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Posted on Wed 7th Nov, 2012 @ 12:04am by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Commander Brian Windsong

3,203 words; about a 16 minute read

Timeline: Current

Cara was nervously putting the last touches of a dinner together. She had invited Brian over to spend some time with her and Jessi. She didnt want him to feel pressured, they had gone into it originally with the intention that it was pretty much a one night stand but she wasnt sure she wanted to give him up. She also knew she needed to be fully honest with him about something that may run him off altogether.

Brian, with Wicker leading him approached Cara's quarters. He wasn't sure about what she wanted, wasn't even clear about what he wanted. He knew that he wanted something beyond the physical, a relationship with true intimacy and romance. Could she give it to him perhaps, he didn't know. The one that he kept thinking about was Sam, but he wasn't even sure whether she liked him, much less LIKED him.

Wicker stopped suddenly and sat down. He almost tripped over her. He recovered quickly however and rang the chime to her quarters. Running to the door Jess opened it and said shyly "Hi Commander Windsong ... " Looking down at the dog she gaped in awe "Can I touch her?"

Brian smiled, "Of course, she likes the attention. It's okay, she won't Smiling she knealt down and patted her as Cara came to the door. "Hi Bri ... Hi Wicker." Cara sent him an offer to help him in the door while Wicker was occupied with Jess.

Brain walked over to he. Unsure of exactly what kind of greeting he should give, he kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Hi Cara, thanks for having me. What is the occassion?"

Cara kissed him on his cheek in return with a smile "I had some news to tell you ... and wanted to see how you were and ask you something."

Brian found a place to sit. "Well I am recovering, though it can be rough sometimes, but I am doing better. What about you?"

Better ... once I let go it only took a day or so to get back to normal ... it was more mental than physical for me." She sat opposite him and saw Jess was still occupied with Wicker "I dont know which to talk about first to be honest."

"Well just start at the begining that is usually the best."

Taking a deep breath she nodded "Thats a ways back then ... Ok first of all ... I should let you know that I have been made the new XO."

"First congratulations, second I have time, it is probably better if you tell me everything."

She nodded again with a smile "Ok well it goes back to when I graduated the academy ... You know Dev and I go back a long way? Well we went through the academy together and he pushed me to get my stuff togehther and eventually graduate in the top two percent. Unfortunately that brought me to the attention of some off the books starfleet people who wanted to get their hands on a telepath that they could ... modify."

"Modify? How and with or withut your permission?"

Without my permission and at a genetic level ... which is illegal in starfleet ... its how I was able to do what I did to help you ... they made all my senses hyper and increased my telepathy and abilities."

A grim expression crossed Brian's face, "Are those men either behind bars or dead? Because if not I can help you with the dead part." His voice was calm and devoid of emotion, he was she could tell, deadly serious.

"One is dead ... we caught up with him when we rescued Jess and a whole lot of kids that were being held with her ... there are two more doctors and a spook still at large." She relaxed the tight hold she had kept on herself while she was worried about his reaction. "Dev and I could do with some help making the three of them permanently dead."

Brian smiled, a wicked smile, "Well as a Starfleet officer, I could neither condone or partcipate in such a venture, but then again, I'm not in uniform now am I? Akadians are known for their exprtise in more than just making love. In fact we are so good at intrigue, we were thinking of making it an export."

Cara smirked "Well I can vouch for the love making expertise ... Perhaps I can barter for your intrigue expertise?" She winked at him flirting.

Brian really wasn't sure about Cara, whether he wanted a relationship with her. It wasn't that he didn' care for her, he did, but he wasn' t sure if he could love her in the same fashion that she loved him. But he was a man and an Akadian at that and when they made love their was a connection that was both emotional and physical.

"Well one good turn deserves another as they say."

"Definitely ... but Bri? You can tell me to tone down the flirting if you need me to." She could feel he was uncomfortable about something and hoped he would feel safe enough to tell her what.

"There is no doubt that I am attracted to you and when we are in bed together there is a connection that is more than physical, and trust me the physical is pretty damn good. It's just that I am getting to the point in my life that I am tired of just the physical, I want a relationship.

I just don't know if you're the one I want that relationship with. I am not trying to be unkind or hiurt you, nor am I even saying its not you. I'm just saying I don't know and I don't want to lead you on."

Cara smiled and took his hands opening her shields to him to let him see what she was feeling "I'm attracted to you, alot ... but I also know that that doesnt mean that you will be or that you will want to settle down with someone who has a daughter ... I'd like to try if you do as well ... but its up to you."

As an answer he leaned in and kissed her gently.

She smiled kissing him back before chuckling and pulling away at Jess's moan of "Moooommm..."

Grinning now at Brian she asked "Anything in particular you feel like eating?"

"You mean other than you?"

Blushing slightly she nodded with a laugh "Yep ... you can have me for dessert."

"Well,"he said after giving her a second deeper kiss,"You know what they say. You should eat dessert first."

"True ..." Pulling away from the kiss she looked for Jess who had made herself scarce with Wicker and then dove back into the kiss with a nod.

"Should we wait till Jess is asleep?"

Leaning her head on his shoulder she nodded reluctantly "I'd love to say no ... but I dont want Jess to feel unwanted ... besides I think she was hoping to get your help on a homework assignment."

"Sure I can help her with that, what does she need?"

"Their teacher asked for her to find an interesting job and then write about it ... She thought of yours."

He quirked a brow at her, "Well thinking back over the last 72 hours, I don't know a more interesting job."

Cara grinned "That's what I thought ... Minus the bloodshed."

Jessie had come over to them with her PADD for school "Is it ok?" She bit her lip cutely.

'Of course," Brian said, patting the seat next to him, "You can have a seat here if you'd like."

Climbing up beside him she looked confused as to whether to hand him the PADD before saying with childlike honesty "You can borrow my eyes if you like ... Wicker says yours dont work so good."

He smiled at her, taking in stride that she could talk with his dog. "Sure that would be a help if I could."

Nodding she held a mental hand out like Cara was teaching her.

Cara sat next to them with a look of pure surprise on her face.

Brian reached out to her telepathically and after a moment made the connection so he could see through Jess's eyes. "Thank you Jess, let's take a look at the PAdD."

"Your welcome." She relaxed into his touch which was different and the same to her mom's both were very careful with her. "The teacher wants us to do an ... ex .. po .. se? of what it is like to be in a particular role and how they fit in with the rest of the station?"

He scanned the PAdD for a moment relishing in the ability to see, "Wow, thanks Jess. You have no idea how good this feels. Now tell me what exactly you want to know."

"What makes a good diplomat?"

"You have to have an open mind for starters, yet at the same time be able to not just believe every story you've heard. Not everyone is truthful and there are others who think they are, but are just spouting the party line or trying to get the best deal for their side."

Sitting back watching them Cara had a wistful smile on her face that she couldnt quite hide when he looked up.

Jess was making notes as he talked "What if both are lying?"

"Then your job is to get to the truth. It helps if you're a telepath makes it easier to read their thoughts and know what they are really thinking, but anyone can be trained to observe cues, or tells, body languge to determine whether someone is lying. But the short answer to your question is you have to confront them about it and let them know that you know."

"Is that why they dont like telepaths?"

"Not just telepaths, but anyone who will confront them, but there is something you need to be very careful of. You don't want to intrude on someone else's thoughts without their permission or a very good reason. It is... it impolite for one thing, its invading their privacy and its not a good thing.

You should be especially careful. I am Akadian, I am supposed to be a telepath you're not."

She nodded then sent very quietly to him so Cara wouldnt pick it up ~Is that why you hold back with Momma? Because of me?~She could tell he liked her and couldnt understand why he held back.cShe sent him an apologetic feeling.

~Oh no dear one, not at all. What happens or doesn't happen between your mom and me has nothing to do with you. I'm just well. confused right now as to who I want date or be with. And one more thing regardless of what happens or doesn't happen with me and your mom, I will be here to protect you.~

Leaning into him she nodded ~Promise? One of the starfleet officers said I was an 'bomination ... he got shot so no one knew momma took us.~

~I promise Jess. and no matter what anyone says, you are not a bominaton or anything else bad. You let me know if anyone here calls you any names and I'll deal with them myself. It's okay to be different Jess. I am different and it doesn't matter what people think about me.~

Smiling she relaxed and kissed him on the cheek ~Thank you. And your not different ... your nice.~

~Thanks, now we better get to work on the report or your momma is going to want to know why.~

Giggling she went back to talking out loud "Why are diplomats so important to peace?"

"Diplomats keep everybody talking. Smetimes there are hotheads or reactionaries on one side or the other and sometimes both. Diplomacy is used to cool things off and help resolve disputes instead of going to war. At the same time, a diplomat has to be able to judge when people are serious about talking and when they are just stalling to build up their forces."

Nodding she asked "The last thing the teacher wants us to ask is ... What training do you have to do to be a diplomat?

"Good question. I was pretty much raised to do it my whole life. When other kids were fighting with each other they came to me to help them resolve their disputes. Seeing both sides of an issue just came naturally to me. The Acdemy offered some courses, I took Hostile Species Negoiations there, and I took some classes at Standford University."

Finding it really interesting she asked "How does that differ from the Negotiations course Momma took in the marines?"

"I'm not sure since I don't know what your momma actually learned, but I think, based on what I know about Marines that their negoiations are, emm, rather shorter than what I was taught."

Coming back into the room Cara laughed at that "Mostly yeah ... I still need to have a negotiation with a certain acquaintance of yours and explain how his behaviour might be considered inappropriate."

"And which acquantance would that be? I know so many that might have inappropiate behavior."

"Kale and I need to have a little ... talk ... about appropriate behaviour."

"Yes, well Kale has alot of crimes to answer for. He and my brother are lovers and they are the ones for what happened to Morgan and me."

Cara nodded "I'm more than happy to deal with them for you ... obviously your brother needs a lesson in manners too."

"What my brother and his boyfriend need is more of a permanent solution. I am afraid and I am not prepared to drag you into that sitaution."

'You didnt hun ... he did ... If you tell me to back off I will but you dont need to to keep me safe."

"I'm not protecting you from him, I am portecting you from Star Fleet. Are you sure you sure you want to involve yourself in something like that? It's going to be strictly off the books and could draw undue attention to yourself."

Taking the time to really think about the repercussions if she was found out she looked at Jessie and then at Brian then nodded "Yes. Worst case scenario I leave starfleet and Jessie and I disappear on Arkadia ... which has no extradition laws."

"Yes well then as soon as I can get leave and get to Akadia I am going to start the serach... And thankyou Cara."

"You dont have to thank me love ... Even if we only end up friends I would still do this for you because its important to you."

"Thanks," he replied and gave he a kiss that was only innocent because Jess was standing by watching.

She grinned "Your welcome love. Now I believe I promised dinner ... Anything you like in particular?"

"No I am not picky. As long as it isn't brussel sprouts I'm good."

Chuckling she said "Pork roast sound ok then? Beans, carrots and crunchy potatoes ... Jess hates brussel sprouts too."

"That sounds like a great plan."

"Ok ... you two sit up and I'll grab the dinner ... Apple sauce and gravy for you Bri?" She smiled feeling relaxed and almost like it was a normal night in for a family but had to shake herself mentally knowing she had to let him pick his mate. She couldnt help what they had done to her but she wouldnt force the effects of it on him.

"Yeah, I'd love that and, and thanks for dinner I know its going to be really good. I am sorry, I should have brought something for dessert."

"Your welcome ... and its fine ... Hopefully you like chocolate?" She had an awesome recipe for homemade double chocolate fudge cake.

"No I don't like chololate, I'm sorry," he said "I don't like it, I LOVE it."

She laughed at that after her face had got a worried look "You tease ... just for that I should give Jessie the bigger slice ..." Her voice danced with laughter letting him know she was teasing back.

He stuck his tongue out at her. Part teasingly and part teasingly in an entirely different way that Cara would get, but Jess would not.

Cara felt herself warm inside and a part of her growl 'Mine ... pack' even as she tried to clear her throat without looking like he was making her all hot and bothered in a good way. Grabbing the platter of meat she brought it and the vegetables to the table before grabbing the apple sauce and gravy. The plates were already on the table and she smiled that Brian was making use of Jessies eyes still so that he could dish food up for himself and making sure Jessie took at least a couple of vegies. "What are family bonds like on Akkadia Brian?"

"Well we have a rather different approach to family on Akadia. Those who love each other and want to commit to each other are considered to be family

Nodding at that she asked "Is there more than one type of committment?"

"Yes there is. We have marrige or partnerships and then there is what we bonding. We can only have three bondmats for life and it is a true, lifetime commitment. Though even in those we usually take a much more relaxed attitude towards sex than most other races."

Nodding she thought about her feelings for him and the discussion she had had with Dev and shifted to mental ~Would you be upset if I was to tell you something?~

~I' don't thingk so, what did you need to tell me?~

~You know I love you ... and the sex is amazing ... but ... Would you be upset if I told you part of me sees you in the same way I see Dev?~

Brian slowly shook his head, ~No that doesn't bother me. I have been thinking alot about Sam, and while I care for you too, that makes it easier for me. I am really looking for one person to really settle down with.~

She smiled at him ~Me too ... I will always be here if you need me though ... no matter what.~

~Thank you and I will be there for you too. I will especially be there for Jess, if you will let me.~

~I would like that ... she already sees you as an Uncle.~

~Good I don't want to abandon her. She has been through too much already.~

"Your a good man Brian Windsong and Samantha is lucky to have you." Cara grinned and gave him a hug.

Brian retuned the hug,"You are a good woman and Dev is lucky to have you as well."

"You and Dev will always be my family no matter what ..." She teased "I might have to add in Sam and Nyx to the family but I think I can cope."

"Sounds like an Akadian famly now."

"Yeah we probably are ... linked together by bonds that are more than partners ... You and Dev resonate as 'pack' or family to me ... and if Im honest then Nyx and Sam do as well."

Brian nodded but didn't say anything more.


Lt.Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Major Cara Treia


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