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Diplomatic Preparations

Posted on Mon 12th Aug, 2019 @ 8:12pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Len Mori
Edited on on Fri 23rd Aug, 2019 @ 10:47pm

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Besm Deck Worksite
Timeline: MD 3, 13:40

He was a short man with broad shoulders. His grass-green hair was trimmed to five or six centimeters, but his square beard was long enough to strike his chest. He smiled as he approached her. "Commander Mori? I'm Malicious Cruncher, from the consulate staff. We spoke on the coms?"

Mori bowed her head briefly, "Pleasure to meet you in person." She said politely but sincerely. Giving the standard accompanying greeting gesture suitable upon a first meeting. Her experience with their planet helped as did her study but she was careful all the same. It wouldn't do to become overly confident. "I am pleased the scheduling was as fortuitous as it was. I understand how busy everyone must be." She observed politely.

"Oh, such a mess," Cruncher responded, rolling his large, sapphire blue eyes. "Everyone running around higgeldy-piggeldy, none of the right hands know what the left hands are doing... and that thing, with the tram? Ugh. I've had a stream of my engineers running off to apologize to little girls with broken arms!" He sighed. "But enough. You had questions?"

Mori nodded, "Yes. The tram incident would seem to indicate the helpfulness of closer interactions, given the symbiotic nature of the station." She observed mildly. Nothing existed in a vacuum and that included the lives intertwined on the station as well as the station itself. "In that vein, I should like to discuss arrangements for properly greeting and honoring your Enclave's Governor when they arrive."

Cruncher's expression at the mention of the symbiotic relationship of life aboard station was complicated, but cleared immediately upon mention of the Governor. "Ah, yes. Well, let us see. Rebekah Wildrose is a remarkable woman. First of our kind to join Starfleet, she retired as a Vice Admiral. Administratively, for our new colony, she bears the title Governor-General; diplomatically, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary." The Besm administrator smiled. "Do you have specific questions, Commander, or shall I give you a lecture on things one should know when dealing with the Admiral?"

"Let us find a place wherein we may discuss this without interruption, if we may?" She asked glancing around as people moved around them. "I can call up a map of the greeting site and then I'd like to hear your lecture. After which I can cover what we normally do in such cases and blend accordingly to this precise situation." She made a note of his complication look when she mentioned about the station but let it go for now. She had just enough experience with them to be aware of their own complexities, and while curious, did not wish to get bogged down on unrelated details just at the moment.

"Sure," Cruncher responded, looking around. The changes the Besm engineers had made to the area included resurfacing to look wooden or stone. They'd rounded corners, giving the corridor a comfortable, organic feeling which somehow felt... safe. Welcoming. "Er, how are you doing with the increased gravity? Shall we go someplace outside the Enclave?"

T'len smiled, "No this is quite alright, rather reminds me of home." She said. And it was so. Much like an old, comfortable cloak the weight of the gravity settled about her shoulders. "If you'd care to lead on we may continue our dicussion?"

"Certainly," Cruncher said, gesturing to one of the nearby rooms. He started walking in that direction. "This will be a... well, I suppose a cafe is the closest analog. A sort of community kitchen and casual eating place." Like the corridors, the room was rounded, corners eliminated, the lighting somewhat dim. "And I'm pleased that it reminds you of Home; I didn't know you'd been there?"

She smiled politely, "Just briefly during a conference. Quite a fascinating culture. Though when I spoke before, I spoke of my home on Vulcan; there are a number of geographical similarities. Most particularly gravity like Vulcan, I appreciated the comfort of that most especially." She said as she followed.

"Ah, forgive my error. Everything I've been doing for days has been 'trying to make this place like Home,' for when the settlers come." Cruncher sat on a mushroom-resembling stool which changed shape, accepting his mass and distributing it comfortably. "Please, sit. Would you care for some refreshment? Some Jestral tea, perhaps?"

T'len said and smiled politely, "Completely understandable, one wishes for all to be in readiness for the new settlers. And yes tea would be quite refreshing at the moment." She pulled put her PADD with her notes.

Cruncher visited a replicator and came back with two steaming mugs; one of jestral tea, and one of something which smelled vaguely of chocolate, apples, and cinnamon. "Here you are," he said, pacing the mug in easy reach for her, then taking his own seat. "How would you like to start, Commander?"

"Thank you..." She said bowing her head once, "I will need to talk to the Security staff for general protections so my items here will tend to focus on more of the protocol. For the approach I was envisioning a line of ships with their running lights on as a sort of welcoming party or honor guard..." She began and showed him the PAD with her drawings and notes. The first page was details on the approach. "I've talked to Operations and they feel this something they can accommodate. What do you think?"

"I think that's a lovely thought," Cruncher agreed. "The Admiral has a reputation... well, a couple of them. I've heard her described as having the honor of a Klingon, and the logic of a Vulcan. But less flatteringly, she's said to be a... bit of a stickler for manners, procedure, and courtesy."

"Her record is most note worthy." The Diplomat agreed sincerely. "We should leave no detail to chance then." She made a note to finalize those arrangements, "Then of course is the greeting at the docking bay. Naturally there will be an honor guard there; white gloves -- would she prefer armed or unarmed? Traditionally Starfleet honor guards are unarmed but can bow when the honored one passes."

"I think Starfleet's tradition should be observed," Cruncher said, thoughtfully. "One of the stories I've heard -- from multiple sources, mind you -- is of the Admiral taking the time to instruct some eager young person on exactly why the custom of saluting died out in Starfleet. She clearly has a dedication to the organization."

Mori nodded, making a note, then continued "Deeper in history is something called a 'Bosun's whistle' centuries ago it would greet arriving dignitaries on naval facilities would she prefer that?"

"Hmm?" Cruncher asked. "Isn't that still part of tradition? You use an electronic version now, I believe, but it's still the same three notes used to call over the master address circuit."

More notes, "It is, merely confirming her preference. Some traditionalists prefer an actual Petty Officer with a whistle so it rather depended on her views." More notes, "And instead of the ancient multiple weapon salute I was thinking senior staff, all in dress uniform of course, would bow low. An ancient sign of respect in many cultures, I believe yours as well?"

"Indeed," Cruncher said. "A sincere bow from the waist... here, let me demonstrate." He stood, faced the Vulcan, and placed his hands flat on the front of his thighs. "There are many shades of etiquette expressed in a bow in our culture. You don't need to learn all that, of course; let me just show you what's appropriate when meeting a ranking officer or dignitary." He inclined his torso from the hips, about thirty degrees. "Note that my gaze is directed at the deck. I am greeting a superior, not a peer."

T'len made a note, "How long should one hold the bow?"

"If it's personal... one on one, you understand... until the other person responds. But in a group, a classroom or what have you, two or three seconds is sufficient."

T'len nodded and made more notes. "So we have covered entrance to this area of space and the basic framework of welcome. Are there finer points of which we should be aware?"

Cruncher shook his head. "Generally, we're a pretty flexible people; just don't make the Admiral feel like she's being deliberately slighted, and I'm sure everything will come out well."


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