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Sometimes, When You Push Someone (II)

Posted on Thu 28th Feb, 2019 @ 12:13am by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

512 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Intelligence Department, Interview Room 1
Timeline: MD 1, 1350

Isabella focused her attention in on Damion. "Damion, got any favors you can cash in to find out more about our guest?"

"The ring was a weapon." Adam reminded the others. "I highly doubt that there'd be any sentimental attachment to it or whomever embedded it into her finger." He suggested. "It was laced with poison and could have destroyed her if anything went wrong. I would think coercion before sentiment."

"So would I," Damion agreed, "but I've also seen people do all manner of unusual things to their own bodies, for a variety of reasons. Still, she doesn't seem the body-mod type, even though I've been told she favored unusual hair dye a decade or so back." He smiled at Isabella. "I suppose you could call that a favor I cashed in."

"Wasn't there a case on the Enterprise years ago where a young Acamarian proved to be genetically altered to poison those who had massacred her tribe? She didn't age, but if she touched the right person, he or she would die within minutes?" Adam thought out loud. It wasn't so much that he believed this was happening now, but it could speak to the woman's motivation. "Passion or vengeance would also make a suitable motive."

"I don't know that passion had anything to do--" Damion's PADD chimed and blinked with an alert notice. He tapped its screen and read. "That was fast. Oh, this is getting interesting." He passed the device to Adam. "I analyzed video footage taken by Ms. Lantz's AI staff the night our Ms. Alegari ate dinner at Orchids and Jazz. Images were taken from several different positions, and they brought up something interesting. Alegari ate by herself, but she was looking at another guest in the restaurant--an Aenar. He came onboard the station under the name Ah'ras Nelet. But there's a curious thing about this Mr. Nelet--he doesn't look like himself. I ran a comparative analysis, and the gentleman dining here doesn't look at all like his identity images from Andoria. I put in a query to them. Ah'ras Nelet was found dead in the northern regions of Andoria a month ago--cause unknown."

Andrew frustratingly gave a small smile, "Typical. Any new information about these investigations seems to bring new questions with it. The Aenar are known for their telepathic abilities. Perhaps they were using some sort of clandestine signals to communicate from across the room without appearing to be cohorts," adding, conceding the jump in logic, "Assuming they were working together at all."

Adam looked at the footage again and then replayed it one more time. "You don't make that much eye contact with someone if you don't know them somehow." He inclined his head just slightly at the frozen picture in front of them. "But does anyone else think that she looks scared..not just nervous but scared?"

"Yes," Damion said. "She's hiding it well, but I agree with you. She does look scared. Like someone who's caught in a trap. I just hope she'll let us help her get out of it."


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