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Captain's Log

Posted on Fri 1st Feb, 2019 @ 12:52am by

408 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: CO's office, Starbase 109
Timeline: MD 1, 0800

Suzuki Hikari, Officer and Gentlesophant by the grace of god and act of the Federation Council, walked into her office. She was glad to be walking without a cane or brace, and mostly without a limp. She was, she thought, starting to get the hang of this job, as well. "Computer, change the main display to inner harbor view three." There was a chime of acknowledgement, and the large pseudo-window changed from an external view to an internal one, looking out over the large inner volume inside the station's "mushroom cap."

Suzuki's eyes sought out USS Falcon, and she sighed. She'd have to haggle with BuShips today about whether the injured bird would be going to the repair yard, or the breaker's yard. But first... "Computer, record."

The acknowledgement chimed again, and she began speaking. "Captain's log, Captain Suzuki, Officer Commanding Starbase One-Zero-Niner. Stardate 73084.1. The personnel of USS Falcon have been treated by station medical. Mention in dispatches for all base medical staff, as well as Falcon's emergency medical hologram. All personnel who survived to reach the station continue to live, and though two remain in critical condition, Doctor Addams assures me that they will live and play the piano again." Suzuki shook her head, remembering the odd conversation with the decidedly odd doctor. She still wasn't sure what musical performances had to do with anything, but the doctor seemed confident.

"Meanwhile, pirate attacks continue. They mostly stay clear of the immediate system, where our fighters can easily patrol, though even that has been tested. Disney's VP and local honcho, Leah Jamison, declined my offer of transport off-station, for the moment, though I continue to get daily nastygrams from her." Suzuki sighed. She'd have to clean up the informal language before sending the report off.

"One bit of good news: The Besm engineers have finished reworking the decks included in their enclave, and I understand that the colonists will begin to arrive Thursday. I am given to understand that the surviving Winter sisters, though no longer with Starfleet, will be among the colonists, and that news gives me great personal pleasure, and more than a soupçon of guilt." And that, she thought, was the Doctor talking, interjecting French words without any particular rhyme or reason.

"Computer, end recording. Save log for later editing and amendments." The computer chimed again, and Suzuki sighed, turning toward her desk and the masses of things she needed to accomplish that morning.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 2nd Feb, 2019 @ 5:04pm

Oh my heart goes pitty-pat to think of seeing the Winter Sisters again, even in reduced force. Yay! Riko will come out of hiding, too.