T'Vala asked.

“Who would I call?” Krell asked before answering his own question. “The colony is in Klingon space, the Federation isn't allowed to enter without permission, which they would be denied. There are no Klingon ships close enough to help. Before D’K Tahg was given to me, this would have been her patrol area.”

"What about a Vulcan ship? I don't know how soon one would be able to get here, but there might be one in the area." She cocked her head to one side. "Or would that be considered Federation?"

“The Klingon Empire likes Vulcans even less than humans. They wouldn't be allowed to enter Klingon space, and even if they were allowed, it would probably be too late.” Krell paused for a moment, “As close as we are, it is very likely that we will also be too late, but we might be able to render first aid to the wounded.”

She nodded. "Then we will render what help we can."

"Sir," Regos said respectfully, "We can't leave Federation space without letting them know where we're going. What if something goes wrong with your rescue? It will be as if you disappeared in space. I'm sure your enemies would be quick to claim your death." She hoped by mentioning his enemies, she would get him to at least send a message to SB109.

Krell nodded, she was right. As a Captain, he didn’t have to report to anyone, he was able to do whatever he wanted. Now he was the Ambassador to the Federation and had different responsibilities and right now he had the responsibility to protect the Vulcan Ambassador.

“Send an encoded message to SB109 informing them of our situation.” Krell ordered and the Communications Officer did so.

D’K Tahg had entered Klingon space only an hour before they received another distress call. =^=This is the Freighter Horizon, we are under attack by Pirates and need imitate assistance, please help!=^=

Krell looked at T’Vala, “I’ve heard of the ship. The Captain is an honorable human who transports goods and even passengers to various systems inside Klingon and Federation space. I believe the ship goes to Starbase 109 as well.” Krell glanced over at his helmsman. “Where is she?”

“Not far, Captain, maybe one light-year in the direction that we are heading,” the helmsman replied.

“Get us there, now!” Krell ordered and the bird of prey increased its speed. In a few minutes, Krell might get some answers ... or more questions.

"We're in visual range, Captain."

"On screen!" Krell ordered. A battle unfolded with a D12 Bird of Prey holding a freighter in a tractor beam.

"The freighter has sustained some damage, and it looks like the Bird of Prey sent over a boarding party to loot it," the Science Officer said.

T'Vala stayed out of the way and observed. In this, she felt it might be important to have a third-party observer in case there were problems later.

Lissi followed Krell, though it was hard to keep up with him as he moved around the bridge, mostly calling out calm orders. She could see why his men respected him, and it was interesting to see him in this role, rather than ambassador. She rather thought this suited him better, and suspected he thought so, as well.

"Prepare to drop the cloak, lock-on weapons," Krell ordered.

"Weapons locked on, awaiting your orders," the weapons officer said.

"Drop cloak, raise shields and fire disruptors!" Krell ordered. The disruptors hit true and took out the tractor beam. The freighter pulled away quickly. Another D12 decloaked off the port bow and fired its disruptors. D'K Tahg rocked from the impact. Krell's ship shifted and returned fire at the new ship, damaging it slightly. Then it fired photon torpedoes, seriously damaging the second D12.

The first D12 fired its disruptors and an EPS relay exploded near the Weapons Officer, sending him flying three meters to the floor. Krell looked back at him, "T'Vala, get on the weapons!"

Without a word, the Vulcan took over the recently-vacated station and targeted the other ship's weapons.

"Fire at will!" Krell ordered.

T'Vala nodded, firing as ordered. She didn't want to hurt anyone; her intention was only to disable weapons and engines so they couldn't return fire or run away. Her fire was true.

"Nice shooting, Ambassador! He's not going anywhere. Target the engines of the other one." Krell was pleased and impressed with T'Vala's weapons skills in a pinch, but he wasn't about to show her, other than the compliment he had already given. He didn't want her to get a big head.

T'Vala didn't need the praise, but she accepted it graciously. She targeted the next ship, taking out its weapons and engines, as well.

Regos was impressed that a Vulcan ambassador was that good at firing a Klingon weapon. Any weapon, for that matter. It seemed out of character, and she determined to look up the woman's history when she was back on the base. Obviously, she hadn't always been an ambassador! I wonder if she held command of a ship and misses it as much as the Klingon.

Once the two D12 Birds of Prey were disabled, Krell focused on the victim, "Where is the freighter?"

"She went to warp, Captain. She's safe," the Science Officer replied.

Krell pulled out two disruptors and looked at the Science Officer, “Transport me and a boarding party to the Bridge of the closest ship.”

Quickly a group plus Krell appeared on the Bridge of the Nengath and after a small firefight, Krell began downloading the ships complete database on an isoliniar chip. After several minutes his task was complete and the boarding party transported back to the D’K Tahg.

Krell took control of the weapons system and targeted each of the D12s and destroyed them.

"Helm, continue on course ... and get him to the infirmary," Krell said as he pointed to the wounded Weapons Officer.


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