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Tram Rescue, Part 2

Posted on Mon 3rd Jun, 2019 @ 5:44pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov & Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Makila i'Hartelhai & Teagan Keller

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Near Deck 730
Timeline: MD1, 1720
Tags: Ruth

Previously, during the rescue:

Adam smiled. "His name's Oscar and he's here to make sure we get to everyone." He snapped his fingers and gave a quick whistle. "Oscar come." The dog immediately followed. There was more debris to go through to get to the other car. Adam could see at least three other students with the nurse looking after them. He breathed a sigh when he heard Teagan call the dog.

"Oscar? Oscar! Come here, boy."

And now the continuation of the rescue ....

Tram Car 1

Moving around the debris, Adam made his way to the smaller group of girls that had been left behind. Teagan appeared to have injuries to her arm and forehead. "Hey munchkin." He touched her cheek. "You doing okay?" He was grateful when she nodded to him. "Good girl. Just a little longer."

There was another girl floating loose that appeared to have a head injury. Both were being tended to by two others. Adam assumed the older of the two was the nurse he'd been told of and directed his attention to her. "How is she doing?" He asked as he moved nearer to her.

Hissing through clenched teeth, Makila found the eyes of the rescuer to answer. The girl now had uneven pupils and was starting to speak in repetitive circles, forgetting what she'd just said. "She needs to be out of here and under the care of a neurosurgeon..."

"Are you the only four left in here?" he asked. "Are there any other injured in here?" Oscar was busy sniffing around. If there were any others, he would find them

He looked to Jin-kyung who had followed him through the debris to the tram car. "We need to transport these two directly to sickbay. Is there anything we need to do to get set up?" he asked. He had only basic first aid from being in the field but these children needed the right treatment. He was depending on the nurse to know what the girls needed medically.

"No, Sir, nothing to set up. We just contact sickbay, report what we have and request immediate beam out," Quinn answered.

"Hang on there, Speedy," Chief Tayang said. "That may be all from an engineering standpoint, but we have rescue protocols to follow." He tapped the controls on his CMU, moving toward the Vulcanoid nurse and her patient. "Sickbay, this is rescue one, do you copy?"

"Dhuro here. We copy," a brisk voice said over the comlink. "Report in, Rescue One."

Adam answered since the others were busy. "This is team one. We have two victims that need immediate medical attention. One is a thirteen year-old female with a head laceration and an apparent compound fracture. The arm is crooked and appears deformed. The other is a female of approximately the same age, in and out of consciousness. She's incoherent and her pupils are uneven. We have a medic on hand and a nurse."

"Copy that, Rescue One. Prep the head injury patient for immediate transport to Main Sickbay. Stabilize the other patient's fracture, and then beam her here, as well. We'll reduce here and proceed as needed. Can you identify either of the patients? Over."

"The arm injury is Teagan Keller. The head injury is not identified at the moment but is a student at St. Joan's Girl's School." Adam responded.

"Teagan Keller--I copy. We're ready for them, Rescue One. Over and out."

As soon as the injured were beamed out, Quinn said to the lieutenant, "I'd like to see the rest of you go, too, Sir. This is the more unstable car of the two, and it will take engineering some minutes to stabilize it completely." She knew other engineers would be bringing the proper equipment at any moment, and the fewer people inside, the better.

Tram Car 2

Alora scanned the area on her wrist mounted tricorder, it seemed like everything was holding but she wasn't sure for how long. She sent two members to shore up the tram while the rest carefully began to work their way through the injured, using their old field first aid knowledge and the knowledge of medical personnel with them to triage.

"Federation Rescue Team. Please stay still," she called. "We will be getting you out of here," she said confidently and with authority, as some of the kids, well some were teenagers but they were all kids to her, started to look around at them and move. She really didn't want to risk a shift in the tram if everyone moved at once. At least not until the shore-up repairs were complete. At least they confirmed the effect wasn't spreading.

The Corpsmen Chief Tayang had left behind spread out, exposing the goo-balls on the ends of the pattern enhancers they each carried, and sticking them in the corners of the tram compartment. They turned their attention to the passengers, giving each one a quick scan to verify there were no significant medical issues, then putting a transport button on their clothing and thumbing it to life. Soon, the car began emptying as cleared passengers vanished into sparkling light.

Artyom had been back on active duty for less than a few days when the call regarding a malfunctioned tram came in. He made his way to assist with the rest of the damage control team, and only upon arriving remembered just how disorientating it was to see the ground a considerable distance beneath him. Despite the fact that the station was artificial, he could distinctly feel the sensation of a breeze flapping against his uniform.

Closing his eyes, Artyom recalled a remedy for the vertigo he was experiencing. He opened his eyes again, focusing his attention on the beam in front of him before slowly letting his eyes wander up the track until he caught the tram. The tram was hanging clearly off at one section, and while largely evacuated there was still the distinct electric-blue shimmer that accompanied forms vanishing into energy. A young petty officer behind him carried a portable tractor beam array which they'd use to keep the tram from shaking further.

"Put that over there and start the alignment process, but do not activate a field until I have a chance to examine the damage." Artyom ordered the petty officer. The last thing he wanted to have happen was a sudden jolt of gravity-inducing pull, shaking the tram completely off of the rails. Technically, the tractor emitter could also be used to slow its decent... but depending on the damage it could have the opposite effect if not used properly. So far, the tram looked relatively stable, although there was some buckling in the front section as the cart grew lighter with each energizing beam. Artyom tapped his comm-badge. "Mikhailov to gravitic controller Beta-Four. Reinforce inertial dampeners around the tram by four units, incrementally at a quarter of a unit per minute. Let's see if we can stabilize."


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