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Check up

Posted on Wed 5th Dec, 2012 @ 2:25am by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

892 words; about a 4 minute read


Cara headed down to see Nyx, now that Tallus was shielding her she wanted to talk to Nyx and make sure she was ok with it ... and maybe get her medical opinion on what had been done exactly. Tapping on Nyx's office door Cara asked "Can I come in Nyx?"

"Bring your new friend along?" She asked almost sarcastically. She hadn't spoken to Cara since she'd noticed the two getting closer. "Suit yourself," She shrugged and went back to her work.

Raising an eyebrow in a unconscious mimicry of Tallus Cara walked in "New friend?" Shaking her head she quickly added "Never mind ... Look I know you think I'm after Dev ... I'm not ... he's like a brother to me ..." Looking a little out of place Cara rubbed her face agitatedly "Even if there was someone else I could trust to do this I would ask you because Dev says your the best at genetics he knows ... I ... I need your help Nyx."

It took everything Cara had to ask Nyx to help her.

"I wasn't talking about Devyn." Nyx shook her head and then the old questions popped back in again about their past and their connection. The jealousy she'd buried months ago was trying to rear itself again. "I saw you exchange glances with Tallus at the briefing. I only hope he doesn't use your friendship with Devyn to get information about do know he's the one who holds my his request." She told her her voice tightening with anger as the words came out. "I help anyone that requires it of me."

Cara nodded in understanding "Right now Nyx ... Tallus is the only person standing between this station and a terrified and possibly insane, out of control super Betazoid ... If he wasn't shielding me ... Well ..." She shook her head "I promise you ... the last thing we do is talk about you."

"Well I'm glad you have someone you can trust then... " She moved to get her trichorder. "Devyn is that person for me." She made it clear that she was unsure about trusting Cara at the moment. Childish or not, she wasn't about to forgive her friendship with the one man that was making her miserable. "What did you need from me?"

"I need you to run a DNA scan on me ... as indepth as you can go ... but without putting me into the system. No one can know what your doing or what you find ... except for you, Dev and Tallus for now." She knew she was acting mysteriously but it could mean her life and Jessie's if the information got out.

"I don't need to put you in the system." She wasn't about to betray a friend even if she was angry with her at the moment.

"Thanks Nyx. I ... Are you willing to hear the story behind the request?" Cara wouldnt force her to but she hoped she would.

"If it will help explain what I'm looking for and why then yes, I think I should know."

Nodding Cara sat on the medical bed "6 years ago Dev and I graduated the academy ... Dev went onto a ship and i went into what I was told was a special program on Earth. It was so special that 3 months in I was kidnapped and ... I cant remember alot of what they did to me ... Tallus is trying to help me remember while at the same time shield me so I dont go feral on people." She shook her head "Anyway ... I had been experimented on for nearly 6 months when Dev went all big brother on their asses and rescued me. Thats all he is to me ... a den mate and big brother."

"I'm no longer threatened by your relationship with Devyn. Kell and I are engaged but it's a secret at the moment and I'm not at liberty to discuss it. So please don't let on to Dev that you know. Now do you have any idea what kind of testing at all? Biochemical, genetic engineering, DNA Splicing?" She scanned Cara.

"A lot of injections ... something about viruses ... I'm sorry I dont have a lot of access to the memories ... Just that even the mention of Dobbs scares the proverbial out of me." Cara knew her freak out hadnt gone unnoticed in the meeting.

"More genetic engineering then unless they drew tissue samples first." She closed the trichorder. "There are things that don't make sense in your DNA, but I want to take some blood samples and really dig into it before I make any conclusive decisions."

Nodding Cara took her jacket off and rolled up her sleeve of her shirt "No problem Nyx."

Nyx took out a syringe and drew two vials of blood. "It's a little barbaric, but it's still the best and most accurate way to extract the DNA data I'll need."

Cara grinned "Sometimes primitive is good."

"Sometimes." Nyx shrugged. "This may take an hour. Do you want to come back or wait here while I run the program."

"I can come back Nyx ... I have to grab Jessie and the CO wants me in on an engineering assignment."

"Very good. I'll inform you when the results are ready...and please remember not to mention anything to Kell that I told you about our engagement."

Nodding Cara left with a thanks.


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