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Chief Counselor's Log - Lt. Lawrence

Posted on Thu 31st Jan, 2013 @ 4:19am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

265 words; about a 1 minute read

There is a saying that the people from Earth have: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

By that criterion, Lt. Lawrence must be the dullest man alive. I'm amazed he passed the initial psych exams at Starfleet, and I'm quite concerned about him.

He tells me he wants to make Admiral someday. For that, he needs social skills, needs to know how to befriend the brass and the men. He hasn't a clue how to do either; he doesn't even pal around with his own family. I cannot imagine sitting at a pub, drinking pints with the man and talking about sport or women. I don't think he ever fully relaxes.

I don't know what to make of his assertion that he has worn a powdered wig since age ten and that only the first couple of days after he began wearing it were 'awkward' at his school. Even on Betazed, where bullying is minimal because everyone's an empath, it still happens at times. I can't imagine anything but that his childhood on Earth must have been a living hell. And yet I did not sense untruth from him. Either he was being completely straightforward, wants to believe it that much, or he has the best shields I have ever encountered.

Between me and the wall, I would like to see him monthly. Because he's not on disciplinary sanction and has no pertinent medical justification, I cannot require him to see me. But I hope he will. Something is just not right. What is he afraid of?

End Log.


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