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Something's Wrong

Posted on Sat 23rd Mar, 2019 @ 4:11pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

402 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Keller Quarters
Timeline: MD-1 1620


Jasmine sat on the floor playing blocks with her daughter while Oscar lay watching from his favorite spot at the foot of Adam's chair. Adam was quietly reading the reports from the day and planning for his upcoming sit in on the interrogation of the suspect that Security had in custody. The small family was awaiting one more member before eating dinner.

Leilani had crossed her second year and was busy doing two-year-old things. Jasmine was keeping her entertained with building blocks and storybooks. The ancient tales of Harry Potter seemed to be Lala's favorites. Keeping the child occupied and happy was easy for the moment because she was fresh from her nap.

Oscar bolted up from his napping, back rigid, tail tucked under. He was whimpering at first and then he was barking as he went from Adam to the door and back again as if he needed to go out in a hurry. His barking startled Lala which made her cry.

"Oscar! Enough!" Adam scolded. But the dog disobeyed and continued to pace and bark.

"Adam, something is wrong." Jasmine picked Lala up from the floor and hugged her to calm her crying. "Oscar is tuned in to the family. If we're all okay here. That means...."

"Teagan!" Adam tried not to panic at the sudden realization that his younger sister must be injured or in danger.

"You think something's happened? I mean she isn't due home for another few minutes, right?"

"Yeah, but I've never seen the dog act that way before." He paced back and forth and then stopped at the console outside the den. "Computer, locate Teagan Keller. She should be leaving Saint Joan's School for girls."

"Teagan Keller is on car 1 of Tram 241." The computer responded flatly.

"Okay, so she should be home soon." He sighed.

"Tram 241 has been locked down after indications of an impact. Medical and Security teams are responding."

Turning to his Jasmine who was already nodding in agreement, "I've gotta go. You call Wyatt and let him know what's going on." He grabbed his jacket and hurried toward the door. "I'll let you know something as soon as I know."

"Go, go. I'll be waiting for news."

"Oscar, come!" Adam thought bringing the dog might be helpful. The Akita was strong, smart, and brave. He'd been trained in emergency situations and 'the gods forbid' he was also trained in recovery.



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Comments (1)

By on Mon 1st Apr, 2019 @ 10:21am

I love the way you tied the family in! This was just perfect!