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Do Big Eyes See More?

Posted on Sat 23rd Mar, 2019 @ 8:44pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

964 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Astrometrics Lab, Deck 82
Timeline: MD 2, 1300

Anthony McCabe walked into astrometrics, finished his lunch soda, and tossed the cup in the recycler. His boss was standing in front of the holographic wall screen, which currently displayed the solar system of Earth.

"Commander, it's good to be working with you again. When you asked me to meet you here, you mentioned an idea you wanted to explore, so you've raised my curiosity." He nodded toward the screen. "Is that Jupiter you're looking at? Isn't it pretty well mapped out by now?"

"Astrometrics helps me relax." She inclined her head toward the screen, "Jupiter is the model I'm using to investigate the J class or Jovian planet if you prefer." She sighed. "Everyone is so caught up with the Besm that exploring the planet has been put on hold." She frowned. "I've been itching to send a probe and collect data but we'll have to explore at a distance." She didn't want to mention her nightmare. "I would really like the help and the company." She looked at Anthony and gave a hopeful smile. "If you've got the time."

"I've got the time! Honestly, I could use a break from the routine things I've been trying to keep organized. Did you say Besm?" he asked. "Is that what all the building is? They're kind of cute, with those big eyes, but what's going on? I must have missed the memo." He shook his head. "I need to get out more."

"Honestly, I'm not absolutely sure of the whole thing. But I'm anxious to introduce Lani to them." Jasmine smiled. "I want her to grow up knowing all about the diversity in the universe. My parents were very closed minded." Jasmine went back to her image of Jupiter. "So what do we know about all J class planets?" she asked out loud.

McCabe shrugged, "About as much as the next guy, I suppose. Astronomy isn't my field, but they're big, hydrogen and helium gas giants, lots of gravity, might have rings. Jupiter has all those moons, but I haven't seen that with this one. That's about it, I think. What important things am I missing?"

"Okay, we've got gas giant." Jasmine nodded. "Rings. I don't think our Jovian has any rings or satellites, at least that we've noticed." She kept her focus on the view of Jupiter. "Computer shrink the photo of Jupiter and put the long range scan of the Jovian planet next to it." She watched as a view of the two planets appeared side by side.

"Here, they both have metallic and rock cores." She shook her head. "I'd really like to get a closer look at this planet."

"Isn't there a small underground observation post?" Anthony asked after a moment of contemplating the two planets. Jupiter was more colorful, and it was stormy. What would walking the surface of the nearby planet be like? Was it something he yearned to do? Not really, but he also didn't find any reluctance to do so.

"I think we'd need suits or at least rebreathers," he added. "You think the Commodore would go for it? We're always using materials for the replicator and other systems, but my impression is that we've used what's readily available and there hasn't been much exploration. I don't suppose there's a record of any sentient life forms?"

"There have been suspicions of life forms suitable to Jovian planets. They'd have to be able to survive the gases, the volatile atmosphere, the frigid temperatures. But there are legends." She smiled. "I can't imagine they'd be completely corporeal though."

"Waifs ... no wraiths, that's it. Something with a boneless structure?" McCabe speculated. "I've always wanted a first contact, and maybe we can have that. Commander, you could yet make my xenobiology choice prove to be the right thing!"

He called up files on Jovian planets, his enthusiasm carrying him along. Muttering half to himself, he perused the data files available, even the most speculative ones. "Yes, yes, something like ... that would work ... far-fetched, I think ... hmmm, maybe ...."

Jasmine was as excited as Anthony as they played with different theories. "They could be wraith like or even similar to the Allasamorphs, light creatures with very little form, able to take on solid form away from their planet, perhaps even similar to what Earthers call angels."

"Oh, I like that!" Anthony said, pacing in front of the huge images of the now-forgotten planets. "Yes, it could explain a lot about our angels, if they were a form of life that began on a gas giant. People have described them as ethereal, but others have said they could touch them, and they felt solid."

He rolled his hands in a come-on-give-me-more way. "What other characteristics might they have? Could they be liquid? We define liquids as holding the shape of their container, but what if that isn't always true? Amoeba appear to move as liquids, and yet they have a shape, does that apply?" McCabe looked at his boss. "We have to get permission to do this. We have to search for them on the planet."

Jasmine smiled. She appreciated the enthusiasm but also knew they'd have to get others on board with the investigation. "Let's take it one step at a time," she said. "I'll get with the XO and put in a request to do a survey. We'll need a complete team. Engineering will have to modify a shuttle to withstand the intense pressures of the planet. There's a lot to do and we mustn't forget about the delegation that is on board. We'll be expected to keep them in consideration. I'm sure there will be the usual meetings, receptions, and other protocols." She reminded him, "We're scientists of course, but we are first and foremost Starfleet officers."



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