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When the Tide Changes, Part 2

Posted on Tue 13th Aug, 2019 @ 9:05pm by

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 6, 1350

Previously, at Orchids & Jazz:

"But you left all of that behind didn't you? I mean, wasn't that the point of your coming here?" he asked, trying to not let his growing anger show.

And now, the conclusion ....

Isabella looked up from her drink with a solemn look on her face. "Yes, I did leave that life behind, brother. But that doesn't mean I don't miss it or even think about it. The admiral hasn't asked me to do anything yet but step down from being the security chief here. I wanted to get your guys opinion about it. I do think she has something up her sleeve that she wants me to do though. Henry, she invited us to her home on Earth for dinner. She misses seeing you."

Jade was feeling like a party crasher on this private conversation, but the security chief had mentioned wanting an opinion from both of them. Without more details she didn't want to offer an opinion. Really, she rarely gave advice even when asked, but these two had become close friends. Though Isabella's emotions were not seesawing the way Henry's were, Jade imagined she'd already gone through that and was reaching acceptance.

"This discussion is going to take a while." Giving Isabella a shooing motion to scoot over, Lantz sat down with them. It had the effect of moving the siblings closer together physically, as well. "Does this mean you're leaving the station? Or will you stay and take a less public position? Or even be temporarily detached from Starfleet?" she asked.

"I don't know honestly," Isabella responded as she looked over to her brother and Jade. "I enjoyed working for Starfleet Intelligence and am very good at that work. I also feel like I need to be around my big brother also. I missed being near you, Henry, and being around."

Henry reached out for his sister's hand across the table. "Sis, don't feel like you need to stay here out of some sense of obligation to me. Sure, I enjoy having you so close and right around the corner, but you also need to do what is going to make you happy. Even though I don't like the thought of you being out in some gutterball part of of the galaxy dealing with scum, it's what you do best."

"In other words, Starfleet hasn't given you any idea what they have in mind for you next," Jade said, observing the tender moment between the siblings. "If you do go undercover somewhere, I hope that SB109 is still your home base. I don't know how it works to ask for those things, or even if it would work, because that may make you more trackable, but the two of you need more than years apart to look forward to."

She rose from the table. "I'm going to see to some other customers, but you two sit here as long as you like. Take your time together while you have it." Out of habit, she tapped the table twice with a knuckle and said, "Don't be strangers to us."

"Thanks Jade. I appreciate it." Isabella said to her friend as Jade left the table. "Well, Henry looks like we could be in the same boat as before. But somehow, this time feels different. I think I am going to have to go to Earth and see the Admiral in person. She doesn't like to talk about business over subspace. She invited you to come also. Want to make the jaunt with me?

Henry chuckled under his breath and took a sip of his lemonade. "If she invited both of us to come to Earth and eat at her house, then I know she has something planned for you. As close as we are to the Admiral and her family, she is going to try to convince me of her plan also. And if she convinces me, she has you. So, my answer is no. Not this time. But know this, sis, You have my support no matter what."

Isabella wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, stood up and hugged her brother. "I know you support me bro. I'll go and find out what the Admiral wants and then make my decision."

A gentle strain of music drifted out over their table from the Cymbidiums combo, and then Jade's lovely alto voice said, "This song is dedicated to two friends of mine, not in the traditional sense of the song, at all, but a brother and sister who are going to be missing each other for an undetermined time." Stepping back in front of the combo, she did something she rarely did. She sang for her friends.

There's a somebody I'm longing to see.
I hope that he turns out to be
Someone Who'll Watch Over Me.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 25th Aug, 2019 @ 7:04am

I adore Isabella, so I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop writing her. This was a lovely post!