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The Prodigal Son

Posted on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 7:48am by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar

822 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution

"And so on this date we award the Starfleet Security Medal of Excellence to Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar for his heroism, courage and duty in the face of unprecedented odds in line of duty. His commitment to unearthing a Killer here in the very heart of Starfleet Headquarters has saved countless lives...…."

Solan closed the written transcript from his award ceremony as the Transport headed into it's standard docking procedure at Starbase 109. It was only supposed to be a temporary assignment to earth that was 2 years ago. So much has happened since then and as Solan put the PaDD into his bag and picked up his walking stick, he was glad to be home.

A killer roamed around Starfleet Headquarters for 6 months before they requested Solan to go back, a further 2 months of investigation and trawling through personnel files and psych profiles led him to the confrontation with his suspect. That would change his life from that point onwards and his arrest almost led to his death. Throughout history Trill Serial Killers were rare if non-existent and yet Jekkar was the first man to disprove that theory as his Assistant at Starfleet Security, overlooked and underappreciated had committed crimes just to show his superiors he was smarter than them. But Jekkar had him figured out.

3 months on life support at Starfleet Medical, 6 months rehabilitation followed on from that to the point Solan had known all the Staff by first names, Andoria for the remainder of his time to be with his family and recover from the near fatal knife wound that almost ended it all.

Transport vessel SS Castillo had been travelling from Andoria for days and Jekkar was amongst the final passengers aboard the aging ship. Stopping off at every backwater colony, outpost and rundown station this side of the Quadrant. But for Solan it was a chance to reflect, read up on all he had missed and surprisingly rare for an Andorian grow a beard. His stick was meant to aid in his rehabilitation and support for a short time but yet he found himself emotionally as well as physically attached to it.

Once docked and clear to disembark the Andorian limped out of the airlock and onto the Arrivals bay at 109 and to his surprise two old friends awaited him.

"Well look who it is." Summerby said as he stood arms folded and awaited the Commander. "Solan Jekkar the poster boy for Andorians and the Rockstar for Criminal Investigators everywhere." Clive Summerby had been Jekkar's Night Shift Supervisor and his closest friend in his time here. Proceeding forward he offered his hand. "Welcome home Commander, nice to see that your extended vacation left you with on heck of a beard."

"Nice to know that your attitude hasn't changed." Jekkar responded shaking his hand as he struggled to juggle his bag and his to stick at the same time. "Never thought i'd see this place as home if I am honest Clive."

"Commander Jekkar." To his left was Omar Saeed another of the Team Jekkar had worked with though his collar sported pips of a Lieutenant Junior Grade now. "Good to see you Sir."

Jekkar nodded as Summerby took his bag. And the three of them departed from the lounge to the turbolift. "We heard what happened on Earth with Commander Sool, crazy to think that he was under your nose the whole time." Summerby watched the way Jekkar moved, the limp and the slow pace was prominent.

"Not to mention the 3 Security Officers and Bolian Shuttle Pilot he killed before I got to him." Jekkar winced as he paused for a moment. "Took a knife to the back for my troubles though." The Commander remembered the morning of that incident and the struggle.

Saeed nodded. "Head of Starfleet Security and the Secretary for Federation Affairs put you up for a medal huh Chief? Can't say it wasnt deserved." He half smiled knowing how capable his old superior was. "Good to see you in uniform too."

The three men rode the lift to Jekkar's Quarters, he knew that day to day Security wasn't going to be his Department anymore so he returned to Vanguard as Chief Investigations Officer on the proviso he got an office and a small team to work with. Summerby and Saeed came along with it.

The walk along the hallway allowed for him to be surprised when the door opened to reveal all his belongings were there, decorated to how he used to have it and his old Cello was stood up in the corner with the Bow in the stand beside it. Saying goodbye to Summerby and Saeed he proceeded inside and slumped on the couch. "Computer reduce lighting by 75%, engage do not disturb mode and begin audio file Jekkar Sierra five zero five."

For all the rehab, all the pain and all the emotional turmoil that followed it the Prodigal Son was finally home.


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