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Inspecting D'K Tahg

Posted on Thu 17th Oct, 2019 @ 11:47pm by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala
Edited on on Sat 19th Oct, 2019 @ 5:39pm

1,100 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: D'K Tahg, Klingon Bird of Prey
Timeline: MD8 1230 Hours

After their brunch, Ambassador Krell led Ambassador T’Vala to the docking port where the Bird of Prey was docked. Ambassador Krell’s new ship, the IKS D' K Tahg awaited for him. Krell still had friends on the high council. Since his ship was out of commission from battle damage and would be down for months, a friend on the council decided to reallocate a small, aging B’rel class Bird of Prey for Krell.

Lt. Regos came close behind the two ambassadors, but hadn't spoken to them. She remained as unobtrusive as possible, partly because she wasn't sure the joy ride Krell was planning was a good idea. With his penchant for finding trouble, she had a feeling the joy ride would turn into something else. Nevertheless, her orders were not to stop him, but to be sure she was there to protect him. She sighed quietly.

Krell stopped at the hatch and glanced at his faithful First Officer Dur’an, “Let us begin.”

He was referring to an inspection of his new ship. During brunch, Krell received word that the D' K Tahg had arrived so he invited T’Vala on an official tour since she was a diplomat.

T'Vala bowed to Dur’an. "Well met," she said, amused by his subtle reaction to Krell bringing a Vulcan aboard.

“Welcome aboard, Ambassador T’Vala, I was told to expect you,” Dur’an said.

“After you, Ambassador,” Krell said and indicated for her to lead with a wave of his arm.

"Please, call me T'Vala. I am only Ambassador when I'm fulfilling the role," she said as she walked onto his ship.

“Okay, T’Vala it is. Our first stop is the bridge. It’s a small ship, designed for scouting and attacking. The Bridge is also small,” Krell replied as they entered the bridge. “Helm station, tactical, Science and the Captain’s chair.” The Klingon pointed to each station as he named it.

T'Vala looked around at each station as he pointed them out. It was small, but it didn't seem cramped.

“Next up are the quarters, also small and somewhat cramped. Very uncomfortable, but this ship is built for war, not comfort, so no space is wasted,” Krell explained.

T'Vala wondered if they would be cramped for a Vulcan. Their needs were often simpler, and they could get by with much less, if necessary.

The door opened for T'Vala to peek inside, and Krell asked, "So what do you think about the quarters?"

She found them adequate. "Definitely unsuitable for a Klingon."

Krell turned to T’Vala, almost glaring at her, “Are you trying to make a joke?”

She looked at him, her expression calm. "Did you not tell me that they were small and cramped? Vulcans are used to simple things, as we value logic and knowledge over creature comforts. Therefore, these quarters would be adequate for a Vulcan, but unsuitable for a Klingon. It was a logical conclusion." It was also, in her opinion, an appropriate use of hyperbole.

The Klingon, however, was slightly annoyed by her comment. “This is a Klingon ship and the quarters are perfect for a Klingon Warrior.” Krell turned and continued on the tour. “Next up is the Mess Hall.”

"As you wish," she said, highly amused. "To the mess."

"And here is the Mess Hall." Krell said as the door opened and he stepped in. The room had several bench-style tables for the Warriors to dine when they weren't on duty. Other than that, there was nothing but a Klingon banner that hung from the far wall.

T'Vala nodded. "Efficient." She raised an eyebrow. "That is a compliment."

"Huh." Krell grunted. "Why don't we head to engineering and wrap up this tour with a little cruise," Krell suggested.

T'Vala nodded. "Why not? I would like to see your engine room."

Krell escorted T’Vala to engineering section, “We use the same type of propulsion system that the Federation uses. Matter and antimatter system, the B’rel class is 157 meters in length, 181 meters wide and 98 meters tall. The ship’s complement is about a dozen and maximum warp speed is 9.6. She has two disruptor cannons and one torpedo launcher. She is small, old and under-gunned, but she makes a good scout ship and is fine to take me where I need to go.”

The Vulcan nodded. "That will hopefully keep you out of trouble. I read bout the problems you had with your old ship."

“In my defense, I was simply trying to stay alive during an ambush.” Krell said. “My other ship did survive.” Krell turned and opened the door to go back, “Ready to head back to the bridge?”

"No need to apologize. You handled yourself admirably, as did your crew. It was most impressive." She nodded that she was ready to return to the bridge.

Krell lead the way to the bridge, and ordered, "Helm, prepare to take us out." He was unfamiliar with the crew of D'k Tahg, except for his First Officer. "Ambassador, care to take us out?" Krell asked as he glanced her way.

"If you wish." She inclined her head to Krell.

The captain nodded, "Please do."

"Please verify that we have clearance to depart," she said.

"Station Command has given us the green light to launch."

T'Vala nodded. "Very good. Helm, take us out, 1/4 impulse. Lay in a course out of the system." She glanced at Krell. "Pick a random destination, we are not going far."

"Yes, Ambassador," a male Klingon said from the Helm station, "1/4 impulse, heading 024 mark 05." The Bird of Prey began to move at 1/4 impulse as instructed.

"Very good, Ambassador, you make a worthy captain, so far," Krell said.

One side of T'Vala's mouth quirked up, briefly. "High praise, Ambassador. I thank you."

"Although we can't get far at 1/4 impulse," Krell added.

"We will speed up once we get we get far enough from the station and the planet," she replied primly.

"No. We go to full impulse once we are a safe distance from the station." They'd only just left the docking port.

Krell and T’Vala continued some small talk as they waited for the ship to get away from SB109. When they were a safe distance, she gave the order to go to full impulse.

After ten minutes the helmsman reported, “We are 50 million kilometers from Starbase 109, Ambassador.” He didn't address Krell, he addressed T’Vala.

T'Vala was keeping an eye on the readings. When they reached a safe distance, she gave the order to go to warp.

To Be Continued ....


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