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Chief Counselor's Log: Too Bright for Our Infirm Delight

Posted on Wed 11th Jan, 2017 @ 5:52am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Wed 11th Jan, 2017 @ 9:01pm

306 words; about a 2 minute read

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However Lt. Michaels' mother died, it was decidedly not in a car wreck; it was far worse than that. And he did see every moment of it--and still does, if I am any capable judge.

I would very much like to unfeel that. Michaels probably would, too.

The curious thing? 'Mother deceased from automobile accident' is exactly what is in his personal history from the initial psych report written about Michaels when he entered Basic Training--which makes me question everything in his psych file now except his service record. That's a long time for a lie to be in place. What is going on here? Why would someone murder his mother? It was murder; he knows it. I can feel how very profoundly he knows it.

I need some jestral tea--at least a gallon of it.

So...treatment options? I'll try the 'Lie to Me' method for now, as it seemed to work well. Later on, I might try hypnosis with him. If I can get Michaels to the point of regarding the trauma with some emotional distance, he might be able to confront it once the feelings are not as raw as they are now.

I need to talk to someone about this, but if he weren't my patient, Michaels is the person I would ask for advice.

Perhaps I could discuss it discreetly with Drake? Ha! It would at least be a way to have a conversation with the man. Too bad I can't just get Drake plastered and interrogate him thoroughly while he's shit-faced.

Ethics--they're so annoying. Anyway, probably a bad idea, really, to take up Drake's time with this, tempted though I am. I can likely get initial information through the computer. I'll try that first.

Lt. Paul Graves PsyD
Chief Counselor


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