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In the Moments Before

Posted on Wed 27th Mar, 2019 @ 11:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

569 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1, 16:20

Alora was bent over a tricorder tinkering, a crewman walked by as she sat at a station in main operations, "I thought you were on break, Lieutenant?"

Alora smiled, glancing up, "I am, this is what I do to relax. Now shoo, I'm trying to see if I can get this to play, 'Oh Mickey,' some ancient Earth ear worm...."

Grinning, the crewman left the Lieutenant to her prank. She kept one eye on a readout screen that showed her routine repair calls as they came in and the small hub of ops dispatchers that kept the calls flowing to the right people. Like the Captain of any ship, it was Alora's job to keep the people and information moving effectively but that didn't always mean directly. She missed just fixing things; now most of her job was ensuring others did theirs and a lot of parenting, oddly enough. Personnel flowed to and fro and they went about their many duties.


In the Security Department, Kellian Michaels read the latest forensics lab audit and sighed. Three evidence specimens from the cold-case evidence inventory were unaccounted for. That was three too many, as far as Kellian was concerned.

"Computer, display cold case inventory results for the forensics lab audit just previous to the current one," he said aloud.

"Working," the computer said. "Cold case inventory shows three evidence specimens from cold-case evidence storage unaccounted for. They are..." The computer recited the specimen ID codes, and Kellian's brows twitched upward as his gaze traveled over the codes on his computer screen. The computer had named three specimens that were in cold-case evidence storage now--but had been missing then.

"Computer, on stardate 42430.3, give the locations of specimens Zathra-137, Waters-082, and Speake-0250."

"Named specimens were located in Zathra box #2, Waters box #1, and Speake box #2, respectively."

"Huh. Oh-kay....." Now why would someone remove evidence, then put it back, and remove more evidence? "Computer, produce logs of evidence room access for the past standard year, and download it to my computer," Kellian said. It sounded to him as if someone was trying to solve cold cases off book. He needed to look into that.


"So, if we resect the sclera, we see..." Doctor Chlamydia Addams was interrupted from her comparative anatomy discussion by the four-tone medical alert claxon ringing throughout the primary sickbay complex.

"Medical emergency," the computer's voice droned. "Medical emergency." After a moment, the computer's voice was silenced, and replaced by that of the triage corpsman at the front desk. "There has been an incident in the tramway near deck seven-three-zero. Potential mass casualties. First responders muster at deck seven-zero-zero tram station; triage and surgical personnel to stations. This is not a drill. This is not a drill."

Chlamydia looked up, shocked. Her child, Experiment Number Six, attended first grade on deck seven hundred, at St. Joan's School for Girls. "Computer, locate Experiment Number Six Addams!"

"Experiment Number Six Addams is currently located on deck 1554, within the American Village area of Tivoli Gardens," the computer replied.

The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and closed down the hologram she had been examining. "What are you all standing around with your mouths open for?" she asked the young doctors around her. "Hoping to catch flies? Shoo! You all have things to do, I'm quite certain!"

The younger doctors nodded, and scrambled for the door and their emergency response posts.


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