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Security Officer's Log: Diplomatic Headaches

Posted on Tue 24th Jan, 2017 @ 9:01pm by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
Edited on Sun 29th Jan, 2017 @ 7:59am

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Acting Chief Security Officer's Log - Encrypted

I shouldn't even be taking the time to write this, because I have so much to do. But it's either write this or ram my fist through a bulkhead, so, yeah, I'll write this.

We have slightly over 24 hours before 135 members of three diplomatic delegations show up on Vanguard. You heard that right: 24 freaking hours to do prep work that usually takes 2-4 weeks! What idiot (supposedly) planned this?

To-Do List
* Hold briefing with Security department. We will all be on-call 24/7 this week.
* Determine physical needs of Emorites, Caliburnites, and Federation Ambassador's staff, and determine how we can meet them and how they can be compromised. Both planetary races are virtually identical. Makes it easier, even though they are semi-aquatic. (Study LCARS. Meet w/Addams or get a report from her.)
* Coordinate with Marines and Logistics/Ops. regarding security needs for delegates' quarters and meeting rooms. (Meet w/Shepard.)
* Do threat and risk assessments. (Meet w/Dal, maybe also Graves?)
* Meet with advance security teams from the three delegations. Do a sweep of meeting rooms, delegates' quarters, and everything in between, including turbolifts and tram. Find out their weapons capabilities.
* Sweep the Promenade in 24 hours? Haha; you're very funny! Just shoot me now. 100 crowded decks. Probably going to have to rely on personal bodyguards to be alert if diplomats go shopping. Will put extra security or Marine staff there when possible.
* Work out rotation schedules for at least a week. (Meet w/station security, Marines, and delegations' security.)
* Study the etiquette. (Meet w/Dal or have her send a list of do's and don'ts.)
* Who is in charge of Tactical? It would be nice to know. I didn't see anyone at the staff meeting. Joy!
* Adm. Dobbs will be here but wants to stay under radar. His happy butt might well be on its own. One person per shift is all I can spare to monitor his safety, and maybe not even that.

Okay, I feel a bit less stressed now. Ha! No, not really.

LT(jg) Kellian Michaels


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