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Lessons and Training

Posted on Fri 1st Feb, 2019 @ 8:18pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

861 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Gymnasium Deck 44

"Maia has the baby for the afternoon right?" Adam asked as he led his wife from the turbo lift on deck 44 toward the gymnasium.

"Yes," Jasmine smiled. "The baby is in good hands. I even activated the holo-nanny in case Mai has any problems. She knows where we are if she needs us and I had just put Lani down for her nap. She should sleep for the next two hours." Jasmine wondered if Adam were in the right mind for this. He seemed agitated somehow.

Jasmine was dressed in a leotard with leg warmers and tennis shoes. Adam in his usual leggings and tunic wore leather wrappings on his feet like boots. He didn't like tennis shoes and his boots would injure jasmine or any other opponent he went up against during practice or lessons.

"If you're going to be working with Borg technology or going off station on missions, I'm going to make sure you're ready for it." He almost growled. "I can't prevent you from doing your job but I can make sure you're prepared for anything." He moved toward one area of the gymnasium where several mats covered the floor. "So let's start with a few warm-ups. We'll cover what everyone learns at the academy and work up from there." He smiled.

The pair faced each other on the mat. Adam wanted to see what his wife could and could not handle. He didn't want to harm her but he needed to be sure that she could defend herself against whatever she might come up against. Handing Jasmine a wooden dagger, he smiled. "You want to attack me first or ?" He hadn't got the words out when Jasmine grinned and attacked him. He was quick to dodge the attack and with his left leg outstretched, managed to trip his wife to the floor. Jasmine fell with a thud.

"Keep eyes on your opponent even after you make your move." He grinned. "But that was good, trying to get me off guard." He reached down to help her up.

Taking his hand, Jasmine went to lift herself up but instead yanked his arm pulling him down beside her. She quickly flipped her body over until she was sitting on his chest, her legs straddling him. Grinning at him, she leaned down and kissed his nose. Her victory was short-lived as Adam quickly got the upper hand and Jasmine was on her back with her arms pinned over her head. Adam smiling down at her smugly.

"You aren't half bad." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed her. "But that only makes you half good." He slid off of his wife and helped her stand. This time there were no games or counters. "Out there, they aren't going to kiss your nose or tap your thigh to get up." He pointed to the corner of the mat. "You have the moves. I want to see the aggression. I want you to fight like your life depends on it." He nodded. "You won't hurt me and I'll make sure I don't hurt you."

Jasmine nodded and as Adam approached her, she took a stance. The two tangled on the mats for several minutes. Jasmine put up a fight as if her life depended on it. Adam was right. She didn't hurt him and he was careful not to harm her but both were worn out, bruised, and well battered when they were done.

Both lay on the mats breathing heavily, out of breath and exhausted. "O-kay," Adam breathed. " this."

Jasmine smiled. Just as out of breath as her husband and probably a little sorer, she didn't really say anything but reached for his hand and held it tightly.

"Should we go again?" Adam asked. "Or have you had enough?" He teased her.

Jasmine smiled again. "I think I've had enough for the day. Besides, our daughter will be looking for us." She rolled over onto her side and lifted her head to rest on her elbow as she looked at her husband.

Adam nodded in agreement. Jumping up to his feet, he reached a hand down to assist Jasmine to hers. "Come on. We can finish our workout at home."

"Finish?" Jasmine was confused as she stood toe to toe with Adam. "I thought we were done?"

Adam smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek before whispering in her ear. "Yes, well I have a large amount of excess energy left and I'd like to expend it in a more 'intimate' way." He moved his arm around her waist and pulled her in toward him with a tug.

"Oh my, Lieutenant." Jasmine grinned as she looked up at Adam's eyes. "In that case, we should hurry home." She released herself from his arms and grabbed a towel. "Race you there." She laughed as she darted out the door.

Adam laughed as he grabbed his wife from behind and lifted her over his shoulder. "I'll just take you with me!" He carried her down the corridor and toward the turbo lift.


Lt CMDR Jasmine Collins-Keller
CMO - SB 109

Lt Adam Keller
Intel Officer - SB 109


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 1st Feb, 2019 @ 10:54pm

Ah, this was fun! I enjoyed read this, Lily. :)

By on Sat 2nd Feb, 2019 @ 5:07pm

Sweetly played. I liked that it got the point across - all of them - without too much detail. They do have a great relationship!