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Posted on Mon 20th May, 2013 @ 11:58am by Colonel Horatio Drake

511 words; about a 3 minute read

When the inhabitants of Earth started space exploration in earnest, they were desperately trying to slowly drag themselves out of a very dark and violent past. The exploration brought new horizons and perspective to Earth, within two hundred years the planet would become a utopia. But still, stains remained of this dark past... hard to see, but there nevertheless.
What makes someone evil? Are they born that way? Is it because of their upbringing? Has one incident happened that has changed their entire outlook on life? Perhaps they're not evil and just pragmatic... doing what needs to be done for the betterment of the human race; surely it was a famous Vulcan who said, 'the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few?'.

Irrespective of this, whatever happened to Adrian Dobbs to make him evil, will remain with him and him alone. His career in Starfleet was a dazzling one, to say the least. From day one he had a fascination with pushing the boundaries of medicine and science, as we knew them. Some of the discoveries and revelations that he made have helped thousands of people live better lives... some just to live. He was a hero in the scientific community at a very young age. But when the Dominion War was looming and Starfleet was calling for soldiers and not scientists, he put down his tricorder and picked up a phaser rifle. He fought with some of the best Starfleet has to offer, from security detachments on details to Marine Ground Forces on the front line. He commanded starships and saved lives. Was this the true Adrian Dobbs? Or was this just an excuse to kill indiscriminately? The evil manifesting itself into physical form? Again... the answer to this will remain with him and him alone.

It was Captain Picard who spoke the infallible words, 'With the first link the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably'. How many freedoms had Adrian Dobbs trampled on? Was this sacrifice worth it? Are we all blackened by what he did, for allowing it to go on unchecked? Should we have known? Of course the age old question should now be asked, 'should we be using his research despite the means of how it was obtained?'. It makes me laugh that this question is forever asked about countless people... we always use the research but we are afraid to answer the question with an affirmative yes.

Alas, so very few people will know the truth about Adrian Dobbs. Starfleet cannot afford, at this time, to tarnish the reputation of such a hero. A cover story has been made about his retirement from active service and all officers involved in the investigation have been sworn to secrecy. I know two things though... he is still alive and we will see him again.



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