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Posted on Fri 16th Nov, 2018 @ 9:53am by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion

Kellian Michaels leaned against the poker table and mulled over the cards in his hand: a jack and a ten in different suits, a two, a five, and a seven. Pitiful.

As Andrew parted ways from his discussion with Eddie and pondered heading to the ceremony but his eyes fell on a table that was only half capacity. Recognizing one of the players, he grinned to himself and changed direction to take a seat at the table. Sitting down next to Lt. Michaels, he asked, "How are the cards treating you?"

"Hey, Andrew," Kellian said with a wave. "Lousy." He made a face and waited for his turn to discard and draw. "I'm half-tempted to fold, except the only way this hand can go is up. I'll see what I draw." He, obviously, was only playing to pass the time before the awards ceremony; otherwise, he'd have been far more discreet about his hand. "Been a while since I last saw you. What've you been up to lately?"

He grinned, "Well that's one way to look at it. I hope you haven't dug too much of a hole this evening. It is supposed to be fun after all," as the dealer readied, Andre continued, "I've been bouncing back and forth between upgrading defenses and coordinating with the Captain about this pirate situation, " shaking his head, "Crazy situation. What about yourself?"

"Dealing with people smuggling all sorts of bizarre things onto this station--including tribbles, contraband Romulan ale, and nastier things. I blame Disney," Kellian said with a wry smile. "Suddenly, this station is a happening place, which makes it attractive to smugglers. So what's up with the pirates?"

Andrew smiled in agreement, "Seems like a good place to lay blame to me. And not that I have any say in it, but maybe keep confiscating Romulan Ale lower on the list of priorities. Just a suggestion. And unfortunately I don't think the pirate situation will be going away any time soon. I've been looking into coordinating with nearby ships and starbases to see if we can come up with a little more coordinated effort to put a stop to it. We should be deploying some extra perimeter defenses as an early warning system for the Starbase shortly, "Don't want to get caught with our pants down if the these Pirates decide to move to bigger targets."

"I like the idea of extra perimeter defenses," Kellian agreed. "As for Romulan ale--it is mostly off the sensors, far behind the remat detonators. Whoever's bringing them in is who we really want to stop."

"Has there been any progress on that front?" Andrew asked, instinctively in a quieter tone.

"We have one person of interest," Kellian said. "We don't think he's the one smuggling the things here, but we think he might know who is. He's very cagey, though, and he's never where we've been led to think he will be. We're always one step behind, and we're trying to figure out how to get a step ahead of him." Now he lowered his own voice. "His name is Qunten Mudd."

Raising his eyebrow at the name mentioned, vaguely recognizing it but couldn't pinpoint why, "I can't say I'm too familiar. If you need any assistance coordinating or tracking any ships in the area that you think may lead to his whereabouts, let me know. Has he been aboard recently?"

"Isabella thinks he's been here, and with the way our population has been growing over the past few months, it wouldn't surprise me," Kellian said. "I'll forward what we've got along to you." He folded his poker hand as the dealer asked the players to make their bets. "Are you planning to attend the awards ceremony?"

Andrew nodded in understanding, "Thanks. I'll see what I can dig up," deciding to play a hand, Andrew made a modest bet as the action went around the table, "I'm still contemplating it. I'm sure it will be entertaining, "shrugging, "I'll play it by ear. If I'm on a hot streak, it'll be hard to leave. What about you?"

"I'm a sucker for classical music," Kellian said, "even if it's played by a Marine band. I'll at least go for that and to congratulate Wellington and whoever else receives awards. I'll come back and look you up once the ceremony ends. I'm sure they'll have some kind of hors d'oeuvres or at least cake afterward."

Andrew nodded, "Nothing wrong with that. Fill me in if you see me afterwards. I'll probably be wandering around looking to share my congrats with Wellington."

"I'll be looking for the cheese tray," Kellian said with a wry smile. "Good to see you, Andrew. If you ever want to catch a tetraball game sometime, let me know."

Andrew smiled, "Likewise. And once this whole priate situation dies down, I'll take you up on that offer."


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