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Posted on Tue 13th Aug, 2019 @ 9:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

1,213 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 5, 1145
Tags: Isabella

“So tell me more about this place we're going to have drinks. I take that it’s on the promenade. I haven’t spent much time there exploring yet,” Dallas said as they walked down the corridor to the turbolift and got in.

"Wait a minute!" Isabella exclaimed as she looked over to her new security officer. "How long have you been on the station? You haven't found your way to Orchids & Jazz yet? My Lord, I need to talk to the hospitality manager."

Dallas laughed, “About two days, I guess.”

"But seriously, Orchids is the place here where all staff go to unwind." Isabella continued to guide Dallas through the corridors, snaking around other officers, staff, and personnel. "And the owner, Jade Lantz.... well, I'll let you decide for yourself, but know this. She has a way of getting you to open up to her and giving you advice. Besides, if you like lemonade, this is the place in the quadrant where you will find the best lemonade ever."

Dallas followed Isabella as she talked, “Maybe she’d make a great Counselor then,” Dallas chuckled. “I’m not a big lemonade drinker, but who knows, maybe it will be my new go-to drink.”

"We have the appointment with the actual counselor, don't forget," Vic said mock severely. Her interest in meeting this woman, Jade, was piqued, however. "Dal, ask her more about the owner."

“So, tell me more about the owner, Jade. She sounds....interesting.” Dallas said as he glanced back at Victoria. He also had a feeling that he was being watched.

"What can I say? Jade is Jade." Isabella said as she looked at her newest colleague. "She can be your friend, counselor, bartender or whatever. She is just Jade. Not many people know too much about her and her past. She shares what she likes with whom she likes."

As they walked into the jazz club, Reon nodded at the Chief of Security. "Always a pleasure to see you, Ma'am. Are you having lunch?"

Isabella walked to her favorite both with Briggs in tow. "Reon my friend. I will have my usual, but let me introduce you to my new right hand." The Chief raised her hand to Dallas putting the attention on him. "Dallas, this is Reon, maitre'd of this fine establishment. I suggest you make him your friend and fast. When this place gets full, you're gonna want someone on the inside."

Dallas smiled and extended his hand, "Hello, Reon. It's a pleasure to meet you." Dallas was impressed with Orchids & Jazz so far. "It's a beautiful place that you're running here."

Reon shook his hand, but quickly said, "Oh, I don't run it. The owner does that, with the able help of her assistant manager. I'm more of a gatekeeper," he grinned. "Sounds better than bouncer, doesn't it?"

Dallas nodded, “I suppose it does.” Dallas paused for a moment, “So, do you have any recommendations for someone that’s very thirsty?”

"That really depends on what you like, Sir. If you ever had it, it's likely Miss Lantz has stocked it. Personally, I recommend the lemon Coca Cola," Reon said with a smile.

"Hello, Lt. Perry. I have a table for two in the loft if you'd like," Jenna said, coming up to the waiting customers. "Or if this is a fast meal, then there are seats at the bar."

"We will definitely need the loft today, Jenna." Isabella said as she smiled at her friend. "We might be up there for a minute."

"Oh, one of those lunches, eh? Got it. Follow me, and I'll get you seated, then help you figure out what you're eating." Jenna turned and walked toward the stairs. The Alpha-shift lunch customers were starting to show up, and the Cymbidiums were tuning their instruments prior to playing for the early afternoon crowd.

"So that band plays Jazz all day?" Briggs asked.

"No, Sir," Jenna answered over her shoulder and starting up the stairs. "They play for the afternoon, up until 1800, with a couple of breaks. They are our only permanent group, and playing here is their entire job. They're quite good, and I think you'll enjoy them."

At the top, she seated the two security officers at a table near the railing overlooking the floor below. Tall plants blocked most of the first floor customer tables, but the music combo and dance floor were easily seen.

"The menus are on the screen attached to the divider wall. Now, what can I bring you to drink?" Jenna asked.

Dallas smiled, "I'll take a bottle of saurian brandy and a glass, please." Dallas glanced over to Isabella.

"Just lemonade for me," the Security Chief said. "I'm on duty still."

Jenna nodded and said, "Coming right up."

"So Dallas, tell me about this lovely lady of yours," the Security Chief said.

Dallas smiled, “Well, we met in the Academy, she helped me out quite a bit. That’s how we became involved. We fell in love and when she left, that was the hardest year of my life, I thought then.” Dallas paused for a moment, “When I graduated, we got married and were assigned the same ship. She was a wonderful woman, smart, beautiful, independent. She was perfect, perfect for me.” Dallas looked around and wondered where his bottle was. He could use a drink right about now. “I just don’t know what I’m going to do without her.”

"Wow, you guys served on the same ship?" Perry asked. "What was her specialty in Starfleet?"

Dallas smiled, “She could do any position she wanted. What was that old earth saying ‘Jack of all trades, but master of none?” Dallas paused, “She was the XO at the time of her death. She might have been CO one day.” Dallas paused again to reflect.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" Isabella asked. "I know it's still painful for you, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

“We were sitting down in our quarters having dinner when an EPS conduit exploded behind the replicator. Vicky was a bit closer to the blast than I was, and she took the brunt of it.” Dallas looked down at his hands clasped on the table. He shook his head, “It should have been me instead....”

"What do you mean, it should have been you?" the Security Chief asked.

Dallas shook his head as he looked back up at the Security Chief. “She had a promising career and had everything going for her. She should be alive and I should be dead. I think it would have been better, and I would trade places with her in a heartbeat." Dallas hadn’t said what he really meant. He would hold onto that for now, but he was investigating the explosion on his own, and not getting anywhere with it right now.

"So what caused the explosion?" Isabella asked.

"They keep saying that it was an EPS conduit, but I don't believe it, I think it was an explosive device, but I wasn't allowed to look at my quarters or see the official records from the investigation. I have a nagging feeling that it was a coverup." Dallas explained.


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