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Chief Surgeon's Log - Aquatic Species

Posted on Wed 8th Feb, 2017 @ 2:39am by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD

234 words; about a 1 minute read

I've received my marching orders, and they are to learn all I can about two aquatic species who are, thankfully, so similar in anatomy that I suspect one group must be an offshoot of the other--and a relatively recent offshoot, too. Either that, or the offshoot species has been living for a long time on a world remarkably similar to its original homeworld.

But I digress. I'm having to familiarize myself with the use of modern aquatic life-support equipment and trauma management techniques, which is something I haven't covered since my student days at Starfleet Medical. I've got to learn this stuff like the back of my hand so I can train the surgical staff--all of whom are younger than I and thus surely have better and more recent memories of their med school training than I have. I've also got to make sure the anesthesiologists are trained on their specific equipment. Thank the Prophets that this is a starbase with an exhaustive medical library.

In other news, we've replicated sufficient batches of the silicone compound and distributed them to the Marine forces to see if they can find all of our little electricity-eating parasites and send them to where all good little parasitic life-forms go when they've outstayed their welcome. I pray the stuff will work. The chemistry's solid. It worked in computer models. *wry look*

Lt. Dhuro Lanis, MD
Chief of Surgery


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